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1650 tournament list.


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I am playing in a 1650 point tournament on January 11th. I think it is ITC missions and scoring, but am not 100% certain. I will be running a sacred rose brigade with a bloody rose detachment.



Canoness, condemner boltgun




10 sisters, 2 Stormbolters, chainsword handflammer.

6 sisters, 2 meltaguns, combimelta (immolator)

5 sisters, multimeltas.



10 seraphim, 4 inferno pistols, plasma pistol powersword.

5 seraphim, 4 inferno pistols, plasma pistol, powersword.

5 dominions, 4 Stormbolters, chainsword, handflammer.



2x exorcists

7 retributors, 4 multimeltas.


Bloody rose detachment.


2* 4 repentia



Rhino for everyone but the nurse.


I am still debating whether to roll for sacred rights or to just take spirit of the martyr.

I think I will have the canoness as my warlord taking the extra miracle die, with the mistress adding 1 to invulnerable saves and taking the relic pistol.


Any thoughts would be appreciated, but I think most things are a mix of self explanatory and terrain dependent. Hopefully I can castle up my multimeltas, exocists, canoness,and nurse with good lines of sight. Have Celestine and the CC rhino set for counter charges. And use the dominions, immolator, and meltas to pressure objectives with the 10 sister squad being flexible and getting to where they need to be.

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Yeah I meant battalion. My plan is to play a brigade when I move up to 2000 point games by merging these two detachments and adding some troops...I do wonder how much I lose by not having the repentia bloody rose, but I do always feel command point starved and hope the brigade contributes enough in the future.


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