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Who is "AK"?


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What's the speculation about the identity of the in-universe authour of the FW Black Books?


Any cool theories? Does AK even refer to a single individual or could it be the calling card of a group or order?

In Malcador: First Lord of the Imperium, the AK character shows up (apologies, I don't remember his full name) and he is one of Malcador's advisers/assistants. 

It's either him, or Amendera Kendel. 

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I always thought it was Amandera Kendel but the following information changes everything.


In Malcador: First Lord of the Imperium, the AK character shows up (apologies, I don't remember his full name) and he is one of Malcador's advisers/assistants.


The narrator refers to themselves as an old man, so I think it rules out Amendera. Also she wasn't on Tallarn when it died.


From First Lord of the Imperium , I think the man was called Allium Karpin (sp?).

Cheers for sharing this, folks. :tu:

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