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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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  On 11/30/2019 at 4:48 PM, darkseren1ty said:

But the big question on my mind... whos the new character we're getting?!


No guarantee that you're getting a new character.




Each book will be accompanied by an epic champion to lead the charge in this terrible age. These legendary heroes will include reborn, reimagined and brand-new characters, but we can’t reveal any more details at the moment.


Far more likely to be a DA Primaris character.

Yes, I suspect that the most likely thing would be a DA Primaris character. 


I think our primary improvement would be something rewarding a pure TS army. Nothing like Doctrines, no. But something. I do not expect new warlord traits. Relics, strats, sure. 

I'll eat my dusty hat if Sons get a new character :tongue.: My money would be on a DA one for various reasons, as for PA itself I wonder if it's a sign of the armies that this is three together... fingers crossed it's some nice love for GK and the Sons. Given the boosts BA got hopefully that's a sign of things to come!

Also dubious about getting a new model at all. Bonus if we do! But also echoing that the dark angels will get mephiston treatment. If this release receives more than one model I will be pleasantly surprised....as in..gw gives us a psychic dread and says: HERE! HERE'S YOU :censored: PSYCHIC DREAD!

Was the new ad mech flyer in the price list circulating a couple weeks back? I don't remember it but I could be wrong. There might be some surprises for us model wise but it would truly be a surprise. Probably a new relic, spell or spell list. Sounds like we are cranking up the "Ritual of Intergalactic Doom" and my guess is any rules we get will tie into this. Psych Dread would be cool though so would be some cool new spells.
  On 12/1/2019 at 10:02 PM, Aasfresser said:

I'm so hyped for this one. I really hope we get Rubric Havocs or a Psy-Dread. Damn it, even a Rubric Dread would be awesome.

Be careful because you'll probably end up being disappointed. I'm only hoping for a few good stratagems, and Osiron rules I honestly think is just dreaming.


I would love love love the Soul Reaper cannon being updated to be a TS version of the chain reaper cannon

Yeah in a short/long time, depends on how you see it, feels like the soulreaper is a little...dated and weak now. I'm not sure it's worth taking on scarabs now. But I'm with raven. I'm not expecting anything but a few strats and hopefully a new psy table.


Having said that, maybe it's the tzeentch in me looking for hope, but..a christmas announcement? And I could be wrong, but this book has a bigger gap between its release and blood of baal over the last couple books. Maybe this will be a more content rich book.

  On 12/1/2019 at 11:10 PM, Archaeinox said:

For timeline's sake, when did we start seeing pics/get info on Mephiston's new mini? With no classes til Jan, I will be shaking for some info on before dec 25!

2 weeks ago? Maybe 3?

So...december 4th? Ish.

  On 12/3/2019 at 4:12 AM, Raven1 said:

@CrystalSeer, if I'm not mistaken it is already been announced that it will be released in January.


@BoomWolf, can't let a man dream?



Hope is the first step on the road the disappointment

  On 12/6/2019 at 4:28 AM, Putrid Choir said:

None of the cult marines would get a point drop if they are going to 2w, if anything they would have a point increase unfortunately.


I agree with this. I would expect what the other supplements are getting: Warlord Traits, Chapter Tactics, Strategems, Relics. If they really want to go the whole 9, they may give us some updated spells.

  On 12/6/2019 at 6:20 AM, CrystalSeer said:


  On 12/6/2019 at 4:28 AM, Putrid Choir said:


None of the cult marines would get a point drop if they are going to 2w, if anything they would have a point increase unfortunately.

I agree with this. I would expect what the other supplements are getting: Warlord Traits, Chapter Tactics, Strategems, Relics. If they really want to go the whole 9, they may give us some updated spells.

And even that, no one else got or are getting spells in PA though are they? And chapter traits won't come out until another codex. Chapter approved just adjusts point costs I believe not change rules for factions. And another codex most likely won't come out until after summer if they do a 8.5/9 or whatever people are hyping up. I'd love to be wrong and it be sooner or come in another form though.

  On 12/6/2019 at 9:17 AM, Putrid Choir said:


  On 12/6/2019 at 6:20 AM, CrystalSeer said:


  On 12/6/2019 at 4:28 AM, Putrid Choir said:

None of the cult marines would get a point drop if they are going to 2w, if anything they would have a point increase unfortunately.

I agree with this. I would expect what the other supplements are getting: Warlord Traits, Chapter Tactics, Strategems, Relics. If they really want to go the whole 9, they may give us some updated spells.

And even that, no one else got or are getting spells in PA though are they? And chapter traits won't come out until another codex. Chapter approved just adjusts point costs I believe not change rules for factions. And another codex most likely won't come out until after summer if they do a 8.5/9 or whatever people are hyping up. I'd love to be wrong and it be sooner or come in another form though.



Rationale for traits is that everything from PA 2 was already included in another codex. PA has served as an expansion so far for armies that already had faction rules. I may be wrong, but the intent seems very obviously to update rules for factions to bring them in line with the new power levels presented by the astartes books, without having to release updated codexes.


PA 1 updated the Revenant discipline for the Ynnari, so there is precedent.  2/3 of the factions in PA 3 are defined by their abilities to cast, and unique spell lists. It follows to me that updating the rules for factions dependent on their casting would in some way involve their casting ability or spell list. So no, it is not written in stone that this will happen, but it is a logical possibility. 


We are not the gunline army, we are not the daemon engine army, we are the psycher army. Frankly, what else would they do?


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