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Enforcers / Subjugators, what to go for?!


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Hi all,

Total noob here to munda, I bought the big ole set and I am having the enforcer half of the kit.

What the hell do I glue them together with? There’s little to no guidance in this but as cool as the shields are I heard they are pointless? I don’t know.


How would you, as an experienced underhiver kit out what you get in the new enforcer sprues In ‘Dark uprising’


I have justice to dispense to some dirty cultists. Help the jackbooted thugs bring it.

Looks great, I’m still not clear on it, but the riot shield loadout looks cool.not sure how it would work in game?


Got a great vision of subjugators beating the crap out of a gang member to talk, and then do 15 years in a iso cube..eeer I mean cell.

I do not, I am guessing it’s essential to restore some law and order around these here parts?


The Book of Judgement has rules for the "law and misrule" campaign, which is fun* (and thematic for your Enforcers), along with criminal gangs and the black market (trading post).  It also has the full rules for the Enforcer gangs, but I'd be surprised if that weren't also in the Dark Uprising book.


* sadly, the cards sold out prior to release day (way to go, GW :/), but you can also use a standard playing card deck to generate the territories, thankfully.

Has anyone tried out the shield and club guys yet? Are they any good over normal enforcers?


For me, the (mixed) draw-card of the Subjugators is their equipment options - the upgrade cost gives you a slightly better armour save (the closest Enforcers will get to Carapace) and access to the Assault Shield, Grenade Launcher and sub-par heavy weapons.


The increased save from the shield is nice but it's expensive and the 'nade launcher needs Krak 'nades to be a true workhorse. The HC-Ram is flaming garbage. The SLHG-Ram is better, but if I'm tooling a Subjugator for melee, I want the Assault Shield, so I'll pass on the SLHG.



  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna try this for my first thousand credits:


Subjugator Captain: ‍♂, Stub Gun, Shock stave, assault shield (225 points)
Subjugator Sergeant: ‍♂, Stub Gun, Subjugator pattern grenade launcher, assault shield (200 points)
Patrolmen Sergeant: ‍♀, Boltgun, Stub Gun, Shock Baton (180 points)
Subjugator: SLHG pattern assault ram, stub gun (160 points)
Subjugator: Stub gun, Subjugator pattern grenade launcher, assault shield (180)
And my "next 500 credits" package:
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Concussion Carbine (100)
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Shotgun (130)
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Concussion Carbine (100)
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Boltgun (130)


Mostly aimed for ZM games ^.^


Edit: Are the stub guns on any good? Is there a way to remove them for another weapon down the line - or are Enforced restricted to basically just two weapon slots?

I'm gonna try this for my first thousand credits:


Subjugator Captain: ‍♂, Stub Gun, Shock stave, assault shield (225 points)
Subjugator Sergeant: ‍♂, Stub Gun, Subjugator pattern grenade launcher, assault shield (200 points)
Patrolmen Sergeant: ‍♀, Boltgun, Stub Gun, Shock Baton (180 points)
Subjugator: SLHG pattern assault ram, stub gun (160 points)
Subjugator: Stub gun, Subjugator pattern grenade launcher, assault shield (180)
Edit: Are the stub guns on any good? Is there a way to remove them for another weapon down the line - or are Enforced restricted to basically just two weapon slots?


Unfortunately the total number of Gangers (Patrolmen) must be equal to or greater than the number of non-Gangers (Captain and Sergeants) in a starting gang. You've got a Captain and two Sergeants but only two Patrolmen. Running a gang/patrol of five dudes is going to make your start in the campaign pretty gruelling. Some gangs can just pull it off because of damage output (Van Saar and Goliath) but Enforcers have sub-par stats and limited equipment.


Including Subjugators in a starting gang makes things difficult as they just chew up the credits, especially if you take a Subjugator Captain because you're then tied to taking two more Subjugator Patrolmen.


I've been toying with the following list:


Subjugator Captain (220)

Shock Stave / Assault Shield / Stubgun / Dum-dum Bullets


Palanite Sergeant (135)

Concussion Rifle / Stubgun / Dum-dum Bullets


Subjugator Patrolman (150)

Shock Stave / Assault Shield / Stubgun / Dum-dum Bullets


Subjugator Patrolman (170)

Subjugator Grenade Launcher / Assault Shield / Stubgun


Palanite Patrolman (130)

Enforcer Shotgun / Stubgun


Palanite Patrolman (120)

Enforcer Boltgun / Stubgun


Palanite Patrolman (75)

Stubgun / Dum-dum Bullets


Total: 1000 Credits


I've still got a lot of concerns about the list, lack of numbers and lack of ranged fire power for starters. The melee-Subjugators will be an effective counter-charge element against most gangs, but Goliath gangs will still carve them up. The base Stubguns are greatly improved by dropping 5 creds on Dum-dums - it shortens the range slightly and reduces the Acc bonus, but mean you can attack at S4 when shooting and in melee. 


In all honesty, you get a much better load out just running Palanite Enforcers without Subjugators as you'll have more numbers along with more Enforcer Boltguns and Shotguns which are the real workhorses of the Patrol. 


It's a tricky one.



So, switching one sergeant for two patrolmen:


I'm gonna try this for my first thousand credits:


Subjugator Captain: ‍♂, Stub Gun, Shock stave, assault shield (225 points)
Patrolmen Sergeant: ‍♀, Boltgun, Stub Gun, Shock Baton (180 points)
Subjugator: SLHG pattern assault ram, stub gun (160 points)
Subjugator: Stub gun, Subjugator pattern grenade launcher, assault shield (180)
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Concussion Carbine (100)
Patrolmen: Stub gun, Shotgun (130)
Not really sure if I want too many boltguns on normal guys as their BS is quite low, right?

List is legal. :thumbsup:  


The Patrolmen only have BS 4+ but so do the (highly-trained my foot) Sergeants and Captains - Palanite Enforcers got screwed over as far as stat-lines for their points cost goes. 


That said, the Boltgun is still a workhorse even with BS 4+, it's got great short range with an Acc bonus, S4 -1AP D2, Rapid Fire (1) and Enforcers benefit from improved Ammo rolls, so it's as reliable as an Autogun in their hands. At 12" or less, it's lethal and still effective up to 24".




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