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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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I am really curious to see this play out.


All 3 armies seem to be on the backfoot competitivly so having them center stage is cool.


The backstory involving the Changeling will seem like a wasted opportunity and seems no coincidence these three are lumped together.


That the 1000k sons will seemingly be on the defensive while attempting their epic plan is interesting as well. A psychic beacon sounds cool though why would Magnus do this? Who knows my guess is a huge sacrifice of latent psychers to power some mind numbing result. I mean, heck, they all ready pulled a planet out of warp into real space and I would think whatever plan Mags has up his sleeve is supposed to top that!


Maybe Maggie somehow "gets his shard (groove) back" (from the head Grey knight dude? (sorry not up on GK lore).


I typically don't buy campaign books, should we expect special missions that reenact whatever lore is coming out to support this?


Maybe a "keep the Ritual from being interfered with" mission?


There's one thing that keeps sticking with me. The scene in the last stories leading up to the resurrection of Guilliman. At some point the Aeldari try to distract Ahriman, and the Thousand Sons. They show their ability to use death and life hocus pocus to bring back some Thousand Sons "Rubrics" from dust form to actual living people. They come back and are shocked to see Ahriman, but have no clue what's going on. It's like time hasn't passed for them. They're still set in the post Heresy time line or soon thereafter.


I keep wanting to see Ahriman revisit that storyline. I think there's some incredibly cool stories, and new directions that can result from that storyline.


So what I'm hoping is the theme of evil is doing things, and good guys have to stop it will continue. Ahriman is trying to perform some great feat and GK are trying to prevent it. 


If the storyline actually has GK on the offensive, it will be a little boring imo. I'd much rather see Thousand Sons antagonizing or performing something huge that has to be stopped. (which of course it will be stopped, at least partially.)

I think the points you bring up are really interesting. Especially that bit of lore with Ahriman restoring a single Rubricae... It would be so great if they followed up on that, or on Magnus' plans. But I fear that it will just lead up to us doing a woopsie and providing a simple lore reason for unleashing the new roaming spells expansion packs for 40k, ala AoS.



I am really curious to see this play out.


All 3 armies seem to be on the backfoot competitivly so having them center stage is cool.


The backstory involving the Changeling will seem like a wasted opportunity and seems no coincidence these three are lumped together.


That the 1000k sons will seemingly be on the defensive while attempting their epic plan is interesting as well. A psychic beacon sounds cool though why would Magnus do this? Who knows my guess is a huge sacrifice of latent psychers to power some mind numbing result. I mean, heck, they all ready pulled a planet out of warp into real space and I would think whatever plan Mags has up his sleeve is supposed to top that!


Maybe Maggie somehow "gets his shard (groove) back" (from the head Grey knight dude? (sorry not up on GK lore).


I typically don't buy campaign books, should we expect special missions that reenact whatever lore is coming out to support this?


Maybe a "keep the Ritual from being interfered with" mission?

There's one thing that keeps sticking with me. The scene in the last stories leading up to the resurrection of Guilliman. At some point the Aeldari try to distract Ahriman, and the Thousand Sons. They show their ability to use death and life hocus pocus to bring back some Thousand Sons "Rubrics" from dust form to actual living people. They come back and are shocked to see Ahriman, but have no clue what's going on. It's like time hasn't passed for them. They're still set in the post Heresy time line or soon thereafter.


I keep wanting to see Ahriman revisit that storyline. I think there's some incredibly cool stories, and new directions that can result from that storyline.


So what I'm hoping is the theme of evil is doing things, and good guys have to stop it will continue. Ahriman is trying to perform some great feat and GK are trying to prevent it.


If the storyline actually has GK on the offensive, it will be a little boring imo. I'd much rather see Thousand Sons antagonizing or performing something huge that has to be stopped. (which of course it will be stopped, at least partially.)

I thought about that to, Prot. Mags was pretty pissed at Ari for the Rubric. I would think he would want to reverse the Rubric also but who knows. We would lose All is Dust, if successful lol.

I seriously doubt we would lose rubrics anytime soon...or at all. If anything, if gw does decide to advance some sort of rubricae narrative "cure", then we could see some new units in the flesh alongside the rubricae. Who knows.

Lol, we wouldn't lose AID, I was trying to be funny. I suspect our Epic Universe Changing Ritual will be interrupted if not all out stopped.


Though yall bring up some good ideas so who knows? I do like the idea of some Rubrics coming back, even new characters. Who knows where there loyalties would lie? Could end up as an opposing faction like the Fallen for Dark Angels.


Then again 1k Sons did wreck the gene lab on Fenris and pulled the planet out of a hat trick. Chaos always seems to pull off some sort of hidden victory if the main objective (distraction?) fails.


I wouldn't think it too much of a stretch to end up with Malefic discipline.

I suspect our Epic Universe Changing Ritual will be interrupted if not all out stopped.

Well of course but the victory will only come after Magnus is defeated in 1v1 combat with some named character in the darkest second of the darkest minute of the darkest hour, on the darkest day when all hope is lost and the Imperium is giving it one last ditch effort and a hail mary play nobody thought would succeed.


All I'm saying is dont get rid of rubrics but is Thousand Sons but a non-rubric TS would give reason for other units and flesh out the codex a bit.


But what twisted dark fate and evil machinations that Ahriman, Magnus, and the others could reverse the rubric but only do it for those that would stay loyal to them and not the Emperor.


I wouldn't think it too much of a stretch to end up with Malefic discipline.


I mean if we're doing things that make sense, GW would just give Ahriman Gaze of Fate as a static ability lul.


I'd personally hope for Stratagems that upgrade an Exalted Sorcerer to have some special ability based on each of the Prosperine Cults....sort of our version of "Chief Librarian," "Master of Sanctity," etc.

That sounds like something they'd do, sure- it should be just free per Exalted. :smile.:


Don't give an inch, brother. Hold them to a high standard for this content. (make no mistake-  im not saying to get our hopes up)


I think we can probably expect a serious boost reward for having ALL <Thousand Sons> in your army: +1 Invul and 1s count as 2s for Psychic Tests. It's not doctrines... but it's a fair reward for "pure" construction. 

CSM didn't get any doctrine equivalent, what makes you think we will?

And argument someone brought up to me was: chaos is supposed to soup with itself and so shouldn't get access to doctrines.

I dont know how I personally feel about that as I find some of the old legions would keep to themselves and so could and should benefit from doctrines. But I get where the argument is coming from.

I'm just thinking in terms of content. The legions were a lot for GW to "give stuff to" in PA: 2. Sure, they wouldn't each get a doctrine like Space Marines did..


TS & GK, though? High chance of getting "a thing." Easy to do.

While I think we can look to CSM as an example the kind of things we will get. However they certainly are a unique case. They recently got a version 2, not a newly written codex, through vigilous they got renegade chapters but not create your own much like SM, Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Tyranids. They didn't get a re-write of traits and chaos traits continue not to be available to every unit in the codex unlike every other codex in the game. GW follows the pattern unless they just don't follow it and in those cases there usually is no explanation as to why.

I expect one of two things to happen:


1. We find we get some extremely sharp, to the point, but extremely effective psychic damage boosters. Smite +2 casts. Something dead simple, boring as heck, but a tournament player's dream.


2. Fluff, and circumstance. The story pushes Thousand Sons to expand their abilities leading to a plethora of mediocre casting bonuses. IE: Rise of Phoenix replacing Smite with WC6 powers. (2 are good, 2 are mediocre, 2 are bad.)


Unit wise Eldar got 2 new models, but one was a resculpt. This is just my opinion but if PA doesn't 'awaken' a dreadnought with psychic ability, nothing will. 

Has anyone read the new Mephiston novel, city of light? Granted it's a novel, but it has updated fluff on what has been going on since the attack on Fenris, and perhaps some insight on the future of the new PA.....Some spoilers ahead:



Hidden Content
  Since Sortiarius has warped to orbit Prospero, Magnus has since rebuilt Prospero. Not in the sense of returning it to old Tizca with pyramids and such. It is still a dead husk, but the planet is now riddled with war factories, bunkers and industry. Designed to be the planet that feeds the thousand sons war effort. This isn't much, and I still have to read on....but it is at least super inspiring that Magnus has been busy building his forces and possibly creating new weapons. 

What makes you think it's Thousand Sons getting the new character?


Grey Knights and Dark Angels have a majority of their characters in Finecast or Metal still. Thousand Sons is an entirely plastic range... :lol:

Not necessarily true PA1 dished out 2 and two units


Would love to see thousand sons get some interesting thousand sons only stuff like bloat drones etc be good if they where as fleshed out as Death Guard


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