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Meltafist Rules Question

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So a wise WM of the DW just left me in on some sad news and said the watch captain terminator is the only character that can take a melta fist.

This is sad but if true really spoils my excitement for a jump pack captain conversion I'm working on, I can't seem to find anything to say either way in our codex however, can someone please clarify this for me.

If you know where is can find the rules pointing this out it would be a huge help because at this point of rereading and trying to figure out the new sisters buffdex I'm officially codex blind :p

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Review the datasheet for the standard watch captain and what wargear lists he can elect to use, how many items, and what specific items he can take.

Then review the datasheet for the Terminator Watch Captain and review the wargear lists he can use, how many items, and what specific items he can take.

The answer is in black and white within the datasheets and wargear list, sir. This isn't something that needs a separate ruling because the rule is literally black and white.

As said above, the meltafist can only be taken by a terminator.


Unless I’m mistaken, its actually a weird weapon option only available to DeathWatch due to the unique terminator from the Kill Team Cassius.


But it was grandfathered onto our terminator captains.

Well that is disappointing.

I had assumed as the weapon has no profile for joint parts and that captains can take power fists so why wouldn't they also be able to take the additional upgrade.


That aside I didn't expect a separate ruling, just a personal clarification as I don't get to play as much as I used to but didn't expect it to be so blunt.


You are right Mr4Minutes, I like it, I was just hoping to have an excuse to use it.

Shame they never made it a sprue option though after kill team.

And as far as points go, it's a melta gun + power fist cost. The weapon option is called "Power fist and melta gun." It's not actually melta-fist, which is an important distinction when wanting to use the Castellan of the Vault warlord trait. The trait will only work one of the weapons, not both since it's listed as 2 seperate weapons (though its one option).


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