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Writing’s on the wall for the Dark Angels in Psychic Awakening. Looks like we’ll get one primaries character, C:SM Combat Doctrines, Litanies, core stratagems, and then a Super Doctrine, a unique Discipline, one unique litany, and some additional unique stratagems pushing the primaries narrative forward.
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I predict Deathwing Aggressors, either via a stratagem or datasheet. Basing this off BA Death Company Intercessors :smile.:

i dont think i will ever pay 1CP to just give Inner circle to a unit that can do their job remaining in Greenwing


i am more interested in litanies, doctrines and so on and to see which DA SC will cross the Rubicon Primaris

Maybe it'll come with +1A and +1 Ld and we won't otherwise get a Veteran Intercessors.


EDIT: My money was originally on Ezekial going Primaris as he's (ironically for the Keeper of the Keys) a member of the less rabid faction of the Inner Circle and if there was one person to trust would keep all the secrets regardless of surgery it's the Keeper of the Keys. I'm less certain now because two Chief Librarians getting Rubicon'ed seems unlikely. Maybe Sapphon makes a return to the table or we get a fresh, new face?

At least, should we get something OTHER than bone intercessors, it will be fun. As it will break with the trend for other codices. Still, getting inner circle on any squad feels like a waste, IMHO. I'd much rather take a +1A, and even then... mmm, I'm not sure if it would be worth it.


Maybe if it was paired with a litany that allowed for better movement on the squad?


I predict Deathwing Aggressors, either via a stratagem or datasheet. Basing this off BA Death Company Intercessors :smile.:

i dont think i will ever pay 1CP to just give Inner circle to a unit that can do their job remaining in Greenwing


i am more interested in litanies, doctrines and so on and to see which DA SC will cross the Rubicon Primaris



Could we maybe get an extra +1 CP by forgoing Inner Circle on our squads?? :teehee:

What if we saw Belial go through the Rubicon and replace his termie armour with gravis (heresy yes but...) he then is equipped with a teleport thingy that allows himself and another unit of deathwing gravis to teleport onto the battlefield.... I'd take that all day!


Deepstriking aggressors rerolling hits... Yes please

What if we saw Belial go through the Rubicon and replace his termie armour with gravis (heresy yes but...) he then is equipped with a teleport thingy that allows himself and another unit of deathwing gravis to teleport onto the battlefield.... I'd take that all day!


Deepstriking aggressors rerolling hits... Yes please


If GW were planning to release Primaris units with different rules they would have done it along the 8.5 SM codex.

I'd rather have new characters than primarised old ones. So far all these conversions kinda go against "this is very dangerous procedure" stuff. Belial still looks quite good, and I don't want to see him Garadon-ed :biggrin.:

Sapphon or captain Lazarus as the new SC would be great IMO. Or just a new primaris, not converted from a space marine.

The DC intercessors are rumored to be an elite datasheet, entirely possible that all gravis armor might become deathwing. As for primaris characters I can 100% see them introducing Master Lazarus from the WD article. Other than that it's up in the air, I think the Space Corgi supplement will give hints on what to expect from GW. Doctrines and litanies is 100% yes. As far as super doctrines go it's difficult to nail down a concept beyond "the plasma guys" in devastator or tactical doctrine when I'd like to see a little superdoc love for DW and RW. 


reserving judgement till the sweet sweet leaks that sustain my being are revealed. 

I think at the least one gravis unit will get the Bone treatment as its own datasheet, most likely aggressors, with some kind of stat boost (+1A?) to go alongside the useless keyword. I’m basing this off of the fact they elected to have Primaris Death Company be a data sheet rather than a CP upgrade.

My Friday morning wild speculation...


- CA2019 give us litanies and SM parity next week...


- DA HH/30k book released finally laying out the Hexagammatron (rival to Robutes codex right?)


- HH Lion released alongside the Primarch novel



- DA get left until late in the PA cycle,


- The Lion returns* as it's culmination next summer, new launch box set... Kicks off...


-SM Primaris 'heavy' gravis release (think the Phobos armour this year)


- the lion solves the Primaris integration into DA via reinstating Hexagammatron in the unforgiven


- Deathwing are the poster Bois for Gravis


Or... I'm totally wrong >D


*Not precluding at least Another Chaos Primarch returning...


I'm not investing in anymore Gravis untill I know I'm wrong =D


Love the new FW tanks and the HH DA colour scheme, no idea how I am going to paint all those checks!!!

My Friday morning wild speculation...


- CA2019 give us litanies and SM parity next week...


- DA HH/30k book released finally laying out the Hexagammatron (rival to Robutes codex right?)


- HH Lion released alongside the Primarch novel



- DA get left until late in the PA cycle,


- The Lion returns* as it's culmination next summer, new launch box set... Kicks off...


-SM Primaris 'heavy' gravis release (think the Phobos armour this year)


- the lion solves the Primaris integration into DA via reinstating Hexagammatron in the unforgiven


- Deathwing are the poster Bois for Gravis


Or... I'm totally wrong >D


*Not precluding at least Another Chaos Primarch returning...


I'm not investing in anymore Gravis untill I know I'm wrong =D


Love the new FW tanks and the HH DA colour scheme, no idea how I am going to paint all those checks!!!

This all looks great and makes a lot of sense.

I like the bits of narrative especially and how it ties into the current Primaris fluff.


I just dont see any new units being introduced outside of C:SM for at least several years.

I'd rather have new characters than primarised old ones. So far all these conversions kinda go against "this is very dangerous procedure" stuff. Belial still looks quite good, and I don't want to see him Garadon-ed :D

Sapphon or captain Lazarus as the new SC would be great IMO. Or just a new primaris, not converted from a space marine.

My understanding is that in newer fluff the Rubicon Primaris procedure is slowly being refined and isn’t as dangerous as it was when Guilliman underwent it - something about the failure rate originally being 60-ish percent to now the success rate being 60-ish percent.


I’m trying to find the exact place in the fluff that says it, but I believe that even one of the VoxCasts may have mentioned this.

Maybe it'll come with +1A and +1 Ld and we won't otherwise get a Veteran Intercessors.


EDIT: My money was originally on Ezekial going Primaris as he's (ironically for the Keeper of the Keys) a member of the less rabid faction of the Inner Circle and if there was one person to trust would keep all the secrets regardless of surgery it's the Keeper of the Keys. I'm less certain now because two Chief Librarians getting Rubicon'ed seems unlikely. Maybe Sapphon makes a return to the table or we get a fresh, new face?



Third Chief Librarian, as the Ultramarines had theirs done, then the Blood Angels. So, there is a good possibility that y'all will get a Chief Librarian too.


Do you think you will get just one Doctrine upgrade, or will each wing get their own? Like a boost in Devastator for the Greenwing, a boost in Tactical for Ravenwing, and in Assault for Deathwing?


I would like to see a Company Master without a model get the Primaris upgrade too. Wouldn't he be under the microscope?


Or, how about a Phobos Lieutenant named character, who gets the bright idea of assembling some Reivers and other Phobos units, and operating like the old Dreadwing? Give that Lt a teleport homer that allows Deathwing to drop within 6" of said homer, but more than 1" from enemy models. I know you guys would buy that.


I wonder about Chaplain Litanies too. Each chapter got a unique litany, but what about the First Legion? Will there be a Chapter Litany and an Interrogator Chaplain Litany? I hope so.


I agree with there being a large release of Gravis units in the future. I really want a Gravis Chaplain. No shoulder mounted weapon like the IF or IH characters, give him a vox caster that lets him affect multiple units with litanies that only affect 1 unit normally and/or boost the radius of that litany.


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