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NEW Legion Sabre Strike Tank

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Well, as of today we got the new Legion Sabre Strike Tank,


Rules:  Clicky



At first glance, it seems rather nice to have a cheap, expendable tank in the Fast Attack slot, which also has the 'Fast' rule and has only one less front armour than a Predator. Also, it can be taken in squadrons of two. 

Somehow, reminds me of the Carnodon the SA and Militia got.


But then it hits you ... quite literally ... Neutron Blaster ... and this thing is still under 100 pts. (Essentially, it's a Lascannon with Concussive & Shock Pulse).

Seems a bit excessive to me. 


All the other options seem rather nice though, particularly going all Volkite or investing in the Sabre Missiles.



Oh, and of course it's the definite answer to all the Ironwing Protocol list building fuzz.




EDIT:  early mornin' spellin'

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So the Legion Predator is 75pts for 1 extra frontal AV and for a single autocannon, this is 65pts for 1 less frontal AV with a twin autocannon and a heavy bolter. Downside to the Sabre is that all the stuff is 24" aside from the missiles, upside is that its a fast little bugger and can withdraw and reposition away from any units that gets close then shoot them.


It is also a cute little thing.

This tank came out of nowhere, and it has made me excited for multiple reasons:

  • For 110pts you can fit it with a Multi Melta and Neutron Blaster (yeet)
  • It's a fast vehicle, so the short range is literally irrelevant as you'll be in weapons range before you know it
  • It was a surprise announcement and a brand new unit, so I am now excited for Fridays if this kind of thing happens
  • It proves Heresy isn't as dead as we thought it was, there are still some creative juices flowing in FW
This thing is magnificent, and as an Iron Warriors player I can see Hammer of Olympia with all my Fast Attack slots being dedicated to these while my Heavy Support slots are occupied by Sicarans and Scorpii. This is a truly great tank, and I am delighted that FW is producing new stuff like this!


Credit where credit is due (complaints due whenever FW messes up though)

A fully kitted Sabre cost as much as a regular Sicaran. Ask yourself, which one will be most efficient on the table?


The 5p/each baby-HKMs are like a one shot assault cannon stat wise, is that worth 20p?


The Volkite saker is 24" 6 Volkite Culvering shots. Compare that to a regular Volkite culvering with 45" and 4 shots. How come Volkite saker is bigger and shorter in range?


How is this vehicle a better choice compared to a fully kitted Javelin (2x TL krak missiles, 2x HKMs and multimelta) that cost the same as a barebones Sabre?

Mentioned it in the N&R thread, but the most efficient kit is probably the autocannon, missiles and either a combi grenade or plasma. It's 90 points and on average will kill any vehicle that exposes av 11 to it. Two of these are 15 points more than a stock sicaran (does anyone run them stock?) and will kill it through its front armour.


A javelin is still better* but it's strengths are based around being dirt cheap, strafing run and jink. If you can get cover (which should be easy with a low profile) and present your av 12, then it's more durable. Against av 14, the autocannon has a higher output than multimelta+typhoons, while the rockets are also slightly better to hit and can pen. So they're pretty comparable with slightly different strengths and weaknesses.

They look great, although two of them with neutron blasters are almost the cost of a venator. The venator is better range (36”) higher strength (10), lower AP (1), ordinance (higher chance of a pen and explodes result) and better armoured. I know what I would rather take. Good luck getting an AV 12 chassis within 24” range of a superheavy at 3000 pts.


I think, as it’s heavy 1 it’s costed appropriately. I’m just thinking about the number of times my venator has failed to pen with all the advantages it has over the sabre.....


That being said, I think it does have a place, in lists where you can outflank it (thus negating it’s low AV and short range to a degree), such as a HoG or a Maru Skara list. But I think it also has a use in lists that limit heavy support availability, such as decapitation strike, recon company etc .


For the record, shock pulse only really comes into play vs superheavy vehicles.



People keep forgetting these are in the FA slot. My HS slots fill up fast, but the FA slots are wiiide open usually for me. So comparing it with a sicaran makes no sense in my lists at least.



For the record, shock pulse only really comes into play vs superheavy vehicles.


Yeah, like knights...especially that cool flamer one that always burns my dudes to a crisp! Or the SA superflamer tank with the little cart at the back...


How is this vehicle a better choice compared to a fully kitted Javelin (2x TL krak missiles, 2x HKMs and multimelta) that cost the same as a barebones Sabre?


Last I checked a fully kitted Javelin was 75p, which is 10 point more than this tank that has 1 point more armour and 1 more hull point. Sure, the cyclone missiles have longer range but if you want to be in melta-range you'll get those javelins close anyway.

Lovely little Marine Go Kart tankette, great design, great array of weapon options (I know that the neutron gun is a nice little pocket Venator that might get some use, but I'll admit I love the Snub Anvilus), good rarely used slot for marine forces (Okay, I use most of my fast attack slots up faster than heavy support) but rules wise and aesthetic wise that's a pretty nice kit. 


Do you KNOW how petty I feel when I say 'I don't like the throw away line that it's a tank crewed by one marine on the FW site'?!  I'm petty, this is petty, my complaint is petty!  


That's probably a great thing, all things considered.  FW did a pretty good job.  Sure, I won't be adding these in with my Sons of Horus any time soon because I like my speeders, Outriders, and Eagles; but I can't wait to see some of these racing around the field.  

Oh man, I'm at my 999 post... hmmm, guess I gotta make the next one count somehow.



Oh man, I'm at my 999 post... hmmm, guess I gotta make the next one count somehow.

Yes indeed - how about posting those land speeders you said needed painting?


And back on topic. Why so surprised about the Sabre being introduced? I've been expecting it since 1989.:wink:



You're better off with a predator executioner


I mean why not have Predator Executioners AND these? They do 2 different jobs let's be completely honest though. It's like saying instead of taking a Storm Eagle you can just take a Fire Raptor instead...

At least the fire raptor to storm eagle comparison has the same excruciating build problems, so youd want to pick the best for the list there ;)


For real though, saying an executioner is a better option than a sabre is a statement devoid of all context. Tank hunting is patently worse, as two sabres with autocannons do a far better job than one executioner. To contrast, heavy infantry removal is obviously the strength of the pred.


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