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Batrep (mini) #1 Eldar vs Orks


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Batrep #1 Eldar vs. Orks


This will be brief and these early batreps won't have pictures because I hate using proxies but as I learn the army and change it, I will do my best to get some models on the table. So far I'm even proxying some of my unbuilt Wraiths as... Termies!

So as I've had help developing my list here, you may know what it is but basically it currently sits as this (Pre CA 2019!).

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [84 PL, 1,534pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Craftworld Attribute
. *Custom Craftworld*: Expert Crafters, Wrath of the Dead
The Path of War
+ HQ +
Farseer Skyrunner [7 PL, 137pts]: 0. Smite, 1. Guide, 3. Fortune, Craftworlds Warlord, Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear, Twin Shuriken Catapult
Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: 5. Focus Will, 5. Quicken/Restrain, Shuriken Pistol
Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: 3. Ghostwalk, 4. Protect/Jinx, Shuriken Pistol
+ Troops +
Dire Avengers [6 PL, 69pts]
. 5x Dire Avenger: 5x Avenger Shuriken Catapult
. Dire Avenger Exarch: Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults
. . Exarch Power: Battle Fortune
Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger
Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger
+ Elites +
Wraithblades [10 PL, 175pts]: Ghostswords, 5x Wraithblade
Wraithguard [11 PL, 190pts]: Wraithcannon, 5x Wraithguard
Wraithguard [11 PL, 215pts]: D-scythe, 5x Wraithguard
+ Dedicated Transport +
Wave Serpent [9 PL, 159pts]: Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Vectored Engines
Wave Serpent [9 PL, 159pts]: Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Vectored Engines
Wave Serpent [9 PL, 180pts]: Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Twin Bright Lance
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [31 PL, 462pts] ++
+ HQ +
Autarch Skyrunner [6 PL, 105pts]: Banshee Mask, Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult
+ Heavy Support +
Falcon [9 PL, 147pts]: Bright Lance, Crystal Targeting Matrix, Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Catapult
Wraithlord [8 PL, 95pts]: Ghostglaive, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Catapult
Wraithlord [8 PL, 115pts]: Bright Lance, Ghostglaive, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Catapult
++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Aeldari - Craftworlds) ++
++ Total: [115 PL, 1,996pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
The Ork list was (from memory):
Warlord on Bike
Psyker (da Jump)
30 boyz in Teleporta
30 boyz on foot
10 Mega Armoured Nobz (teleporta)
1 copter
tons of Grotz
Dude with a Forcefield
Shockattack gun
Super Shockattack gun
Morkanaut (these two big boys were using the double shoot strat from Vigilus Ablaze)
The Gorkanaut transported 5 of the slightly better better multi wound boyz with axes?
First up I just want to say this was NOT his tournament list. I asked him to keep it turned down a bit because I don't know what I'm doing with Eldar, and he obliged as there were no Lootas, etc.
The Game:
It's a simple Maelstrom with 3 cards always in play but we always use the 'discard 8'. The map is 'quarters' with the 9" circle in the middle as a no deploy zone.
I get first turn, and he fails to seize.
Oddly enough I don't think I should have taken first turn. My loaded serpents can't get clean shots, all this really lets me do is "Fortune" a Wraithlord which is going forward. Between the Rangers and the Serpents, I am unable to kill anything. Every Brightlance that actually hit/wounded was saved by the Forcefield dude or just seemed to bounce.
I ended the turn with no kills, but a lucky Maelstrom point.
The Ork Turn is oddly enough just as weird. The Shockk attack guns don't do a lot. I have a few dead Rangers, and the Fortuned Wraithlord holds up under pressure! So I do lose the D-Scythe Serpent giving up a First Strike point. I lose a few wounds off of one of those Wraiths from other shooting, but it's important to note that I rolled a 1 and realized instantly how incredibly nasty that is to such an expensive payload!!! Ouch.
Eldar T2: I have juicy objectives, mostly involved Markers within reach, but it would force me to overextend vs a very numerically superior force. I can't take the bait, or I think I will lose the long game. I know he has deep strikers so I have to be careful not to over expose. Plus the Morakaut is double shooting a TON of volume, and he got unlucky one turn which I can't risk again.
I DOOM the Morkanaut successfully. I had moved the D-Scythe guys up. I got to reroll 1's to wound thanks to my Craftworld choices (on Wraith units only) and it paid off as I am the king of 1's!
It was just a ton of little wounds, but I think even with his forcefield I got about 10 through! Next the Brightlances/Pulsars... they didn't do too much. Not a lot of volume and these were saves worth using his reroll CP on since the Damage could be high. I plink away at the Morkanaught with a ton of stuff, but most of it bounces. The end game was the dual Brightlance doing 8 Damage to destroy the Morkanaut.! My only kill, but I will take it. This does set my Wraiths up in a precarious position with their D-scythes waving in the wind.
Ork T2: His turn is much more devastating as well, but has some crazy twists. He Da Jumps a pile of guys in my zone to attack a Wave Serpent with Wraithcannon Wraiths. As well on my right he deep strikes his "terminator" style Mega Armoured unit. They shoot surprisingly good... however I use the Eldar version of 'Auspex Scan' and the Falcon actually kills two flat out with 3D damage x 2 going through!
His shooting is good... I lose half a wraithlord, and the other Wraithlord is under heavy attack, but I only lose one wound. The Mega armoured Nobz unload into my Close combat Wraith Serpent and take it down to about half! I was shocked at that. Then he assaults, and the Serpent goes down. I would roll another 1 for the disembarkation, but had to blow another CP as losing a wraith like this is just insane.
His assault also involves the mess we were creating at center. So imagine this... I have 5 Wraiths with D Scythes, a Wraithlord, and a Spiritseer nearby. He wants to charge in the Gorkanaut, the Warboss on bike with the mega claw relic (that thing is DIRTY for heinously cheap points. I've seen it kill my space marine warlords in a go.) And finally some more Boyz.
So I overwatch and do some decent damage on the boyz, but not enough... Somehow I live. I literally lose 2 D Scythe Wraiths, and then the Wraithlord swings back. WOW did he hit hard. He was still in his top bracket (thanks to fortune.) And he took a huge chunk out of the Gorganaut, but more importantly he put two attacks on the Warboss with his Ghost Glaive and outright killed him.... sweet. Lucky, but I'll take it.
The final assault was with his boyz into my Wraithcannon Serpent. It was fairly uneventful, and I lost a few wounds.
We are still tied after 2 turns.
Eldar T2:
I feel this is the turn where a lot has to go my way or I'm in big trouble. I'm stuck at center and tied up in some other spots thanks to the close combats. I will make a few mistakes, but the outcome of the game is more or less going to happen in T2 on this one....
I still have my Dscythe Wraiths stuck in, as well as the Wraith Lord and the Spirit seer. However right beside them is the Wraith Blade squad that fell out of the downed Serpent. I immediately cast Fortune back on the Wraithlord there. I get the Wraith Blades ready for a dual assault with their Spirit Seer nearby for a multi assault between Mega Nobz, and the Boyz holding up the DScythes.
Then my Psyhic phase utterly fails, except for the previously mentioned Fortune on the Wraithlord. It happens.
Shooting is not great... the army definitely lacks shooting. The Shurken cannons are not getting me a lot of mileage. Grots are basically cleared out, and my remaining Rangers snipe out the Ork Psyker.
Basically this boils down to Close Combat: The second Wraithlord in the background with Brightlance has been picked on, and I heal D3 wounds on him, getting a 3 so he's back in his top bracket. (I forgot to mention I used the strat at start of the turn.)
That Brightlance Wraithlord and the Skyrunner Autarch swoop in to attack the giant mob that tried to kill a serpent. even with shooting Dire Avengers, and rangers, and Catapults.... there's still about half the squad left! I run in with the Wraithlord and Autarch, and they still can't kill the rest (WL is not meant for this kind of work!!!!). Luckily he breaks, and I don't lose the Autarch.
My Farseer gets in the mix.. .wow was he terrible!!! lol But the Blade Wraiths manage to take on just enough of the Mega Nobz to make them fail morale! The Wraithlord at center manages to kill off the Morkanaut!
It really is a huge swing. Oddly enough my shooting is not great again. I feel lucky if I get a single brightlance through.
Ork T2: He trield to retaliate in close combat. The Shokk attack guns take down another Serpent, and put my Wraithcannon squad on foot. He's still got another massive boyz squad going for my Wraith Cannon squad (just fresh out of a blown up serpent). He's given up on center board now which is huge, but he does throw 30 boyz at my Wraith cannon squad, but I don't lose a single model somehow!.... oh I just remembered I did "Protect" them so I had a 2+ save on T6 models which was huge there, and the number one reason I think I lived.
Top of Turn 3:
Eldar focus fire on some HQ models. I think one was the forcefield dude. The Autarch basically sniped him. The Wraiths backed out of close combat and combined firepower with the D Scythes (down to 2 models) and almost killed them all. At that the Orks Conceded.
I won the game on points...barely. It was super close, and it was nice to have an Eldar army that ran a bit unconventionally and allowed me to be a bit aggressive. (still cautious though... against Orks it's easy to get tied into mosh pits.)
Heroes and Zeros:
I can't think of a lot of huge moments. Both sides has terrible turn 1 rolls. I got extremely lucky when his Shock attack gunz really didn't do anything for a turn. That's a huge break.
But the biggest moment was when a Fortuned Wraithlord took a heck of a beating from a Warlord Boss on Bike with relic Claw AND a Gorkanaut in the face and managed to pass 10 out of 12 Fortune rolls. This allowed me to hit back and set the next turn up for the clobbering of the Gorkanaut.!!
I did enjoy the list The Wraith cannons did not get into play, and the D Scythes were fun. The Blades were good, but had a trouble wounding.... I may go Axe/shield.
I screwed up a bit.. definitely too aggressive with the Autarch. And my Farseer for that matter. I know they are fragile but they also didn't kill a lot.
The Psychic phase is obviously so important to this army. It really made the Wraiths work. I did enjoy the game though and looking forward to CA19 tweaks!
Thanks for checking it out.
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