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1500p AL list for Centurion mode in narrative events.


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I'm putting together a 1500p AL list for Centurion play mode (No vehicles except walkers and bikes/speeders and pods). The warmonger and medic goes with the plasma squad and therefore gains deep strike. I could legally run CotH if I wanted without being forced to choose infiltration, but I see no point since I have neither Dynat or other legion's special units included. I think I'll go with a generic RoW or none.

I'm looking for a list were most units can deal with Dreadnoughts and TEQs and pick their close combats (get the charge) by being quite mobile.

I have the flexibility to choose what starts on the table. There could be advantages and disadvantages to having units deep striking or outflanking from case to case. I guess I'll decide just before the game depending on how terrain and opponent list look like (yes, very AL!).

--- HQ ---
Warmonger, A.armour, P.fist, P.dagger            130p

--- Troops ---
13x Ass.sq, A.armour, P.fist, P.dagger, 2x P.Axe.    264p
13x Ass.sq, A.armour, P.fist, P.dagger, 2x P.Axe.    264p
10x plasma support sq.                    235p

--- Elites ---
Apothecary, A.armour, P.fist, P.dagger            60p

--- FA ---
3x Javelins, 3x TLML, 3x MM                195p
6x Jetbike Skyhunter squadron, 2x V.culverin        260p

I'm planning to take this list to rather narrative events, however, I'd like to win but not at all (social) costs. I'm a bit worried that warmonger and 10x plasma support with apothecary is a bit too unfriendly. Would you consider that unit setup too overpowered? I thinking that the plasma squad with warmonger could be a distraction Carnifex while the rest of the list buzz around the battlefield and pick objectives with their rather good mobility.

What are your thoughts on the list overall? A'm I being too unfriendly with warmonger and plasma squad?


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