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Is this the end of specialised chapter units (Death Company)


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Space Marines are their cash cow.  You expect me to believe that they won't do Primaris Ravenwing, Death Company?  I think they are just bidding their time.  Wait until we buy up all the models of the current range and then release new Space Marines in whatever form it is. 


Introducing new units / phasing out old ones into (Legends) is GW's planned obsolescence. 

I agree with ^this^ ... but with the caveat that those specialty units are likely to to a somewhat different form. I think they missed the boat on Death Company. Much rather seen Reivers pick up the DC banner. It would them relevant to someone on a more competitive playing field.

I've only listened to one episode of Vox Cast, which one covers the statement that they will not be making specialized Primaris units?

I don’t believe the statement was made that they wouldn’t be doing them ever/at all.


There were statements about getting the releases of the basic units all out the door (and by basic, I infer that to mean the base ones - unadorned, not Chapter specific, etc.) first, with their plain armor, similar to how the original Marines were released, and then slowly layer on the details for veterans (and likely Chapter specific stuff) at a later time.


I believe it was in one of the VoxCasts with Jes Goodwin where he talked about the Primaris stuff, where it was going, how it is a reboot that isn’t, etc.

I think we'll still be getting Primaris releases 5 years from now. I for one am going to sit back and enjoy the trickle of releases. I have more than enough marines to paint for my Heresy Legion anyway. No rush.

Seeing as they are about 4 years ahead on model designs (as I think Jes Goodwin said) I personally think this is just a stop gap and that further down the road they might add a specific close combat unit that fills the DC role a lot better.


I wish they'd gone with Intercessors and Rievers personally.


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