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Psychic Awakening

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Im really looking forwatrd to what this may mean for the Vika Fenrika. But im struggling to find any information on what it may be short of almost being confirmed Ork vs SW and probably (hopefully) Ragnar primarasised. Does anyone else have any more info on this? obviously im looking for almost certain info rather than guesses and peoples hopes 

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It's all rumors. The only thing that connects "saga of the beast" with SWs is the word "saga" in the name, and a rumor on a French site that has been disproven on the rest of the rumor attached to it from my understanding (I don't speak French and unable to confirm).


Primaris Ragnar however is 100% rumor. Judging by the past PAs it's all been psykers or something attached to the warp.

PA1: eldar pheonix's (warp entity aspects)

PA2: chaos sorcerer(psyker)

PA3: Mephiston

PA4: unreleased but 1ksons, GK, and DA's that's a psyker haven.

If you look at what blood angels are getting in their release, I would expect similar treatment. Basically it's the full space marine rule set implemented for blood angels (doctrines and stuff).


No one knows specifically what we will get but we are quite certain it will be us and orks sharing a book to be released in march (all this has been put out by GW). Anything beyond that is guessing and hoping including my above statement, however I made it because that's the next best source of info we have as we are in a similar place as Blood Angel's were and need a similar type of update.


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