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Damon Nightman

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Hey Everyone,


I'm pretty set on starting a tyranid army to face off against my blood angels. I'm looking for some help on what to buy. I don't care about being competitive really, but I still want to be somewhat considerate about what units are worthwhile. 


I already have the contents of the Deathstorm box from years ago (1xBroodlord, 1xCarnifex, 3xWarriors, and 5xgenestealers I think). I'm trying to decide if I should get 2 of the holiday bundles or 1 holiday bundle + 1 Start Collecting box? If I get 2 holiday bundles, I'll have 5 carnifexes! Is that bad? I actually like the model, so wouldn't mind fielding them all if it's even remotely viable. I mean I'm going to get the start collecting box eventually anyway, so I guess I'm more so asking if 2 of the holiday bundles are worth it? Is it too good a deal to not buy it twice if I'm starting out? I assume I need at least 20 of each of the small guys(termagaunts and hormagaunts? I don't like the flying ones honestly at all), so would need to buy more of those individual kits eventually anyway right? Would it be foolish to not buy two holiday bundles in a sense if I have the funds? I want to be efficient monetarily when building the army...


Thanks for any help! 




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For what to build qua army atm I’m still waiting on the point changes and blood of Baal :) I’ll be revising my build after that.


Currently have a very melee focussed army running with loads of genestealers / broodlord/ termies / hormies/ swarmlord/ Dimachaeron/ tervigon depending on the situation.


I can tell you that when they last did a swarm box I only got the one and I’ve regretted not getting a second one.

I picked up one now to add to my current force.


When I’m running termies or hormies now I like to go 20 minimum. They do a good enough job of holding objectives. But they need the numbers.


So it would be efficient if you have the funds.


Carnifexes are very useful and fun to deploy as ‘one brood’ and afterwards you can move them independently :).


I also like using a Maclow or Trygon to ef some stuff up over at the other side / cause a distraction. I am hoping on a buff for those with the changes cause they aren’t that great atm.


I don’t run gargoyles at all at the moment :/


Welcome to the hive mind! :) May your devouring be great

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The bioswarm box is a very good box to start with. Fex’s are strong choices and are extremely customisable, so they can fill any role you find your lacking. Genestealers (see below) you can never have too many termagants and hormagaunts. Gargoyles are decent but suffer from not being a troops choice. And Flyrants are a real MVP unit. Always take wings, they’re an expensive upgrade, but it’s transforms the unit.

To expand on it, our two of our best units are..


Genestealers - these want to be in 16-20 size units, in order to keep them over 10 so they get +1attack per model. They work best combined with Swarmlord for his double move ability. Take them as kraken for some incredible speed.


Hive guard : equipped with impaler cannons. Deploy them out of LOS ina unit of 6 and laugh manicly as you throw 12 S8 Ap-2 Dd3 at 36” range ignoring cover and line of sight! Then spend 2 CP to use single minded annihilation to do double tap. Keep a synapse creature nearby for synapse. Kronos pairs really well with these for the re roll 1’s.


I never leave home without these two units, they’re the spine of a good Tyranid list. Very powerful work horses. You can’t go far wrong with anything else you want to bring if you have these two, in a semi competitive / semi casual scene.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very envious, I’m keen to get a bioswarm box. It would fill out my hormaguants to 2x30, gargoyles to 1x30, genestealers 3x20 and termagants would be close to 3x30. The carnifex’s are always welcome now they come in broods and a third flyrant would be great. Alas for funds ‘sigh’
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I got 3 boxes myself and for someone that didn't have little bugs, it was a super bargain. I had big monsters already from Apocalypse boxes, so I resold the carnifexes and tyrants from bioswarms, making 12 gaunts+10 herma+ 8 genestealers+10 gargoyles+1 swarm for just 25€ !! lol.

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