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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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I just want to run the magic bomb on a clustered mob of meta Tau drones.


Personally it's only 'okay' against that. Fusilade would be best. Don't forget the 'explosion' is around the MODEL, not the unit. The bomb will always work best on single model unit with a large footprint.


I got it off last night on a Vindicator. Very juicy.



Cult of Magic is probably going straight into a command detachment for me. (If I drop magnus). Duplicity looks fun, but can be tricky because essentially we're talking about Da Jump. However I still think Magic is going to be heavily used by Soup. You can't beat the total damage out put and the ability to boost several characters tests (if you wanted to fine tune for Cult of Magic). 


Plus its total package all works


I tried using Fusilade last night.... it's much harder for me to use than I thought. I will hardly ever get this off unless someone basically Da Jumps 30 boyz right in front of me on T1. That's about it.


Cult of Time... I used last night as well... not nearly as good as I hoped. I misread it and thought I could modify to the "9" result. Ugh. What a Debbie Downer that was. 

Probably better uses but a fun friendly game use of Magister is to give it to a cult of Change SOT squad. The warlord trait on the unit would be fun. Reroll Charge, fall back, shoot, charge.


I...don't think you can use it on a squad?

Should be looked at, but if it IS possible, I think there are quite a few warlord traits that would be absurd on scarabs (+1 invul, advance and charge with rerolls, reduce damage by 1, etc)




Cult of magic only really buffs one guy for the damage output though.

If you want to get EVERYTHING cult of magic has to offer, you just need 1 HQ, 1 troop (for a patrol detachment) and somewhere to drain CP from.


Doesn't everyone know the power from that cult? So I can change which unit uses it depending on where to unleash the power from?


Plus it's the whole package. It's really going to work best with that one dude, but it's going to hit like a truck. I'll take one truck over a table of mediocrity.


I am just reading it over now, but I still stand by it. THIS is the power you will see in every soup list.



Everyone knows the spell, but unlike time and duplicity spells, its not a spell that offers great benefit for having it all around.

Sure, it will help you find a better target once in a while-but its easy enough to get 1 dude into optimal position, and you are likely to prefer using it on a the souped-up dude with multiple casting bonuses piled up, alongside a real infernal gateway, for megumin level explosions.


Cult of magic is one of my B tiers-great for a SCD, but not really useful for a main army detachment.

I also think that the Warlord Trait combined with an Exalted or Sorcerer or Prince slinging 3 spells (2 + 1 CP) of damage would be the perfect assassin to nail all those annoying "aura" characters. 


Firestorm usually pulls 1.5 (so 1-2 wounds) becoming 2-3 with trait, Infernal gaze pulling another 2 on average.


This warlord trait means that the sorcerer casting it would have a far easier time nailing important targets. This feels rife for abuse on the table :whistling: :biggrin.:

Well it's good that other people like something better than Cult of Magic. I would love to see people getting their favourite out on the table and doing what they can with it. 



Side note Stratagems I like:



: Sorcerous Infusion: 1 CP: After a model basically passes a test on a 9 or higher (can be modified result!) then you'd play this for 1 CP and regain D3 lost wounds. Or return a lost wound. Basically a "triggered" Strat that is actually better than Cult of Time's psychic power imo.


Indomitable Foes: 1CP. After Rubrics or SOT are targeted, increase their invulns by 1 (to a max of 3) Nice. Can be plopped on top of the psychic power too, if necessary. 


Yoked Automata: 2 CP (So worth it). Your (non-Tzaangor) charcter gets chaged..... your Rubrics and SoT can Heroically Intervene  from within 12" on 2D6   I love this. NO more picking on Sorcs. Now as lethargic as those units are in CC, I believe this will trigger Hatefull assault as well. 


Adepts of the Immaterium: 1CP. Suffered a Perils on a character or unit that you can't CP re roll? Cancel it for 1 CP. (Great for rolling boxcars on Smite!)


These strats really help make the Rubrics and SOT much more valid. I'm perhaps most happy with this from the book!

Cult of magic is 100% the strongest, boring, constant, and obnoxiously effective, not the most fun or interactive but far from 2nd tier.

I'm 100% taking both trait and relic every game I'll play.

Other then that in quite torn apart with the second detachment that'll feautr 1/2 units of SoT, should it be duplicity or time? I really want to like time but is the WL trait any better then a very effective High Magister? And time flux sounds so good but if we're playing objectives DA Jump is God.

Also the cults don't affect Tzaangor, I'm so sad about this, being able to have them teleported by Duplicity sorcerers would remove entirely the need for DMC

I'm typically very indecisive with lists and the decision to assign a Cult to my different detachments is really going to hold me back for a while.. I kinda lose track and purpose with so many options.


I'm probably going to have a battalion with 3 units of Rubrics that are 9man squads for Duplicity.


A 2nd battalion will probably be MSU rubrics, and any Cult with utility can be subbed in. 


I'll probably take a Killshot predator tank spearhead with an Exalted Sorcerer from Prophecy. Sub in a roll after getting bad damage is wild.

Make no mistake, I am probably also taking Magic in my eventual list once I settle down.


But as my second detachment, not the main.


Main would be either Duplicity or Time, not quite sure. as my card choices makes me not really dependent on mobility (against most opponents I end up with only 4-6 cards that care about objectives) I'd probably go for time.

Secondary will most likely be Magic. I don't have the models to really benefit from the Prophecy relic, and as I dont care for objective much, don't care much for the objsec aura of Scheming (also, never managed to get a good beam off)



The real question is what to take for my THIRD detachment (the CP battery)

Either daemons for the spell battery and ultra cheap horrors, or red corsairs for the mass CP influx

Since I recently painted a LoC for me the third detachment would be Daemons, LoC and a Changeling for he FnP aura, and 3 10 man squads of brimstone, cheapest screen ever 30 points get you a 6++ and with the changeling also a 6+++, also they are so tiny that they hide super easy behind anything.

But the LoC is unplayable without investing on him a WL trait and a Relic (makes him 3++ and reduce damage by 1 with a 6+++, very obnoxious for your opponent aka borderline unkillable)

Fateweaver is objectively worst, sounds good on paper, but it can't take the WL trait to reduce damage by 1, it can't take the Impossible Robe so it's locked into a 4++ instead of a 3++ unless you spend 2CP to put Warp Surge on him every turn he gets targeted (which is every turn), and worst of all his number of attacks degrades drastically it goes like 5-3-1 while th LoC goes 5-4-3 and with the Sword (you're giving him the sword for 5 points all the time) he's actually pretty good at beating staff in melee, so generally LoC > Kairos as it's far more survivable and far more melee oriented

Gonna do a Duel-Battallion as Time/Magic. Potential for Duplicity as well depending on how points shake out. 


Going to go Rubrics x4 (10 mans) and 2x cultist x10.

2 foot Exalteds, 1 Disc Exalted and 1 Daemon Prince with Wings. 


gives me just over 600 to play with for support. But nets me the starting 13 CP. Of which more then likely I will spend 3-5 before the game starts. Risen, extra relic, extra warlord for sure, perhaps a third relic if I am feeling particularly spicey. 


Of that 600 I think Contemptors and perhaps a tank or 2 might be on the agenda. Might downgrade 2 exalteds to regular sorcerers if I feel like it and keep the one Exalted on disc and of course the Prince.  

Fateweaver is objectively worst, sounds good on paper, but it can't take the WL trait to reduce damage by 1, it can't take the Impossible Robe so it's locked into a 4++ instead of a 3++ unless you spend 2CP to put Warp Surge on him every turn he gets targeted (which is every turn), and worst of all his number of attacks degrades drastically it goes like 5-3-1 while th LoC goes 5-4-3 and with the Sword (you're giving him the sword for 5 points all the time) he's actually pretty good at beating staff in melee, so generally LoC > Kairos as it's far more survivable and far more melee oriented



Gonna do a Duel-Battallion as Time/Magic. Potential for Duplicity as well depending on how points shake out.


Going to go Rubrics x4 (10 mans) and 2x cultist x10.

2 foot Exalteds, 1 Disc Exalted and 1 Daemon Prince with Wings.


gives me just over 600 to play with for support. But nets me the starting 13 CP. Of which more then likely I will spend 3-5 before the game starts. Risen, extra relic, extra warlord for sure, perhaps a third relic if I am feeling particularly spicey.


Of that 600 I think Contemptors and perhaps a tank or 2 might be on the agenda. Might downgrade 2 exalteds to regular sorcerers if I feel like it and keep the one Exalted on disc and of course the Prince.

You're probably right on the dropping of Exalteds, but I also think the disc is a trap.


There is so much more anti-Psyker and anti-Daemon specific stuff out there. I'm really hesitant because they're not as durable as a DP so it's more likely to get singled out and popped. That's my fear for the DP now.


GK's are actually incredible to drop into a Imperium list for min costs to shut down any Psykers in an army. Once awakening is done it's inevitable we see more Psykers out there, maybe seeing some SCD of 600ish points of Knights.


Super early to say, but depending how influential powers are we could see it. Can't wait for SW.

Well, the warlord trait does not matter if you are not planning to make the guy your warlord (and it that guy faty gives d3 CP, and that's valuable on it's own)

But yea, robe access and better CC probably beats faty's improved magics. I got myself a bit tunnel visioned on "cast all the spells!"

Also Daemons of Tzeentch give you access to a very nifty trick, there is a stratagem that states: 2CP Choose a Daemons of Tzeentch character, until the end of the phase re-roll all the failed Psychic Tests for Tzeentch Daemons characters within 6" from this model.

Well this affects also the DPoT in the TS detachment and all the characters on disc (Ahriman and Exalted on disc) get the daemon key word so suddenly they are Daemons of Tzeentch and get affected by this, I generally use it on first turn as it almost guarantees all successful casts for LoC, the Changeling, 2 DPoT and Ahriman as I keep them close there to benefit from it.

But yeah when you're running the LoC you're making him the warlord 90% of the time, I hope when daemons are featured in PA they'll get the same 1 trait for 1 CP stratagem as TS did, which will make this combo far less restrictive


Fateweaver is objectively worst, sounds good on paper, but it can't take the WL trait to reduce damage by 1, it can't take the Impossible Robe so it's locked into a 4++ instead of a 3++ unless you spend 2CP to put Warp Surge on him every turn he gets targeted (which is every turn), and worst of all his number of attacks degrades drastically it goes like 5-3-1 while th LoC goes 5-4-3 and with the Sword (you're giving him the sword for 5 points all the time) he's actually pretty good at beating staff in melee, so generally LoC > Kairos as it's far more survivable and far more melee oriented



Gonna do a Duel-Battallion as Time/Magic. Potential for Duplicity as well depending on how points shake out.


Going to go Rubrics x4 (10 mans) and 2x cultist x10.

2 foot Exalteds, 1 Disc Exalted and 1 Daemon Prince with Wings.


gives me just over 600 to play with for support. But nets me the starting 13 CP. Of which more then likely I will spend 3-5 before the game starts. Risen, extra relic, extra warlord for sure, perhaps a third relic if I am feeling particularly spicey.


Of that 600 I think Contemptors and perhaps a tank or 2 might be on the agenda. Might downgrade 2 exalteds to regular sorcerers if I feel like it and keep the one Exalted on disc and of course the Prince.

You're probably right on the dropping of Exalteds, but I also think the disc is a trap.


There is so much more anti-Psyker and anti-Daemon specific stuff out there. I'm really hesitant because they're not as durable as a DP so it's more likely to get singled out and popped. That's my fear for the DP now.


GK's are actually incredible to drop into a Imperium list for min costs to shut down any Psykers in an army. Once awakening is done it's inevitable we see more Psykers out there, maybe seeing some SCD of 600ish points of Knights.


Super early to say, but depending how influential powers are we could see it. Can't wait for SW.



Generally I don't see lots of souping like THAT in my meta. But I do know some actual Grey Knight players who play the army itself....that is a VERY valid concern in that case when I play them. 


But when playing with the group of my normal opponents I think the Disc will probably be fine. I need another RR1's aura in there somewhere! Though I haven't decided who to give relics to yet, it feels like the Prince with the Time relic is just a "DUH!" moment. They are expensive but having a guilliman style "get up for free guaranteed" is something that is invaluable. 

Ah, your right Boomwolf on Cult of Change. Non Warlord "Character", I thought it said "psycher".



Magister seems like an auto include for me. Why would I not make the most of 2 WLTs?


But I agree, Cult of Time and Magic are the clear frontrunners with some other good flavors.


Hope its not to soon and I am grateful for the new toys though sending GW feedback to tweek exalted in upcoming chapter approved could be an opportunity. Give them some ideas to individualize them and make you want to take them. I still stand by choice of 3 or more auras or choice of static buffs, wargear at a cost to maybe boost saves or other ability, let them take a relic cheap, somethin'.


Even so this is pretty damn exciting!

Apparently I underestimated having a splash from Prophecy cult sorcerer, as their relic (6" aura of rerolling 1 hit 1 wound or 1 damage roll) is NOT locked to effecting only cult units, or even only TS units

There are a few things I expect to FAQ'd and that is one of them. Having that sorcerer babysit knights will be absolutely stellar like too stellar.


While difficult to pull off with the current +1 invul power there is a +1 invul strategem. Meaning rubrics in cover can be 1+/2++ and SOT will be 0+/2++ against D1 weapons.


Lastly there is a power or relic I forget which that allows you to reduce the cost of strategem to "0" currently as worded it is any strategem your entire army has access, not just TS strats.

As far as daemon detachments go, I'm excited to see what psychic awakening will give tzeentch. Are daemons hinted at all in the next few books?


Book 7 at the earliest, but in all likelihood, book 9.




Apparently I underestimated having a splash from Prophecy cult sorcerer, as their relic (6" aura of rerolling 1 hit 1 wound or 1 damage roll) is NOT locked to effecting only cult units, or even only TS units

There are a few things I expect to FAQ'd and that is one of them. Having that sorcerer babysit knights will be absolutely stellar like too stellar.


While difficult to pull off with the current +1 invul power there is a +1 invul strategem. Meaning rubrics in cover can be 1+/2++ and SOT will be 0+/2++ against D1 weapons.


Lastly there is a power or relic I forget which that allows you to reduce the cost of strategem to "0" currently as worded it is any strategem your entire army has access, not just TS strats.




Not that stellar, as its just 1 hit/wound/damage roll for each unit. not even 1 of each.


Can never get 2++, the limit is 3++ on the spell. (and probably the strat too)


The last thing is correct. though how often will it do more than a 2CP strat anyway?

Nop they can get 2++ right now, the strat and power limit them to 3++ for the effect of that strat/power, then afterwards if you shoot with a 1 damage weapon All is Dust adds one to the save roll making it a 2++, it's the same as ephemeral forme of Tzeentch daemons that bypasses the same limitation on Warp Surge that states no more then 4++ and yet they get 3++ out of it.

All though yeah it'll get FAQd, but thinking about it there's a couple of 2++ out there right now, like the AdMech priests that get a 3++ and can get +1 if holding and objective so it could even stay


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