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Tzen's Black Legion Chaos Lord (another Obsidian Mallex!)


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I don't get much time to paint this time of year, but I have managed to "quickly" paint a Chaos Lord up for a friend's birthday. I say quick, I am that busy at the moment this took me about a month. :D 


I have painted this chap before, so decided to mix the colour scheme up a little, without deviating too much. 









Excellent work. I wonder who was stupid enough to piss him off?


Lucius the Eternal (shaking Drach'nyen like a cheerleader's pompom): "As the Supreme Warmaster of Chaos Ascendant, Chosen One of the Four Gods and the One Who Stands Above Them- Blessed Slaanesh- I decree-"


Lucius (as a Chaos thunder hammer vaporizes his sword arm): "Ooh!"


Obsidian Mallex (feeling no pleasure as he swings his hammer, vaporizing Lucius' other arm): "I did not kill Abaddon just to submit to yet another worthless pansy!"


Drach'nyen (as Lucius's legs are vaporized): "Stand- I mean LEVITATE YOURSELF and fight! You must...!"


Lucius (as his groin is vaporized): "It hurts so good!"


Drach'nyen (telepathically sighing): "I need to choose my Champions of Chaos Ascendant better."


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