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2000pts Pentitents?

Just Alexis

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++ Battalion Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [8CP, 1056pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +

Battle-forged [3CP]

Detachment [5CP]

Order: Valorous Heart


+ HQ +

Canoness [3 PL, 54pts]: Warlord

- Warlord: Indomitable belief
. Power sword & boltgun
. Rod of Office


Canoness [3 PL, 53pts]
- Relic: Brazier of Eternal Flame
. Chainsword & boltgun
. Brazier of holy fire

+ Troops +


Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 164pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis

. 1x Storm bolter
. 1x Meltagun
. 11x Battle Sister

Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 164pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis

. 1x Storm bolter
. 1x Meltagun
. 11x Battle Sister


Battle Sisters Squad [8PL, 164pts]

. Sister Superior: Combi-flamer

. Simulacrum Imperialis

. 1x Storm bolter
. 1x Meltagun
. 11x Battle Sister


+ Elites +

Celestain Squad [6PL, 109pts]
Celestain Superior
. Simulacrum Imperialis

. 2x Storm bolter
. 6x Celestain

+ Heavy Support + [EDIT: changed Pentitent Engines to Mortifiers]


Mortifiers [9PL, 174pts]

. 1x Anchorite

. . 2x Heavy bolter

. . 1x Buzz-blade

. . 1x Flail
. 2x Mortifier
. . 2x Heavy bolter
. . 1x Buzz-blade
. . 1x Flail


Mortifiers [9PL, 174pts]

. 1x Anchorite

. . 2x Heavy bolter

. . 1x Buzz-blade

. . 1x Flail
. 2x Mortifier
. . 2x Heavy bolter
. . 1x Buzz-blade
. . 1x Flail

++ Spearhead Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [-1CP, 570pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment CP [1CP]

Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]

Heroine in the Making [-1CP]

Valorous Heart

+ HQ +

Canoness [3 PL, 54pts]

- Warlord: Beacon of Faith
- Relic: Litanies of Faith
. Power sword & boltgun
. Rod of Office


+ Heavy Support +


Exorcist [8PL, 176pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter

. Hunter-killer Missile

Exorcist [8PL, 170pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter


Exorcist [8PL, 170pts]

. Missile Launcher

. Heavy bolter

++ Vanguard Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [0CP, 324pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment CP [1CP]

Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]

Valorous Heart

Arco-Flagellants [6PL, 104pts]

. 1x Endurant
. 7x Arco-Flagellant

+ HQ +

Missionary [2PL, 38pts]

+ Elites +


Dialogus [2PL, 35pts]

Hospitaller [2PL, 35pts]

Imagifier [2PL, 45pts]
Relic: Book of saint lucius

+ Transport +

Sororitas Rhino [3PL, 67pts]

++ Building Detachment (Sisters of Battle) [0CP, 50pts] ++

Battle Sanctum [3PL, 50pts]


++ Total: [7CP, 2,000pts] ++

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