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Phobos Templars - What has the community created?

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One of the more disappointing things for me of PA2, was the revelation that GW have clearly not painted any Primaris for their Studio Army. (?!?!)


I was hoping, to get some more lore and imagery as to how the Vanguard units have embedded into the chapter, and pictures of the models in BT colours.


Anywho, that was clearly a bust, so I was wondering what other people have achieved with their own models. What conversions have people achieved? 


Dawn Crusade has been doing some nice Phobos work of late, (https://www.facebook.com/Dawn-Crusade-422355194540301/) and I was also curious if anyone has managed to convert the Phobos Librarian into something less worthy of burning?


Well, at least GW mentioned Incursors as Black Templars unit here:



I have some thoughts about Shadowspear infiltrators, but I should finish Dark Imperium starter set. Inceptors are still not ready for painting, they are too silly...


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