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Glad to see our numbers return to their proper size but what did the Templar’s actually do in Faith and Fury?




TL;DR version is

we attacked the Iron Warriors giant ass demonforge that was attacking a fortress world in the system. We did not have a massive crusade, it was basically a strike cruiser and a cadre of Imperial Knights. Castellan Dramos and his veteran crusaders sacrificed themselves to destroy the demonforge. They largely succeeded but it hints that the forges fires could not be fully quenched, so perhaps there will be further info on it in the future. Or just leaving it open ended cause GW wants you to "forge the narrative"
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I was a little disappointed in the story over all honestly, they spent a lot of time setting up the chaos invasion and then spent less than half that amount of page space talking about the battles. We aren't even on the main world fighting with the sisters, we are on the fortress forge world which albeit is a very important world for the imperium, but not Kor Phaeron's goal. 


I did enjoy that the Salamanders tried to bait Kor into attacking them so they could protect more civilians and he didn't fall for it :lol:

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Slight bump: does anybody have the collector's edition for Faith & Fury?




The Collector's Edition also includes an expanded background section which features brand-new narrative and as well as three short stories that were released to coincide with the Psychic Awakening:

The short stories I know about, but what about the "16 pages of extra background material"? Did anybody get the collector's edition? Curious to see if there was a "pay to see the ending" thing going on here...
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Well now that's a bit unfair. i've read through the actual text and it's like 1 page of sisters vs Kor Phaeron, 1 page of BT vs Iron warriors, 1 page of night lords owning the :cuss out of everyone including White Scars and 1 page of bits and bobs. Noone really gets extensive coverage.
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For us anyway, yes, I second that. We appear, go in, blow up some stuff, the end. In the greater scheme of things there are some important elements, such as the fact that seemingly warp-based miracles have occured in favour of the imperium.
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Well, but at least they corrected some of Guy Haley's worst atrocities.

We haven't always been religious (like Haley claims in the "Beast Arises"-series), it is a long term development, and we are not just 1000 Marines.

Otherwise it is a typical GW-Campaign-Book, the lore is rather superficial and meagre, lacking the complexity, elaborateness and love for detail of an FW-Campaign book (Badab-War, Black Books, which are admittedly much more expensive), but at least it is ok and not a desaster like 'Kauyon'.

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Well now that's a bit unfair. i've read through the actual text and it's like 1 page of sisters vs Kor Phaeron, 1 page of BT vs Iron warriors, 1 page of night lords owning the :censored: out of everyone including White Scars and 1 page of bits and bobs. Noone really gets extensive coverage.

The most extensive coverage is that of the system's past, and the ecclesiarchy's tax collectors. GW does drive home the fact that this system was filthy rich...and something with cults and demons, yeah.


Except for that, it opened up 3 battlefields that end in a cliffhanger - sisters getting beaten, templars dealing a near-mortal blow, and Scars, a.k.a. "We're here to walk into ambushes and kill Night Lords. And we haven't run out of ambushes just yet...". Which is redundant, since it's mostly context for the WHC short story from a few weeks ago, and repeating its content.


All in all - the only faction that has some actual content (regarding overall goals) is the Word Bearers, everyone else just appears from nowhere, fights for one page and that's it. Templars and Salamanders didn't really fight in a distinctive way, it could have been any chapter. Scars are only different in that regard, by actually trying to counter ambush, but any non-fanatical chapter could have done that too. The content isn't really overwhelming for anyone, but at least served as a platform for BT rules.


In comparison, PA1 was a lot more focused - with just 3 intermingling subfactions against one other faction, they did have the time to give some background and context. Here, had they removed the other two chapters and one or two heretic legions from the mix, that would have been better for everyone involved, instead of reducing almost all groups to honorable mentions...

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Glad to see us do something but I feel like every time we appear in the lore it’s so we can sacrifice ourselves. I suppose Dorn would be proud but I wouldn’t mind other chapters falling on the grenade every now and then.

Yeah it seems like every story the Black Templars feature in they suffer something like 80 percent casualties.

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And usually they don't even get our chapter organisation right: In vigilus they wrote, the Black Templars fielded a demi-company, now we field a Gladius Strike Force (which we couldn't field in 7th Edition -lorewise- because Black Templars didn't field separate Scout Squads back in the day) 

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A quick summary of the collector's edition pages:


Keeping Order 10.

A story of some enforcer told through shipyard logs cultists and such


The Power of Belief 18.

Short story involving a guardsman prepping for war and realizing the hopelessness of the situation as he dies


Chase the Wind 26.

Short story about some white scars getting ambushed by night lords


The Shadow Rises 28.

Overview of impending attack on agriculture planet in the system


Iron March 30.

Iron hands and sorroritas strike on said agriculture planet


The Hydra Strikes 32.

Continuing from before, termies teleport in as "billions" of new psychers are created from the populace causing more warp crazyness


Cataclysm 34.

Alpha legionaries and their sorcerer retreat from fighting the IH+ sorroritas, Inquisition show up, take a bunch of new psykers to feed the emperor and kill a bunch at random. Sorroritas try to save a few thousand but it creates a warp tear in their ship, exterminatus happens


Nothing on Templars which is a bit unsatisfying.

Edited by SirJyo
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  • 4 months later...

dont want to start a new topic - so i use this thread


After i saw the last video from Valrak from the introduction of the latest PA preview - I was surprised I wasnt able to see this:




(watch minute 4:40)


and its known that the Templars were a part of this fleet. And after GW sell the last event from 7th editon again which included Ultramarines + Templars. The fact that there was a special Emperors Champion (Amalrich) annd The rumors about a Emperors champion in Primaris form could be a singn that Faith and Fury really was just  a part of the TEmplar release and after Codex Space Marine released the Supplements, GW dont wanted to wait too long with a Black Templar release.


maybe ( about 80 percent) its just an idea but there must be more I think.

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Dont read to much into it.


Amalrich is dead.


Is the Primaris EC rumour or wishlist?


I heard some whispers in the wind, but nothing specific about chars.


Most likely our role will be another suicide run vs necrons with no effect whatsoever.


Unless PA 9 receives more than 2 models, like box set.

If anything we could get the castellan shown in PA 2 trailer with the Inquisitor leading the BT force. But would GW pass over the chance to make another random ultramarine?


So far its him and the priest that do not have models that have featured in PA trailers if im not mistaken.

Edited by Sete
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Nah, no way. We're not getting anything in conjunction with a completely different PA book than our own. If we were to have gotten anything, it would've come together with our book. Remember these things are done years ahead.


Modelwise, Faith and Fury was our one shot for a model. Anything we may get in the future will be under another banner than Psychic awakening.

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