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Skyclaws or Inceptors`

Sarto ripped claw

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So im just wondering peoples thoughts on the  skyclaws with bolt pistols and chainsword at 5 PL and 75 pts or 3 inceptors with the assault bolters t 10 PL and 135 pts?


Sky claws are basically half the power s can in theory get 10  marines instead of the inceptors 3.

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So im just wondering peoples thoughts on the skyclaws with bolt pistols and chainsword at 5 PL and 75 pts or 3 inceptors with the assault bolters t 10 PL and 135 pts?


Sky claws are basically half the power s can in theory get 10 marines instead of the inceptors 3.

List building is dependent on everything else you have.


Think of it as packing your toolbox for a job.


What will you need to accomplish in your game and what units can do the job.


Sky claws and investors (inceptors lol autocorrect) are very different tools.


One gives quality shooting (inceptors) and one gives melee (sky claws)


What do you need the unit to accomplish?

Inceptors have come down a smidge in the latest Chapter Approved to 123 points for 3 IIRC. They are also 3 wounds each now and T5 which makes them more durable than Skyclaws. However the flipside is that they are more vulnerable to multi-damage weapons like plasma.


I agree with TiguriusX that they fulfil slightly different roles, despite both being Fast Attack and equipped with Jump Packs. I run Inceptors in my Blood Angels and even just 3 usually put in good work. They have enough firepower to dent horde units but the combination of S5 and AP-1 means they they can pose a threat to heavier units too. They can take out small units without committing to melee or they can soften up heavier targets ready for your melee units to finish them off.

Im Just thinking about in general really but the 1500 pt army im looking at is 

Bjorn and njal (in termi armour)

1 gh 2 intercessors (with assault bolters)


wolf guard in terminator armour (melee wepons + 1 heavy bolter and ss)

twc (melee)

long fangs (2 x heavy plama)

then deciding between 2 x 5 skyclaws or 1 inceptor.

not put all the wepons down but all in all comes to 1498 for the skyclaws slightly less with inceptors which may give extra heavies for the long fangs.


Think inceptors were always t5. Did they get an extra attack too or was that just Aggressors?

Just a third wound, they are still 2 attacks. But they’ll be pretty brutal in assault doctrine nonetheless!

I would disagree, 10 S4 AP-1 attacks, thats 2 wounds against other space marines, good for finishing off a shooty infantry squad you just shot up but not much else

Just a third wound, they are still 2 attacks. But they’ll be pretty brutal in assault doctrine nonetheless!

They are far more brutal in the tactical doctrine as all those S5 shots suddenly become AP-2! Never mind clearing screens, suddenly even MEQs need to take cover from these guys.


Of course, I am assuming we will get the Tactical Doctrine (or something equivalent) in PA4. As a completely non-compliant Chapter, they may decide to do something else for us.


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