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The cult of the black scale, an Alpha Legion Warband


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Hey guys! Long time no see! In fact i was still there for years but only lurking in the shadow as many... But well it's time to start fresh with an brand new army and i present to you my new split warband of the Alpha Legion the cult of the black scale. Only few unit are close to completion actually but i hope you will enjoy it anyway :smile.:

First the Sorcerer : Yarec s'leth


The exalted champ Kaer Zecht, ex Word Bearer.



First squad of Chaos Marines, still thinking for an name.




Second squad.




And finally the Berzerkers :smile.:



Edited by Agraorth
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The Sorcerer and exalted champ are wickedly awesome conversions! I'll be watching this with interest -- maybe you could make sure the pictures are displayed in a bigger size, though?!


Anyway, keep up the excellent work!


Thanks! And fixed for the images sizes^^ That's always an great praise comming from you, your latest work on your WE and Inquisimunda are, as always, so inspiring :D On that note i hope i can stay motivated enough to stop procrastinating and staying productiv on that project!

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Erm...wow. I thought using Khul's legs on the lord was great (I've used them myself to make StD Chaos Warriors) but that obliterator looks amazing. Looks huge, could be an Iron Warriors character in the new Insidium Artefact of Power as well.

Thanks a lot! :D I, indeed, took my sweet time to make every foot soldier in my army standing out in some way and not using twice the same mini to develop the narativ dimension of my warband^^ ( Yeah even my on going blob of cultist XD Fortunatly the Cultist of the Abyss and Necromunda Dark uprising gave me more diverse mini to chose from x) )

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