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Death Guard Orbital Assault 2750


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Considering this for my next event. 7 pods and two large units of Terminators to deep strike down. Some unorthodox stuff but excited to try it.


A note: my herald has a custom banner that grants rending to template weapons within 6"


First four pods will probably be:



1 Tactical




Then turn two the Nuncio voxes mean accurate drops for the terminators and the rest of the force.


Dropping missiles and a rapier is different but might be fun? Thoughts?


I could reduce the Terminators to get more pods but I think they need to be in large numbers to be effective.


+ HQ +



Consul: Chainfist, Combi-weapon

Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour: Terminator Armour



Master of Signal: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, On Foot


Siege Breaker: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, On Foot, Phosphex Bomb


+ Elites +


Deathshroud Terminator Squad: 8x Deathshroud Terminators, Melta Bombs


Quad Launcher Support Battery, Legion: Phosphex Canister Shot, Rapier, Legion Drop Pod, Legion



+ Troops +


Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory: Bolters, 9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion

Additional Wargear: Nuncio-vox, Vexilla, Legion

Drop Pod, Legion

Categories: Drop Pod, Dedicated Transport, Transport, Vehicle

Tactical Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs


Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory: Bolters, 9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion

Additional Wargear: Nuncio-vox, Vexilla, Legion

Drop Pod, Legion

Tactical Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs



Tactical Support Squad, Legion Meltagun: Meltagun, 6x Space Marines,

Legion Drop Pod

Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, Meltagun



+ Fast Attack +


Deathstorm Drop Pod


+ Heavy Support +


Grave Warden Terminator Squad: 4x Chainfist, 9x Grave Warden Terminator


Heavy Support Squad, Legion Missile Launcher: 7x Missile Launcher

Drop Pod, Legion


Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner



Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon: Dreadnought Drop Pod, Legion


Chem-munitions, Grav-flux Bombard, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Phosphex Discharger

Leviathan Siege Drill


+ Allegiance +


Legion and Allegiance: XIV: Death Guard, Traitor

Categories: Allegiance


Rite of War: Orbital Assault

Categories: Allegiance, Rite of War

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What roles do the Master of Signals and missile support squad play? I'm leery of bringing in heavy weapons in pods, due to only being able to snap fire when they deploy.


I would also worry about the Terminators being shot up in their first turn on the board, though I suppose there will be several valuable targets, what with a Leviathan and phosphex mortar in play, which might help sustain them.

Mainly I have the models but they can be podded in further back to hurt armour (well anything except Flare Shield 14)


Signals is with the Melta guns for BS5 and an Orbital Strike which is pretty nice in the army.


I share the concerns but I'm just trying to get the balance at the moment. I may forgo the death storm for more bodies? But I like the Alpha strike it brings and you never see them

I definitely share your thoughts about the Death Storm, I want one or two in my OA list, but I'm never sure if they're worth it over another squad. Then again, anything going for the Death Storm isn't tackling the mortar or Leviathan and it's annoying enough to require attention. The Orbital Strike is a fun idea and obviously fits well with an OA list. I think if your reserve rolls work out, it could be a fun list, as there are lots of units that can be a threat, only four pods first turn at 2750pts could be a risk though.


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