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Chapter Approved 2019 - All the points

Chaplain Elijah

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Could be wrong on some of them...



Entry = CA2019 pts value (value compared to Codex)


/// HQ ///

Chaplain = 72

Chaplain with Jump Pack = 90

Interrogator Chaplain = 80 (-5)

Interrogator Chaplain with Terminator Armour = 100 (-25)

Interrogator Chaplain with Jump Pack = 95 (-8)

Librarian = 80 (-8)

Librarian with Terminator Armour = 100 (-20)

Librarian with Jump Pack = 108 (-4)

Lieutenant = 60

Lieutenant with Jump Pack = 78

Master = 74

Master with Cataphractii Armour = 95 (-31)

Master with Gravis Armour = 90 (-12)

Master with Terminator Armour = 95 (-10)

Master with Jump Pack = 93

Primaris Chaplain = 77 (-12)

Primaris Librarian = 90 (-3)

Primaris Lieutenant = 65 (-2)

Primaris Master = 78 (-9)

Ravenwing Talonmaster = 123

Rhino Primaris = 70

Techmarine = 45



Assault Squad = 12 (-1)

Assault Squad with Jump Pack = 15 (-1)

Inceptor Squad = 25

Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad = 25 (-10)

Ravenwing Bike Squad = 21 (-4)

Ravenwing Black Knigths = 44 (-2)

Ravenwing Dark Shroud = 128

Ravenwing Land Speeders = 45 (-25)

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance = 90 (-32)

Scout Bike = 21 (-2)

Suppressor Squad = 18


/// FLYER ///

Nephilim = 90 (-33)

Dark Talon = 165 (+25)

Stormraven = 192


/// ELITES ///

Aggressor Squad = 21

Apothecary = 50 (-5)

Chapter Ancient = 85

Company Ancient = 63

Company Champion = 40

Company Veterans = 14 (-2)

Contemptor Dreadnought = 88 (-10)

Deathwing Ancient = 65 (-38)

Deathwing Apothecary = 70 (-5)

Deathwing Cataphractii = 26 (-4)

Deathwing Champion = 90 (-28)

Deathwing Terminator = 23 (-3)

Deathwing Tartaros = 23 (-3)

Dreadnought = 60 (-10)

Invictor War Suit = 90

Primaris Ancient = 69

Primaris Apothecary = 60 (-8)

Ravenwing Ancient = 75 (-37)

Ravenwing Apothecary = 60 (-32)

Ravenwing Champion = 70 (-36)

Redemptor Dreadnought = 105 (-35)

Reiver Squads = 16 (-2)

Servitors = 5 (+3)

Venerable Dreadnought = 80 (-10)


/// TROOPS ///

Incursor = 19

Infiltrators = 22

Intercessor = 17 (-1)

Scout = 11

Tactical = 12 (-1)



Drop Pod = 63 (-20)

Land Speeder Storm = 55 (-20)

Razorback = 70

Repulsor = 215 (+5)

Rhino = 65 (-5)



Devastator = 14 (+1)

Eliminators = 18

Hellblaster = 18

Land Raider = 180 (-59)

Land Raider Crusader = 200 (-44)

Land Raider Redeemer = 180 (-64)

Predator = 85 (-5)

Stalker = 75

Vindicator = 125

Whirlwind = 65 (-5)


/// NAMED HQ ///

Asmodai = 110 (-20)

Azrael = 150 (-30)

Belial = 125 (-25)

Ezekiel = 110 (-25)

Sammael Sableclaw = 200 (-16)

Sammael Corvex = 140 (-43)



If someone want to do the weapons i'm going to leave it at that...

Doesn't matter what they do to Dark Talons there still one of the best alpha strike units in the game if you run them in quantity with Darkshroud Sam and Talon master backed up with black knights for first turn devastation.

The problem with them is when you don't go 1St and you can't keep them out of range or hide the Darkshroud.


The drop on characters is very welcoming and Black knights are really starting to stand out, if you compare them to Hellblaster's were now getting T5 equivalent for much the same price, with the drop on Sam's jetbike it opens up some alternate lists.

Imho Dark Talons were the best flyer the Imperium had before Iron Hands became a thing. Now, they're still up there but need a little something, maybe a stratagem, to make them shine once more.

Well the competion wasn't that great to beggin with^^

Imperium Flyers are all crap except one or two Flyers.

But i just don't see what should make the Dark Talon any good. It lacks damage output and surviability. So i was hopping it would drop back to like 160points with weapons.


Well the competion wasn't that great to beggin with^^

Imperium Flyers are all crap except one or two Flyers.

But i just don't see what should make the Dark Talon any good. It lacks damage output and surviability. So i was hopping it would drop back to like 160points with weapons.



I'm not saying they're worth 185pts, but they are quite unique in that they can deal out mortal wounds and feature the stasis bomb, rift cannon and some anti-horde hurricane bolters, all pretty good at what they do on a platform that can get them in range to do damage.

Pretty much that.


It's one of our few sources of mortal wounds, and has the ability to move across the board and position itself quite well.


Sadly, its mostly an anti-horde unit, of which we already have a ton. But, then again, it is a very GOOD anti-horde unit. And quite survivable, if you can start it on turn one, and keep it in turn two, within the bubble of a Darkshroud.


I once had a T'au friend waste almost two rounds of shooting with like 75% of his army, in trying to bring it down while under the -2 to be hit. It was beautiful. The mightiest damage sponge in all the land air.


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