jbaeza94 Posted December 13, 2019 Share Posted December 13, 2019 Its that time of the year again! Sorry I'm a little late, but better late than never! This year I have been blessed and would like to extend it to you once again! Without further ado, welcome to Forgeworld Christmas 2019! So what is a Forgeworld Christmas? It's a giveaway for all my brothers of b&c! You get to choose anything you want from FW! How do I enter? Simple! Drop a picture of your favorite miniature in your collection or that you have created, and a short blurb on why he is your favorite! Is it because of his performance on the tabletop? The conversion? A gift? Let us know! THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO DARK ANGELS PLAYERS. All are welcome to enter! How do I win? Saturday the 21st at 0001 gmt is the cut off for entry. I will shortly after be choosing a one of you at random using an online randomizer. What can I get? Anything you want up to the price of about a sicaran tank! Mix and match, or get ome big item! Doesnt have to be for just space marines either. Guard, chaos, xenos, all are welcome as options. If something costs more, talk to me about it, and we cam work something out! What do you need from me if I win? I will need some basic info like an adress. I will also ask that you share with us any completed figures! Best of luck all of you! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! If you have any questions, drop them below and I'll add them to a faq section here. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 That is extremely generous of you Brother, what a fantastic offer to the folks here at the BnC. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446517 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 I'm in agreement Stobz. Very generous. Just one question: How do I enter?Simple! Drop a picture of your favorite figure, and a short blurb on why he is your favorite! Is it because of his performance on the tabletop? The conversion? A gift? Let us know! THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO DARK ANGELS PLAYERS. All are welcome to enter! Do you mean a picture the person owns, or a model that's just their favorite? (It's late, I'm not good at figuring out things when tired :lol:) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446537 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbaeza94 Posted December 14, 2019 Author Share Posted December 14, 2019 I'm in agreement Stobz. Very generous. Just one question: How do I enter? Simple! Drop a picture of your favorite figure, and a short blurb on why he is your favorite! Is it because of his performance on the tabletop? The conversion? A gift? Let us know! THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO DARK ANGELS PLAYERS. All are welcome to enter! Do you mean a picture the person owns, or a model that's just their favorite? (It's late, I'm not good at figuring out things when tired :lol:) I'll clarify in the main post! Its meant to be your favorite mini that you own or have created. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446542 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 Whilst I have no desire nor need to win Brother, this is my favourite mini at the moment so I post him here to kickstart your thread . He was a really fun conversion, a really fun paint-job, he has performed well but not stellar on the tabletop, he is my current avatar, he was featured in a digital White Dwarf thing back in 2012 and is now officially a LEGEND! Lolz. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446549 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 Well, if it doesn't have to be a Dark Angel... This is the leader for my heavily converted Escher gang for Necromunda and it's one of the conversions I'm most proud of. Why? Most of my conversion work involves sculpting armor plates, which has a difficulty all its own, but I've always minimized the amount of unarmored flesh I had to do in my conversions because it's so much harder to make it look right. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446563 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadman Wade Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 My favourite model is my kitbash of Master Korahael from 4th company. I made him after playing BFG2 in a mission where he persues the Fallen. I used Grey Knights storm bolter, terminator power sword from DA Veterans box, interrogator chaplain body and backpack, hooded head from Ravenwing bike sprue. Sure, I'm not a good painter or modelist, but I'm very pleased with what I've got, cause it's what I imagined after seeing Korahael in BFG. I don't expect to win, and it would be better if I don't, cause sending something to my country will be pain in the ass for jbaeza94 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446607 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 @jbaeza94, thank you for this generous idea. Sincerely. To join in the ranks, I have Brother Zerephiel. The Azrael-equivalent of my chapter. My very first WH40k model; the one that landed on my hands by mere chance, and made me fall in love with the Dark Angels above all other armies. Painted, repainted, broken and reforged, this model is my absolute favourite. He may not be a kitbashed model. No, just a straight out of the box model, in a fixed pose. But my love for this mini knows no equal. Here he is with his trusted warhound, Chimera, ready to bring the Emperor's justice to any and all enemies of the Imperium. Which they both have, many times, granting the Imperium plenty of dramatic victories on the battlefield. His name is an inside joke, and small token of fluff. Since, of course, everyone often reminds me that "Dark Angels are traitors" (yeah, that same old trope), I decided on the name Zerephiel for my Chapter Master. A name that I've carried over through the years. You see, in spanish, Zerephiel is pronounced the same as the expression "Seré fiel", which, when you utter it in the form of a statement means "I shall be loyal"... But, add a question mark at the end, and it becomes the question "Am I loyal?" So, yeah. Little play on words, to keep my gaming group guessing. Always gets a chuckle out of people I meet here. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446626 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 I'm in agreement Stobz. Very generous. Just one question: How do I enter? Simple! Drop a picture of your favorite figure, and a short blurb on why he is your favorite! Is it because of his performance on the tabletop? The conversion? A gift? Let us know! THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO DARK ANGELS PLAYERS. All are welcome to enter! Do you mean a picture the person owns, or a model that's just their favorite? (It's late, I'm not good at figuring out things when tired )I'll clarify in the main post! Its meant to be your favorite mini that you own or have created. Ah, okay. That clears it up :lol: So, since it has to be one I created, it's actually a tie between two models: Rhaxus Molax, fleetmaster of the World Renders and Khadon Drachstur, Lord of the World Renders: They're my favorites because, despite them being relatively simple kitbashes, they were actually really involved with getting them done right. For one, both required a LOT of cutting of plastic and re-adjusting of pieces to get right. Rhaxus himself managed to AVOID "newly-painted model syndrome" and get a nice blooding on his first outing (in a Zone Mortalis style game) where he beat a Redemptor Dreadnought to death (thunder hammers are hilarious). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446678 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lostrael Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 To name a favorite model is not an easy task. There are a couple of minis I quite like. In the end it was quite obvious. My apothecary. He may not be the best painted model but he is a survivor, "Last mini standing". He captures objectives. I make him my Warlord from time to time, because my opponents tent to forget him. He even stood against Santa Grimnar for a round... before being run down by his sleigh I like him, use ihm as avatar and gave medical staff draw off the attention I wish GW would allow apothecaries to take plasma pistols. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446726 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 Weapon options in general would be nice. ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446735 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kolgrim DeathHowl Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 Super generous of you to do this type of event!! I'm not a great painter like some of you on this board but here is my favorite model, its an old Sergeant from back in the day I actually dug it out of storage over Thanksgiving holiday and brought it back with me to where I live now and put a DW spin on it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446782 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted December 14, 2019 Share Posted December 14, 2019 Kudos to you jbaeza94 for such a kind holiday event. Favorite model is really hard, neigh impossible even. So if I may, here is the model I enjoyed painting most this year. A Magos of the Ordo Reductor Magos based on a Necromunda model. Unfortunately I have yet have a game with him. He may even moonlight as a Necromunda bounty hunter in the coming year. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446795 Share on other sites More sharing options...
painting.for.my.sanity Posted December 15, 2019 Share Posted December 15, 2019 Firstly, thank you - this is incredibly generous. I played Dark Angels as a kid, having been drawn to them because of the anachronism of knights in space, and being a sucker for dark colour schemes. Having got back into the hobby as an adult (mostly for my mental health - it is sooo good at damping down my anxiety when it flares up), I had a choice - either rekindle my old DA project, or collect the other major knightly chapter, the Black Templars. I chose the latter. My favourite model of the 100 I've painted this year (almost totally accidental that it ended up being such a neat round number) is Sword Brother Ulrich. He's the first of my two Redemptor Dreadnoughts, and whilst my painting has gotten better in the past few months since I did him, I'd have never attempted such an ambitious pose when I was a child. Also, he's got a little bit of leftovers from my DA bits box. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5446978 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wesalia Posted December 15, 2019 Share Posted December 15, 2019 Thank you for your generosity Brother ! While I may not be as good as some painters around here, here's my favourite mini : It's just a head and weapon swap, but it's the first model I've painted in 10+ years and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out ! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5447032 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted December 15, 2019 Share Posted December 15, 2019 Our own Santa with bolter and chainsword. It's amazing you're still doing this event each year, you magnificent bastard Favorite model is a tough one, I have so many. I'll have to say that my currect favorite model is, strangely enough, a Space Wolf I painted for Arkley's event. I tried my best to paint him to the best of my abilities in a scheme that I had no previous experience with what so ever. It's not a model that has any use to me, but for some reason I keep placing him at the front of my display cabinet, next to my HQ's and rare models. Must be that I'm real proud of him. Some honorable mentions, since it really was hard to choose between my favorite dudes and I have an emotional connection to all of 'em. A rare Necromunda model that I managed to loot from Ebay and turned in a merc for Newcromunda It was my one of my first models that wasn't a Space Marine. The Techmarine I recieved from Dark Rage for Secret Santa. Leviathan dreadnought I recieved from Jbaeza. My first FW-model that wasn't a pain to work with. Still the centrepiece of my army. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5447052 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted December 15, 2019 Share Posted December 15, 2019 Firstly, this is a very generous offer! Secondly I have very much enjoyed seeing peoples posts and learning about their reasons for their pick. There are some that I have had the pleasure of seeing before, probably in grotsmasha's 12 month hobby challenge, and some that are new. I have to say I like them all! I have generally been painting chaos this year but I wanted to go back to my 30k Dark Angel's I started when I got back into the hobby proper last year. I couldn't pick one so I picked 3 instead (sorry!). I love the centurion and moriat's poses and I feel they fit the DA aesthetic brilliantly. A grizzled terran veteran and a lone warrior carrying out a scorched earth policy. The Deathwing Knight is the leader of a squad, all converted to cataphractii terminators. I love the 40k models but felt they were, well, too 40k. A touch of converting later and I think he works really well. I'm hoping I will have time to get back to them next year. Especially as new models are inbound. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5447174 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted December 16, 2019 Share Posted December 16, 2019 This is an excellent offer :) well it was very hard for me to pick but here is my favourite miniature I own: I'm not a good painter but I have had this guy for so long - of the very first space marines I bought! He came in the awesome command squad set and has been so many different chapters now (first an Ultramarine, then a Dark Angel and a few more in between what he is now). This guy screams space marine to me and the ultimate commander with just the right amount of bling and a no nonsense loadout. My painting has improved since this guy was painted back in 2012... I may need to strip him and do something new :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5447299 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TempestBlade Posted December 18, 2019 Share Posted December 18, 2019 My favorite model is my conversion of Sammael on Sableclaw. I have riding motorcycles for 16 years now and Dark Angels were my first army. I remember reading about the Ravenwing and thinking how cool is that they ride into battle on bikes?! The book series, Legacy of Caliban, is my favorite books and I read them about once every other year. On the tabletop Ive used Sam almost everytime I play DA and I cant wait to see what they get in the future PA book! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448500 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 18, 2019 Share Posted December 18, 2019 I love that conversion! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448510 Share on other sites More sharing options...
painting.for.my.sanity Posted December 18, 2019 Share Posted December 18, 2019 TempestBlade, that is marvellous (and makes me really wish for marine jetbikes - or perhaps that I hadn't defected from the Dark Angels to the Black Templars). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448579 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TempestBlade Posted December 19, 2019 Share Posted December 19, 2019 Thanks guys! It’s by far my favorite model and a pleasure to build and paint. I’m going to make another one for a talonmaster. Less ornate than Sam of course but I got some ideas. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448613 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbaeza94 Posted December 19, 2019 Author Share Posted December 19, 2019 Lovely figures everyone! Only a few days left, put in your submissions before time runs out! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448922 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HandsWithLegs Posted December 19, 2019 Share Posted December 19, 2019 I know it's not just one model, but these two were painted together and I always use them together. (Plus I couldn't find a picture with just one of them) They are my favorite because they really pushed my painting skills and I feel like I learned a ton from working on them. They also shred units on the table top so that's always nice too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448936 Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiftyVT Posted December 19, 2019 Share Posted December 19, 2019 I present for the forums viewing pleasure, Mr Techpriest. . .but with more Darkness. =) My current favorite because he(it?) came out better than I had envisioned, which was a first! P_20190226_143805_vHDR_Auto by nifty, on Flickr Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360571-a-forge-world-christmas-2019/#findComment-5448942 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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