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Dantes Hammer - A Blood Angels task force


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Perfectly to the release of Blood of Baal I am done with large parts of my BA army.


The purpose of this thread is to show of my army (so nice to finally be done, minor details left) and to post some updates from time to time. 

Dante has given the task force a mission for 2020, win a tournament! (I have never played one before)

I will try to give some recaps of the games I play and new units that joins "Dantes Hammer".


Lore wise I consider this being a task force from the Blood Angels chapter. The units are handpicked by Dante himself and their name "Dantes Hammer" means that the task force primary mission is to strike against targets of outmost importance to the war effort and to Dante. The task force is light and mobile, it´s modus is to strike hard and fast and the units are mostly reconnaissance, jump pack units and flyers. Dante can order different commanders to command Dantes Hammer.


The task force is currently made up of the following units: (Should be 2000pts on the nose with CA2019)


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Captain – JP, TH, SS – Angel´s Wing (Smashcaptain)

Librarian – JP – Unleash Rage/Wings (Buffing Librarian)

Librarian Dreadnought – Quickening/Wings (Fighting Librarian)

The Sanguinor (Warlord)

Astorath – Mantra/Hate/Invocation (Fighting/Buff)


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Intercessor Squad (5) – Serg. Chainsword

Intercessor Squad (5) – Serg. Chainsword

Scout Squad (5) – Boltgun

Scout Squad (5) – Boltgun

Scout Squad (5) – Combat knife

Scout Squad (5) – Combat knife


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Fast Attack:

Suppressors (3)




Death Company (13)

  • Boltgun, Chainsword (4)
  • Chainsword, Power Axe (6)
  • TH (3)

Sanguinary Ancient – Angelus Boltgun, Sword – SoS

Sanguinary Guard (9)

  • Angelus Boltgun, Sword (3)
  • Angelus Boltgun, Axe (3)
  • Angelus Boltgun, Fist (3)

Vanguard Veterans (8)

  • Relic Blade, SS (1)
  • TH, SS (4)
  • Power Axe, SS (3)


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Units in reserve:

Xiphons (2)

Fire Raptor (1)

Inceptors (6)

More VV, SG and DC models

Sanguinary Priest




Astorath and the Suppressor unit has not yet joined up with the task force. (Being ainted :tongue.:)


Due to reserve rules I usually must start with one CC units on the board, DC if I go first, otherwise SG with Banner in cover is the resilient choice. I rarely have anything left in reserve after turn 2, I find that the presence of all units on the board already by turn 2 is good. The new extra attack on turn 3, and after, will be welcome. I usually find that the CC effectiveness is reduced after the units lost a couple of models. So far, I have only played a single game with the Suppressors but I do thing they will become an important unit in some matchups and with the CA2019 point drops I now have some room left for a units. Depending on opponent I will add Artisan of War on my Smashcaptain and make him DC. The biggest drawback of the list is the amount of CP, two battalions and a vanguard.


Feel free to comment on list and the way to use it.


To be continued…



Edited by Gingerninja
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Today I played the first game after the release of BoB. It was a 2000pts ITC game.


My opponent played a Chaos soup list with Khorne, World Eaters and a Iron Warriors detachment. The main parts of his list were 3 Berzerkers units in Rhinos, 2 units of Warp Tallons in DS both with HQ support. Then the Iron Warrior detachment consisted of 2 Defilers and a unit of Havocs.

I played the list almost as seen above, in the pictures below the Inceptor squad is played as a Suppressor squad. (Suppressors not yet painted) Exchanged 1 DC Thunderhammer for 1 SG with axe. (Only got 2 painted DC with Thunderhammer)



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I got first turn and Furlorn Fury the DC, got a charge of against his Defilers and 2 units of Berzerkers. I was only pretty happy with the outcome, because I didn´t manage to kill of any of the Berzerkers units completely. Then my opponent play a autopass morale strat. My DC unit was killed when he fought back but still an OK trade. I used UWoF on Astorath but i only got of re-roll in combat on him, not plus to charge and pile-in/consolidate. My Libby dread charged as well but ended up not doing anything.

My opponent moved his units forward in his turn and killed my Libby dread which exploded and left Khârn the Betrayer and another character with 1 wound left.


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Turn 2 I DS SG and VV in my backline and tried to screen off to not open up a oppertunity for his Warp Tallons. This is a unsual move for me, I usually try to be more offensive. But it also served the purpose of reaching turn 3 to get the doctrine in place. So not much happend in my turn 2, I DS my supporting Libby to get a smite off, that together with some bolt shots, killed Khârn and the other HQ. 

On my opponents turn 2, he killed of some scout squads, and charged and killed both the JP Libby and Astorath. I had used Mantra on him at the start of the Battle Round, so i used my last CP to interupt and buff him with Red Rampage and he killed of half of a Berzerker squad (probably not worth it).


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On turn 3 I used consolidated my positions and waited on his DS Warp Tallons. He almost got no shooting left si he didn´t do that much damage in the shooting phase. But this also ment I  gave up some points.

On his turn 3 he DS his Warp Tallons with HQ support and charged my SG. He failed the charge on the 8 strong Warp Tallon unit, but got in with HQ and a 5 strong unit. SG tanked the damage loosing 4. On the other flank some Berzerkers charged my VV and Suppressors and a Deamon Prince charged my Intersessors. When it was my turn to fight back I killed all units that charged my SG and the Berzerkers that charged my VV.


On my turn 4 it was more or a less a wrap up of the units he had left. They were all in range of my JP units since it was my turn i could charge and he had no CP left.


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My takeaways are that being more defensive works but you need to make sure you get the units left to counter strike. In this game it meant that both the SG and VV got the 5+++ but he got more freedom of movement and could score much more points during 2 turns. If he had succedded with the second Warp Tallon charge, I am not sure how the game would have eneded. I would have loved having some CP left turn 3 to play Auspex Scan/Transhuman Physiology/Visage of the Damned on my SG. (They did not have Death Mask in this game) So my big take away is to find a way to have more CP left in the later phases of the game.

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