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Robot bits Inquiry


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Anyone know of a decent supplier of robot arms/legs we can use? Looking for terminator arms/legs, normal marine arms/legs, primaris arms/legs. I didn't really find anything on shapeways sadly. I might have to go and get some of those plasticard stuff and just build my own. Wouldn't be a bad idea tbh. Maybe I can find a 3D sculptor that can build them for me. Some poor college kid perhaps lol :D

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Necron bits can work.


Yeah I was thinking about using them. They might work for scouts. But I was trying to get a bit more of a beefy look like what is shown below.



I know I'm being a little picky and I'll mot likely just have to figure out how to plasticard it up. Especially for the Terminators. But I think it can look really cool if I can get it done right. Was just looking for a possible easier way out lol :p 


Those looks pretty damn good. :D Gonna have to really think this through.



I’d dodge these, they’re pretty dire in person sadly.



Waaaa? Really? They look amazing. Did you get some? What was the issue with them?

I've used Mechanicum Thallax robots for my bionics, both arms and legs. The legs are ever-so slightly too long for Primaris marines but not noticably so.


Adeptus Titanicus Knight legs are perfect for Priaris marines but, like the Thallax bots, a bit pricy just for conversions.


I wouldn't use necrons for Primaris or Terminators as they look too spindly and small. You could beef them up to make them right tho. If you can get your hand's on a bunch of the old 3rd Ed Necron Immortals then try those, they're nice and blocky and fit great on terminators.

As someone who actually uses them on marines, Necron bits are passable for certain applications. I have one Firstborn model who lost three limbs, and as such has both legs and an arm replaced with necron bits. However, the legs are lychguard legs, which are more bulky and better proportioned than warrior or immortal legs, and the arm is almost entirely covered by his weapon, his shoulderpad, and greenstuff to tie everything together, so you can't really tell that he has that arm. I also use a necron spine as a servo-arm thing, but unless I told you or you knew what to look for it's pretty difficult to ID where it came from....


They can work on scouts or firstborn, but I would not use them on primaris, unless, as suggested above, you do heavy greenstuff work to bulk them up, at which point you've lost all the detail on that limb.

If you're up for it, however, you could try turning a necron head into a metal faceplate for a bare head, if you want to do some heavy, heavy cutting. I've not seen it done, but you could try if you're looking to heavily convert your guys.


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