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Chapter Approved 2019 - All the points

Chaplain Elijah

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I think it's a trap to judge our characters on their own. With so many points drop on them including the special characters, our new strength is to combine characters and our various bubble to make them shine. As i said in the other thread, a Deathwing Champion is ok on his own but with the support of Asmodai and a Deathwing Ancient he become a fearsome threat.

And the Company Ancient has a LOT to offer, really. Specially in a plasma heavy list, and even more so paired with a regular Apothecary.


Also, anecdotal, I know, but last night my Company Champion, humble though he may be, slay a mighty Flying Hive Tyrant on the board.


(Died when the beast rolled a 6 upon dying and took him with it, but that's besides the point)

I'm quite a fan of the DW Ancient - the list of units that have the DEATHWING keyword is significant, and if you want, you can spend a CP to make a Dreadnought DW too. Given how dirt cheap Melee Contemptor Dreads are, it's certainly a fun option! He's also a potential option for Foe-smiter...4 S4, AP-1 D2 shots is not bad to have around when there are Primaris on the board!

The ravenwing apothecary has always been very useful but yes he's now invalulable (of your going to take one). The ravenwing ancient too if he ever can take a banner that doesn't only benefit ravenwing. As it stands I'll probably stick to primaris ancient as he's flat out the jack of all trades.


The deathwing champion is okayish, to me champions won't be worth taking until I see a relics sheet for chapter champions and so on like codex marines have. That would help their case a lot more then a cost drop.


And my excelsior drop has freed up so many damn points it's not even silly. In my 1500 pts list I've saved over 150 and my 2k list I broke 200. I'm a happy man.

I’m tempted to take sammael on jetbike in my soup lists in lieu of another smash captain... he’s basically the same points with one less damage but more attacks, movement, toughness, wounds and shooting... seems great at 140

Yeah, smash captains got pricey, Sammael looks like a much better option.

Sam has always been decent at beating stuff up the jet bike is OK your getting twin storm bolters as well as the cannon and you can use speed of the Raven on him the bike profile gives you bolter discipline for the full 8 shots at 24" and bikes get auto 6 on the advance for 20" move shoot then charge with the strategem


Amend that just checked his rules he gets 2d6 for the advance "swift judgment" and your getting 6 wounds on a T6 model


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