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2000pts Ebon/Hearts

Just Alexis

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EDIT: This list no longer has Ebon Chalice.


++ Battalion Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [8CP, 1057pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +

Battle-forged [3CP]

Detachment [5CP]

Order: Valorous Heart

Geminae Superia [2PL, 32pts]

. 2x Geminae


+ HQ +

Celestine [8 PL, 160pts]

Canoness [3 PL, 54pts]: Warlord

- Warlord: Indomitable belief
. Power sword & boltgun
. Rod of Office

+ Troops +


Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 162pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis
. 1x Meltagun
. 12x Battle Sister

Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 162pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis
. 1x Meltagun
. 12x Battle Sister


Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 162pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis
. 1x Meltagun
. 12x Battle Sister


+ Elites +

Celestain Squad [6PL, 105pts]
Celestain Superior
. Simulacrum Imperialis
. 8x Celestain

+ Fast-Attack +


Seraphim Squad [7PL, 110pts]

. Superior: Chainsword & Plasma pistol

. 2x 2 Inferno pistols
. 4x Seraphim


Seraphim Squad [7PL, 110pts]

. Superior: Chainsword & Plasma pistol

. 2x 2 Inferno pistols
. 4x Seraphim

++ Spearhead Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [-1CP, 564pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment CP [1CP]

Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]

Heroine in the Making [-1CP]

Valorous Heart

+ HQ +

Canoness [3 PL, 54pts]

- Warlord: Beacon of Faith
- Relic: Litanies of Faith
. Power sword & boltgun
. Rod of Office


+ Heavy Support +


Exorcist [8PL, 170pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter

Exorcist [8PL, 170pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter


Exorcist [8PL, 170pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter

++ Vanguard Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [0CP, 377pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment CP [1CP]

Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]

Valorous Heart

Arco-Flagellants [6PL, 104pts]

. 1x Endurant
. 7x Arco-Flagellant

+ HQ +

Canoness [3 PL, 53pts]
- Relic: Brazier of Eternal Flame
. Chainsword & boltgun
. Brazier of holy fire

Missionary [2PL, 38pts]

+ Elites +


Dialogus [2PL, 35pts]

Hospitaller [2PL, 35pts]

Imagifier [2PL, 45pts]
Relic: Book of saint lucius

+ Transport +

Sororitas Rhino [3PL, 69pts]

. 2x Storm bolter


++ Total: [7CP, 2,000pts] ++

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I think that brazier of eternal flame is not that useful anymore, as it is too easy to avoid and apart from doom and jinx most other good psychic powers are buffing so won’t ever be in range.


I would rather take light of st Agnatha relic to have essentially a smiting Canoness run around and combo that with coteaz for a bit of a mortal wound battery on the front lines

I think that brazier of eternal flame is not that useful anymore, as it is too easy to avoid and apart from doom and jinx most other good psychic powers are buffing so won’t ever be in range.


I would rather take light of st Agnatha relic to have essentially a smiting Canoness run around and combo that with coteaz for a bit of a mortal wound battery on the front lines

I myself like the Brazier of Eternal Flame as its super strong vs a Daemon unit, but it is also going inside the Rhino with the arco-flags and Missionary, so its going to be a -2 to powers within 18" of that canoness after that rhino has advanced up the board, and if i really need and get a lucky first 2 miracle dice, i could push it 6" with miracle, making it a massive threat for any army really, having 8 arco-flags coming at you with 2+1 attacks and each attack is d3 attacks, scary stuff along with a canoness to give -2 to powers.


But have to remember this is all guess work, wont know till all the new models are out and i can play it, only have the Starter Box so far.

Just to put it in writting as I'm sure you know.... whilst in the rhino the Canoness doesnt exist in game terms.. so the Brazier has no effect until she disembarks.

yes that why you advance up rhino, get everything out and boom -2 to psykers in 18" of her.


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