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I Need Some Input From Black Templar Players


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A really good friend of mine and I are going to play in a team tournament at Adepticon next year.  We are not competitive in the least and want to have fun.  We came up with a pretty good idea.  I am going to bring templars and he is going to bring world eaters\choppy chaos marines.  We are going to have a dry erase board and compete on who can get the most melee kills.  We even talked about targeting units (for shooting) that the other is about to engage in close combat so the other player cannot get as many kills (even if that is not the best target selection). 


Here is my dilemma,  he said he wants to bring Khârn the betrayer and try to make him betray and kill my units.  I am totally ok with this, I think it's creative and pretty funny.  I was just wandering if any of the more creative minds in our subforum might have some ideas I can try to do with my army that could have some negative impacts on him as well.  We are really good friends so I do not mind screwing him over, but it has to be done fairly, like he is going to do with Khârn.  Any ideas?  The ruinous powers cannot be shown to be better in battle than our beloved chapter.

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It would be for long war doubles.  The years my friends have played in it, it has been a casual tournament.  In 2018 one of their opponents had a mini bar and was mixing drinks for the players at the table.  There was also an army out of as many fenrisian wolfs as possible with the player dressed as a werewolf.  I didn't get to see the tourney last year in 2019.  If I misread the spirit of the tournament, it wasn't my intention.


This would be my first tournament and I thought given what I described above it would be a good first foray.  As I am not a competitive player and really just enjoy the lore and the hobby more than playing.


If you all think it is bad form, I haven't signed up for anything and I do not have to play.

Edited by Enuncia
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Do whatever you want, it does sound fun and though I dont think you have any escape from Khârn's friendly fire I do think that World Eaters and Black Templar can complement fairly well. Black Templars aren't exactly the deadliest in close combat but we are the best at reaching combat while the opposite is true for World Eaters, so jump in turn one and charge away, lock as many units as you can and allow your "ally" to move forward unmolested. 

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I think thats okay. There are always a few guys who play very competitive and a few guys who play fun lists - the rest is a mix.

(and some people think they can play competitive - but honestly they are prey too^^).

After you lost your first game then you get another persons which play the same style like you. I dont think thats a problem. But if you want to kill as much as possible then:


Chaplain with Jump Pack as Master of Sanctinity with WL-Trait for rerolling litanies and give him canticle of hate and Crusader helmet.

Then you can play 10 Assault Terminators and 10 Vanguards with Storm Shields and 3-4 Hammers.


This units does not allow a big part of the enemy to escape - so that the rest from the WE can come into CC too.

Edited by Medjugorje
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I would second the idea of after your first game it wont matter for the try hards, and honestly everyone should go to have a good time at that kind of a tournament. Dont stress on making someone else who wants to win the whole thing happy. If they get a win from you, it puts them in a better position to win and you can move on to the lower tables where your kind of game is going to take place. If you have never been to a tournament before, a team tournament can be much less stressful and a lot of fun for a first time, and veterans of tournament play to be honest.


Take the list you have planned, go and meet people, you will make new friends, I promise.


As far as screwing your buddy, I dont know of much you can do damage wise, but if you play your movement correctly, try to charge units he wants to charge and block his charge lanes with your squads so he cant get in. That should be frustrating for him.

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I might drop an eversor assassin into combat alongside him and hope for him to explode.  I can always burn command point to try and get him to explode when he dies, as I am sure he is going to be burning command points fishing for ones with Khârn, lol.


Thank you all for the feedback.  I actually met with him last night and chatted.  He said one of the teams last time he played were dressed as harlequins and spun a wheel of fortune type setup to try tell them what to do next in the game. I'm not going to dress up, but I think I this might be the right kind of crowd for my laid back play style, lol.  He also thinks if he plays world eaters, it might be too one sided of a competition when we play.  He is thinking of switching to Emperors Children to make it more balanced.

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