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Q's for FAQ and Errata for Blood of Baal


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Hi all,


Standing on the shoulders of giants here, going off of the thoughts started by @Blindhamster here.


Below is my email to GW about things I would like to have FAQ'd, Errata'd, or have a Designers' Commentary released on. Some of these are more about about bringing attention to something than they are a realistic expectation for it to be changed (like the Dante thing). Some can likely be figured out by the community, but with the book fresh off the presses, now is the time to get GW's attention on it and weigh in if they are going to at all. I also tried to cover absolutely everything I could think of, even if the response we seek is unlikely to be found in the format of a FAQ/Errata.


Please let me know if you think of anything else that should be added, amended, or changed, and feel free to use the framework for your own email to GW (the more of us that send in, the more likely we are to get a <timely> response).






The official email is:






To the Design Studio staff team:

With great delight I am happy to have purchased the Pyschic Awakening: Blood of Baal book. Upon reading the various rules additions and updates, I seek clarification with the following Datasheets, Stratagems, and Rules Interactions:


-Sanguinary Priest datasheet does not have the “Angels of Death” rule. Is that a mistake or intentional? The Rules-As-Written (RAW) effect of this is that taking a Sanguinary Priest in a Blood Angels/Successor army precludes that army from using Combat Doctrines. Please update the datasheet with the rule or confirm that it is not supposed to be there.  

-Lemartes’ updated datasheet does not have the Black Rage rule. Mistake or intentional?

-Commander Dante did not get his <Chapter Master> ability updated to the “new” wording that allows all To Hit dice to be re-rolled instead of just failed To Hit rolls, which is the wording used by Chapter Masters in supplements to Codex: Space Marines 2.0  and the Chapter Master 2CP upgrade in Faith and Fury. Mistake or intentional?


-Regarding the Rapid Fire 2CP, Target Sighted 3CP, and Boltstorm 2CP Stratagems,  they say to select one Blood Angels Intercessor Squad or Death Company Intercessors unit. Please confirm if this also applies to units that have been made Veteran Intercessors via that separate Stratagem.

-Regarding “Extra Relics Stratagems,” the wording in Codex: Blood Angels  vs Codex: Space Marines (2.0) is noticeably different, with the effect being that Blood Angels are essentially capped at a maximum of 3 Relics and Special Issue Wargear while Codex: Space Marines chapters can theoretically take as many items of Relics and Special Issue Wargear as they have Command Points available. Since so many Stratagems are now shared between Codex: Space Marines 2.0 and Blood of Baal, is this an oversight or a design intention?

Codex: Blood Angels wording:
1CP/3CP Armoury of Baal
“Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Relic of Baal for 1CP, or two extra Relics of Baal for 3CPs. All of the Relics of Baal that you include must be different and be given to different Blood Angels Characters. You can only use this Stratagem once.”

Codex: Space Marines 2.0 wording:
1CP Relics of the Chapter
“Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one additional Chapter Relic. All of the Relics you army includes must be different and be given to different models.”

-Honor the Chapter: please confirm that the Codex: Blood Angels wording is the correct one, since there was not an updated version to change it:

Codex: Blood Angels wording:
“Use this Stratagem at the end of any Fight phase. Select a Blood Angels Infantry or Blood Angels Biker unit from your army — that unit can immediately fight for a second time.”

Codex: Space Marines 2.0 wording:
Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select one Adeptus Astartes unit from your army within 1” of any enemy units; that unit can fight an additional time that phase.

-Character Upgrade Stratagems:
Do or will any of the Space Marine Character Upgrade Stratagems (see below) apply to the Blood Angels or Successors?
The Blood Angels chapter has many named characters that fulfill the same or similar roles, but for “unoccupied” roles such as Master of the Forge or Chapter Champion, will Blood Angels armies be able to benefit from those Stratagems?
    •    Chapter Ancient 1 CP
    •    Chapter Champion 1CP
    •    Chapter Master 2CP
    •    Chief Apothecary 1CP
    •    Chief Librarian 1CP
    •    Hero of the Chapter 1CP: available to Blood Angels via Blood of Baal
    •    Master of Sanctity 1CP
    •    Master of the Forge 1CP

-Likewise, most other chapters received an “upgraded sergeant” Stratagem that allows a Sergeant model to take special-issue wargear. Though the Ultramarines, White Scars, Raven Guard, Iron Hands, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, and Black Templars all received nearly identical wording, I will just mention the Ultramarines one — Honored Sergeant 1CP, for the purpose of this question. Was it intentional that Blood Angels were not given a similar upgrade to a Sergeant model?

-And in the same vein as the above point, all other chapters excluding Black Templars received the ability to give another character a warlord trait on top of the Hero of the Chapter 1CP Stratagem that all chapters got. Again, I will not name them all, but I will use the Ultramarines’ Exemplar of the Chapter 1CP as point of comparison. Was it intentional to limit Blood Angels to 2—as opposed to 3 like other chapters—Warlord Traits per army?

Rules Interactions:

-The Chaplain Litany of Battle, Canticle of Hate, states the following:
“If this litany is inspiring, add 2 to charge rolls made for friendlyBlood Angels units whilst they are within 6” of this model.”
To confirm, the “order of operations” for this Litany is that the Litany is rolled for at the beginning of the Battle Round, and then the Chaplain precedes through the Movement and Shooting phase per normal, until the Charge phase wherein units that are then within 6” of the Chaplain are effected by this ability.

-The Chaplain Litany Canticle of Hate, which adds 2 to charge rolls (as noted previously), states:
“This is not cumulative with any other ability that adds to a unit’s charge roll or increases the distance it can pile in or consolidate.”
Please confirm whether the effect this has on units with the Red Thirst (+1 to charge rolls) rule is to have a combined total of +2 to charge rolls (thus superseding Red Thirst) or +3 (combining with Red Thirst). Please compare to the following “stackable” effects:
    •    The Sanguinary discipline psychic power adds +3 to Charge rolls, thus giving a model a +4 to Charge rolls when combined with the new Red Thirst rule.
    •    Magna-Grapple wargear for Furioso and Death Company Dreadnoughts allow the unit to add 2 to its charge roll when targeting a Vehicle unit in the Charge phase. This stacks with Red Thirst to give a +3 to charge rolls.
    •    The Gleaming Pinions Relic of Baal adds 1 to the bearer’s charge roll (among other effects), thus stacking with Red Thirst for a cumulative +2 to charge rolls.

-Flesh Tearers’ Unbridled Wrath makes FT melee attack rolls of 6 +1 to AP for melee weapons. Assault Doctrine also adds +1 AP to melee weapons. The wording for Assault Doctrine states:
“The Armour Penetration characteristic of Pistol and melee weapons this model is equipped with is improved by 1 whilst this combat doctrine is active. For example, AP 0 becomes AP -1.
Rules-As-Written (RAW), this means that Flesh Tearers units lose out on part of the Unbridled Wrath effect when in Assault Doctrine, thus essentially rending Assault Doctrine “useless” for them. Please confirm if this is intentional or if Unbridled Wrath and Assault Doctrine are meant “stack” with each other.

-Similarly, please clarify how the Flesh Tearers’ Unbridled Wrath ability interacts—if at all—with the Blood Angels’ Litany Invocation of Destruction which states:
“If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly Blood Angels unit within 6” of this model. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that unit, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, that weapon has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -4 for that attack.”

-There are several abilities that can generate additional effects on To Hit rolls of 6:
    •    Incursors’  wargear, Paired combat blades: “When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 sores 2 hits instead of 1.”
    •    Brother Corbulo’s ability, The Red Grail: “[first part edited for length] In addition, each time you make a hit roll of 6+ in the Fight phase for a model in a friendly Blood Angels unit that is within 6” of Brother Corbulo, that model may immediately make another close combat attack using the same weapon. These bonus attacks cannot themselves generate any additional close combat attacks.”
    •    Litany of Battle, Exhortation of Rage: “If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly Blood Angels unit within 6” of this model. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that unit, on an unmodified hit roll of 6 you can make one additional attack against the same unit using the same weapon. This additional attack cannot generate another attack.”

To clarify how these rules interact with each other, essentially:
An Incursor model is within 6” of Brother Corbulo and has been successfully effected by both the Exhortation of Rage and Invocation of Destruction Litanies.  It would be recommended to use different colored dice for the below:
    1.    This Incursor model makes a To Hit roll in melee. The result is a 6.
    2.    The To Hit roll of 6 counts as two hits for the purposes of To Wound rolls due to Paired combat blades.
    3.    One additional attack is available from The Red Grail and must roll To Hit. If this additional roll results in a 6, it counts as 2 hits for the purposes of Paired combat blades, but cannot trigger further attacks from either The Red Grail or Exhortation of Rage.
    4.    Another, separate, additional attack is available from Exhortation of Rage and must roll To Hit. If this additional roll results in a 6, it counts as 2 hits for the purposes of Paired combat blades, but cannot trigger further attacks from either Exhortation of Rage or The Red Grail.
    5.    The Incursor would then roll 6 To Wound rolls against its target as a result of the above.

Thank you for your time and effort in creating these exciting new abilities for the Blood Angels in Blood of Baal. I look forward to your responses via a forthcoming FAQ’s, Errata, and Designer’s Commentary.

For Sanguinius!




Edit: typos and formatting

Edit 2: added Sgt upgrade/3rd WLT lines and sent

Edited by Indefragable
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-Regarding the Rapid Fire 2CP, Target Sighted 3CP, and Boltstorm 2CP Stratagems,  they say to select one Blood Angels Intercessor Squad or Death Company Intercessors unit. Please confirm if this also applies to units that have been made Veteran Intercessors via that separate Stratagem.

It will as veteran intercessors do not change keywords.

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-Regarding the Rapid Fire 2CP, Target Sighted 3CP, and Boltstorm 2CP Stratagems,  they say to select one Blood Angels Intercessor Squad or Death Company Intercessors unit. Please confirm if this also applies to units that have been made Veteran Intercessors via that separate Stratagem.


It will as veteran intercessors do not change keywords.


I figured as much, but just trying to put as much stuff as possible into a single place.

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we lack the strat to add special issue wargear to sergeants too


If I'm not mistaken, that one is in each of the Supplements. Each of hte supplements (other than Black Templars) also gets a seperate Stratagem that confers an additional Warlord Trait, for a combined total of 3: A. base Warlord B. Hero of the Chapter from main book C. Supplement-unique Stratagem


Could someone please confirm the following? (I do not have all of the Supplements) :

Hidden Content


Honoured Sergeant 1CP:

"Use this Strategem before the battle. Select one Ultramarines model from your army that has the word 'Sergeant' in their profile. That model can have on of the following Special-issue Wargear Relics, even though they are not a Character: Master-crafted Weapons, Digital Weapons, Hellfuy Bolts, Sunwrath Pistol. All of the Relics your army includes must be different and be given to different models."


*denotes same wording as the Ultramarines one, with <Chapter> and exact special-issue wargear names appropriately swapped out


White Scars 1CP:

Khan's Champion 1CP*


Raven Guard:

Favoured of the Ravenspire 1CP*


Iron Hands:

Scions of the Forge 1CP*


Imperial Fists:

Gift of the Phalanx 1CP*



Master Artisans 1CP*


Black Templars: 1CP*

Crusader Relics (note they are only allowed to choose 1 of 3 Special-issue Wargear, unlike every other chapter here).


What's interesting, is that when it comes to giving Codex: Space Marines 2.0 chapters warlord traits, the supplements offer and additional way to give a warlord trait...for a grand total of 3, if I am understanding this correctly.


A. Codex: Space Marines 2.0 has the following (same as Blood of Baal for the Blood Angels):

Hero of the Chapter 1CP:

"Use this Stratagem before the battle, after nominating your Warlord. Select one Adeptus Astartes Character model from your army that is not your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle."


B. Each of the Codex: Space Marines 2.0 supplements provides a differently named (and thus different for rules purposes) Stratagem that gives them the ability to pick another non-named character and give them a WLT. Thus, as I understand it, they can have 3 models with WLTs:


Exemplar of the Chapter 1CP

"Use this Stratagem after nominating an Ultramarines model that is not a named character to be your Warlord. You can generate one additional Warlord Trait for them; this must be from the Ultramarines Warlord Traits table. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly gneerated, re-roll duplicate results). You can only use this Stratagem once."


White Scars:

Tempered by Wisdom 1CP*



Master of the Trifold Path 1CP*


Iron Hands:

Paragon of Iron 1CP*


Imperial Fists:

Sentinel of Terra 1CP*



Exemplar of the Promethan Creed 1CP*


Black Templars:

Do not appear to get a way to give a 3rd WLT, having only "Hero of the Chapter" from Codex: Space Marines.


*denotes same wording as the Ultramarines one, with <Chapter> and exact special-issue wargear names appropriately swapped out


Edited by Indefragable
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FT tactic stacks with assault doctrine, as they are both modifers, however do not stack with litany of destruction as that is a fixed value of AP-4.


As per BH, veteran intercessors keywords do not change to are affected.


Probably on all points, but my intention is to put it straight to them to officially confirm/deny one way or another (they may not, but worth a shot).

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-Commander Dante did not get his <Chapter Master> ability updated to the “new” wording that allows all To Hit dice to be re-rolled instead of just failed To Hit rolls, which is the wording used by Chapter Masters in supplements to Codex: Space Marines 2.0 and the Chapter Master 2CP upgrade in Faith and Fury. Mistake or intentional?

Has GW confirmed that this was a functional change for C:SM2.0 or can you still only reroll the failed ones?
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-Commander Dante did not get his <Chapter Master> ability updated to the “new” wording that allows all To Hit dice to be re-rolled instead of just failed To Hit rolls, which is the wording used by Chapter Masters in supplements to Codex: Space Marines 2.0 and the Chapter Master 2CP upgrade in Faith and Fury. Mistake or intentional?

Has GW confirmed that this was a functional change for C:SM2.0 or can you still only reroll the failed ones?

The wording changed entirely to allow all hit rolls to be rerolled. It no longer specifies failed

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I would strongly advise populating it with any questions that are (apologies if this sounds harsh) patently obvious.  The Veteran Intercessors for example.  It detracts and dilutes focus and makes it less likely the important stuff will be dealt with. 



Here's a fairly important one...  BA currently dont get litanies on Chaplain Dreads because they were excluded pre PA.  That needs to come back!   

Edited by Morticon
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I would strongly advice populating it with any questions that are (apoligies if this sounds harsh) patently obvious. The Veteran Intercessors for example. It detracts and dilutes focus and makes it less likely the important stuff will be dealt with.



Here's a fairly important one... BA currently dont get litanies on Chaplain Dreads because they were excluded pre PA. That needs to come back!

Not harsh and fair point. I compiled every conceivable question I could come up with or had heard people talking about for the sake of putting it all in one place. People are welcome to cherry pick the ones they feel are important and weight of dice emails will let the most requested bubble to the top.

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