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A Forge World Christmas 2019!


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Wonderfully generous as always jbeaza! Really enjoying everyone's submissions, there's some stunning conversions and excellent paint jobs, as is only right and proper for a thread like this.

Here's my humble offering - Sammael on his jet bike. We've had some great adventures on the tabletop, including going toe-to-toe with Abaddon and winning, but the reason he's my favourite is because I just absolutely love the miniature - it's absolutely iconic.


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I'll not throw my name in this year but wanted to share a portion of last years spoils!



My family had a really rough holiday last year and getting picked was a real shot in the arm. This is such a wonderful thing you're doing for our community! I hope everyone has a great new year!

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Merry Christmas everyone (bit late I know), I hope you all had an enjoyable day. Mine was spent parenting a toddler whilst cooking dinner for 13 people. Fun but busy.

Those wolves look amazing, especially the faces! I only hope I can get close to that level with mine.

I thought I would share what I decided to go with. I felt it would be a shame not to add to my 30k Dark Angels, especially as they have had some recent forgeworld love.

Thanks again jbaeza94. I'm truly grateful!


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