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Blood of Baal new tactica!


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Ok, got to play test tonight - couple of thoughts. Meph is an absolute BEAST at 145 with 6+d3 S10 attacks on the charge. The added wounds are also a huge boon. Incursors are a great choice for BA as well - unsupported they tanked quite a bit and had some solid punch.


Sang guard are really solid with new strats and supports. Astorath is a MUST with litanies and mass of doom.

Ok, got to play test tonight - couple of thoughts. Meph is an absolute BEAST at 145 with 6+d3 S10 attacks on the charge. The added wounds are also a huge boon. Incursors are a great choice for BA as well - unsupported they tanked quite a bit and had some solid punch.


Sang guard are really solid with new strats and supports. Astorath is a MUST with litanies and mass of doom.

How many points and how many cp did you start with?

Also, what was the cp investment for each offensive unit?

2k - started with 13 CP, spent 3 on visions, an extra relic and second warlord trait (sang ancient was warlord - gave artisan to my smash cap). Not having to burn cp for that 3d6 charge on smash or my deep striking units gave me more tactical freedom I feel. For smash - he wings, red rampaged and honored the chapter - so, including visions, that was 6cp (I think rampage is one, 7 if two). Otherwise, I spent 2 on Asto go wings him to my DS sang guard blob to give them the litany. I spent 1 to give the guard the ones become 2 dmg. And the rest was free. So much LESS cp intensive to get our guys stuck in. Still have thoughts about character spam/most effective way to get stuck in. But still. Overall very pleased.

2k - started with 13 CP, spent 3 on visions, an extra relic and second warlord trait (sang ancient was warlord - gave artisan to my smash cap). Not having to burn cp for that 3d6 charge on smash or my deep striking units gave me more tactical freedom I feel. For smash - he wings, red rampaged and honored the chapter - so, including visions, that was 6cp (I think rampage is one, 7 if two). Otherwise, I spent 2 on Asto go wings him to my DS sang guard blob to give them the litany. I spent 1 to give the guard the ones become 2 dmg. And the rest was free. So much LESS cp intensive to get our guys stuck in. Still have thoughts about character spam/most effective way to get stuck in. But still. Overall very pleased.


So smash is still the biggest investment.

I'm curious all, I've never gone the double battalion route for fear that the HQ investment wasnt much worth the CP return. But some of you are fielding 5 HQs frequently. Do they pay back their points or are the CP absolutely worth it?

I only ever run 2x BN. Occasionally I’ll through in a vanguard/spearhead. And yes, for BA it is absolutely worth it.


also - Lucius pattern drop pod and a death company dread? With a magna-grapple it gets +3 to charge - therefore only needing a six. On a T1 drop. For barely 200 points. Is there something I’m missing as to why this isn’t being used?!

I prefer a Brigade myself.

You only need 3 HQs, and your bringing 6 Troops for double battalion anyway.

We're bringing 3 elites as BA, and it's usually pretty easy to bring 3 FA and 3 HS.

3 attack bikes, and 3 squads of eliminators is my go too, and it's only like 400 ish pts.

That gives you 3 durable objective holders that can snipe characters, and 3 fast durable distraction units that make for fantastic secondary objective grabbers.

They can advance a whopping 21", and I've killed more than a few tanks and character with cheeky multimelta shots.

Scout bikers and quad mortars are also good choices.

I only ever run 2x BN. Occasionally I’ll through in a vanguard/spearhead. And yes, for BA it is absolutely worth it.


also - Lucius pattern drop pod and a death company dread? With a magna-grapple it gets +3 to charge - therefore only needing a six. On a T1 drop. For barely 200 points. Is there something I’m missing as to why this isn’t being used?!

The Lucius drop pod doesn't technically have the 1st turn rule. It wasn't erratad for it .

There's just no way I could field a Brigade or double Battalion. If I take 6 Intercessor units I won't have enough points left for all the toys I want to take anymore. I'm already struggling putting in the 5 DC Intercessors for a testrun in my 1500p list and actually have to leave out the Eliminators this time around. :sweat:


Then again, I'm already spending 4 of my 8 CP before the game even begins and will probably spend the other 4 for Transhuman Physiology and Big Guns Never Tire + Duty Eternal in the first turn. :D 

I'm very excited about pairing the canticle of hate litany with the icon of the angel special issue wargear.


Pop the canticle at the start of the turn to give the +2 charge aura to your chaplain. At the end of the movement phase, deep strike a blob of jp infantry (sanguard would be my go-to unit here, but DC would work well too). Have a character with the icon of the angel deepstrike alongside the blob, then UWOF your chaplain in beside them.


Watch your opponents cry as all those units now have a 7" charge where you can reroll either or both of the dice, and can pile in and consolidate 6" once they make the charge. Wrap'n'trap becomes a whole lot easier, and/or you have the option of bad-touching multiple units if your opponent has castled up.


Add in other shenanigans (3d6 charge strat, suppressors to negate overwatch, etc) to really ruin someones day.

@lazyj that’s going to be one of my go-to’s as well. The synergy of + charge buffs and re-rolls is nuts.


I am thinking a vanilla jump chaplain with Icon of Angels makes for a mighty tasty support character, though he obviously faces steep competition from Astorath and Lemartes.

@lazyj that’s going to be one of my go-to’s as well. The synergy of + charge buffs and re-rolls is nuts.


I am thinking a vanilla jump chaplain with Icon of Angels makes for a mighty tasty support character, though he obviously faces steep competition from Astorath and Lemartes.

Might even be better utility, as he'll function for everyone


@lazyj that’s going to be one of my go-to’s as well. The synergy of + charge buffs and re-rolls is nuts.

I am thinking a vanilla jump chaplain with Icon of Angels makes for a mighty tasty support character, though he obviously faces steep competition from Astorath and Lemartes.

Might even be better utility, as he'll function for everyone

As much as I like the humble Chaplain, Astorath is so good for just 15 points more that it’s hard to not choose him rather than an unnamed one.

Astorath knows FIVE Litanies......he's autoinclude in my list from now on. 

<counting on fingers> carry the one... <adjusting abacus> ...solve for x...<pushing glasses up on nose and putting pencil behind ear> 


you’re counting Mass of Doom as a Litany, correct?


Ah-ha so all BA Chappies. Ow Invocation of Destruction automatically. Not bad at all. 

Thing about Astorath is he's terricast, the other option is buying a metal one of eBay or such. Niethet medium really appeals to me.


Indeed. While the metal version is 1000x better, the axe on mine has broken in 2 places due to the fine connections between the vertebrae. I'm looking at having to straighten the thing out and run a pin the whole way through...

We are all in agreement that auto bolt rifles are the "best" option for Veteran Intercessors?


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Auto bolt rifles with Assault 3 seem like a given for BA, given we generally want to run up and smack things. However, I have found great success with standard bolt rifles when using Intercessors in the role of objective holders: the additional range and AP, combined with standing still for Bolter Discipline and on the platform of T4 2W 2+ (in cover) is nothing to sneeze at. They can always roll out to punch things later game or should the enemy get close.

Stalkers....have their place, especially since they are a direct counter-point to our bonuses, but definitely not for VetInt.


With 3A each base before any stacking bonuses, you'd be crazy not to want to throw VetIn into melee. As such, the max-shots-at-max-weapon-range of Auto Bolt Rifles seems like an almost no brainer.


Am I missing anything?


No that's a fair assessment. My veteran intercessors have regular bolt rifles but just because that is how I had built them.


Also a main opponent of mine is a salamander player so the extra AP meaning they're AP-2 in tactical is a big deal.

What are people thinking about Flesh Tearers? Obviously their chapter trait is no longer as good as the blood angels, as they lose out on plus one to advance and charge but they have proper warlord traits and relics now.


I am considering a mainly blood angels force with a flesh tearer detachment . Maybe Seth (as his drop to 110 makes him rather appealing and a jump pack sanguinary priest ... cretation born warlord trait means no overwatch and , while his weapon options are terrible now, he has access to a relic chainblade or narthetium. (I just wish the chainsword relic had been a copy of the teeth of terra. This one is... just worse).

I think FT have potential over standard BA almost exclusively in their ability to get the WLT that ignores OW.  This means that you can get two killer smashies ignoring. 

The rest is silly as, at present, their second half of the super-doctrine doesn't stack with Assault Doctrines - if it gets FAQed to be the case, they will be very, very strong contenders/alternative. 


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