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Pyrithite's mixed squads? (Custodes)

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Who else thinks that being able to mix Pyrithite spears with normal guardian squads would solve all our ant-tank problems?   Also it would allow for larger squads, if for instance that was the case It'd be more attractive having 2 guardians with spears, 1 with shield and 1 with a Phyrithite spear.  At least one unit that is, as it would be capable of being a unit that could go against anything.

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Interested to see what happens with our Codex in the future. I don't think there's ever been an army with so few plastic kits and so many Forgeworld kits.

I'd like to see us being able to mix squad weapons, especially as all options are now troops choices. Although it's unprecedented to have an army with this few GW kits and so many FW kits, so I suspect we will have to wait for a Talons of the Emperor book.

I would love them to mix them but I don’t think it will ever happen for the simple fact that it would be mixing two separate kits (from separate sides of the business) in one datasheet. GW is obsessed with the idea that the datasheets represent exactly what can be built from a single box, it’s why there’s so many different versions of the Primaris captain sheet, because each kit can only build one variety.


Normal Custodian Guard cannot build either of the special spears from the normal box so it will not be added to the custodian guard data sheet as an upgrade option :(

But they would have everything on the same datasheet for GW. It would only be FW which are mixed, all it would be is adding normal custodian guardians to the FW datasheet.

But they won’t put the same unit (normal custodian guard) on two separate datasheets so that they can be upgraded on one of them.

Why not, they already do that.

Out of respect for what Duz says I’ll avoid speculating on the reasons behind their decisions and just talk about the facts we know about datasheets.


I’ll admit before I say this that I haven’t read every single codex. However, of the ones I have read, I cannot think of a single incident where the exact same unit with the same wargear appeared on more than one datasheet within the same faction. If you can point me to one I’m happy to acknowledge that.


So, for the special spears to be offered as an upgrade to regular Custodes, one of two things would have to happen:


1) The special spears get added to the regular Custodian Guard datasheet as an upgrade option. This means you’d be showing an upgrade that wasn’t available in the box which they have been very reluctant to do this edition, especially if the upgrade comes from Forgeworld.


2) The regular Custodian Guard armed with swords or normal spears would be added to the Forgeworld datasheet that displays the special spears with the option to upgrade the normal weapons to the special ones. This would be the duplication of one unit in two separate datasheets as I mentioned earlier. It would also make the normal codex datasheet utterly redundant because it would be the same as the FW one but without the upgrade option.


Please don’t take my reasoning as being against the idea. I would really love to have them as an upgrade option. I’m just saying I don’t think it would happen because it would require them doing something unprecedented with the datasheets :(


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