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Impulsor query - embark and disembark same turn ?


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I never mentioned who was lieing.... :tongue.:


However you are right in that the codex trumps the disembarkment before movement only clause (same box on pg 183).  Unless a rule specifies that it allows you to both embark and disembark in the same turn then the sentance I quoted before stands.*


The only exception is if the transport is destroyed... and because of that we know have this errata




Page 183 – Embark Change the first sentence to read: ‘If all models in a unit end their move within 3" of a friendly transport in the Movement phase, they can embark within it.’ Add the following sentence to the end of the third paragraph: ‘Units cannot declare a charge during the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed transport.

Firstly, "If all models in a unit end their move within 3" of a friendly transport, they can embark within it."


Secondly, "Any unit that begins its movement phase embarked within a transport can disembark before the transport moves."


So while Assault Vehicle overrides the end part of the disembark rule everything else in that entire section about Transport still applies.

Firstly, "If all models in a unit end their move within 3" of a friendly transport, they can embark within it."


Secondly, "Any unit that begins its movement phase embarked within a transport can disembark before the transport moves."


So while Assault Vehicle overrides the end part of the disembark rule everything else in that entire section about Transport still applies.

so wait what if I have a unit that has embarked in the previous turn, and during my next movement phase I move the transport forward can I then disembark that unit. Or did I have to disembark first and then move the transport?


Firstly, "If all models in a unit end their move within 3" of a friendly transport, they can embark within it."


Secondly, "Any unit that begins its movement phase embarked within a transport can disembark before the transport moves."


So while Assault Vehicle overrides the end part of the disembark rule everything else in that entire section about Transport still applies.

so wait what if I have a unit that has embarked in the previous turn, and during my next movement phase I move the transport forward can I then disembark that unit. Or did I have to disembark first and then move the transport?


In general, the unit has to disembark before the transport moves. The rules of the Impulsor allow a unit to disembark after the Impulsor moves. 


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