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Quick Scion Basing Question


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you could use the necromunda bases, they come in 25mm and are similar enough I would think


Not quite, sadly. With the "ribbing" under the plates on the SM bases, they are noticeably different to the NM ones. I've used both for NM/Inq28 gangs, and they don't really mix well with each other.

It’s this question again unfortunately ......


Basically RAW is there is no limitation on what bass you use...however ICT (and others) have implemented a rule where models should be based on the size that comes with the latest release from GW


This has come up with the sisters of battle moving from 25mm to 32mm bases and it comes down to local gaming group and checking with the tournament organiser before hand.



In previous editions, in the rules book it provided that you could field any model on the base it came with (which meant you didn't need to change bases to match the most current release of the model).  That said, there is no such express language in 8th edition.

In previous editions, in the rules book it provided that you could field any model on the base it came with (which meant you didn't need to change bases to match the most current release of the model).  That said, there is no such express language in 8th edition.

This is what gave me hope: I remember when WHC were trumpeting the arrival of 8e, a certain amount of deal was made about basing now being irrelevant.


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