Aspecti Posted December 20, 2019 Share Posted December 20, 2019 (edited) Hey, so I've been collecting and playing Ultramarines on and off since about 1995. Lately I haven't been able to dedicate a lot of time to the hobby due to work stuff, but now I'm planning to start playing more often. And painting, I have about two hundred models to paint Most urgently I have to start building a competitive list for an upcoming tournament on February 23rd - 24th. I have mostly played in fluffy / casual tournaments and games for the past two years so not really sure what to take for the tournament. Also it's my first ITC tournament so I'm pretty unfamiliar with that setting, though I've played plenty of ETC games in the past. The meta here is really competitive, I'm expecting to face Genestealer Cults, Knights, Eldar of all flavors and quite likely other Marines. The tournament rules don't allow Forge World or Legends units, so those options are out of the question for now. 2000 pts, max three detachments, rule of three except for troops, wysiwyg and everything must be painted. Currently my painted and battle ready models are as follows: -Captain on bike, with a jump pack, several variants on foot -Chaplain with a jump pack and on foot -Telion -Librarian on foot and with a jump pack -Techmarines -Apothecary -4 x 5 Scouts with bolters -10 Scouts with sniper rifles -5 Scouts with bolt pistols and knives -10 Tactical marines (I gave most of my old tacticals away a year ago) -10 devastators -10 assault marines with jump packs -10 assault marines on foot -Thunderfire cannon -2 x Ironclad dreadnought -3 x Contemptor with assault cannon and fist -3 x Predator with lascannons -3 x Whirlwind -3 x Vindicator -3 x Razorback (two of these need their weapons replaced, Las&Plas not allowed since not in the Codex) -5 x Rhino -5 x Drop Pod -2 x Storm Talon -Land Speeder Storm -2 x Land Speeder -9 Scout bikes -10 Bikes -3 Attack bikes -3 Inceptors with assault bolters -3 Suppressors -3 Centurions with grav cannons WIP / unbuilt -Land raider with lascannons (WIP) -2 x Primaris Lieutenant (WIP) -Phobos Lieutenant (WIP) -Phobos Captain -Primaris Captain -2 x Apothecary, Forge World -Tigurius -Marneus Calgar (WIP) -Victrix Honor Guard -10 Intercessors (WIP) -2 x Betrayal at Calth box, minus the Contemptors -Burning of Prospero box -2 x Tactical squad box -Scouts with sniper rifles box -Guilliman -40 old school metal Terminators -enough bits to build plenty of Sternguard / Vanguard without jump packs -lots of random bits and models that I've forgotten to list here Suggestions are very welcome, I've been thinking about buying Incursors / Infiltrators and perhaps two Invictors in any case. I will post some pictures here during the weekend. Edit* Here's a shot of my Suppressors, they still need highlights, some details and tidying up but are otherwise battle ready. Edited December 22, 2019 by Aspecti Ishagu, mel_danes and BLACK BLŒ FLY 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted December 22, 2019 Author Share Posted December 22, 2019 So far I've planned to go with a Brigade, something like this: -Techmarine and Lieutenant hang around with the Predators and TFC, taking advantage of the Seal of Oath on the TFC gunner -Telion goes with the 10 man Sniper Scout squad, providing reliable threat to enemy characters -Depending on the opponent, the Invictors will either be in their face or hanging back to give fire support, possibly camping near the Seal of Oath -Captain on bike will be promoted to Chapter Master and moves around with the Scout bikes, moving to Telion's Sniper blob to provide rerolls if needed. He will be my main source of mortal wounds with his relic Storm Bolter -Suppressors, Inceptors and Terminators will likely deep strike in turn two where needed HQ Captain on Bike [6 PL, -1CP, 102pts] Selections: Paragon of War, Storm bolter, Storm shield, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Twin boltgun, Vengeance of Ultramar Lieutenant in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 81pts] Selections: Grav-chute, Master-crafted occulus bolt rifle Sergeant Telion [4 PL, 65pts] Techmarine [4 PL, 45pts] Selections: Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm, Warlord Troops Scout Squad [7 PL, 148pts] 10 Scouts, Selections: 9x Sniper rifle, Missile launcher Scout Squad [7 PL, 88pts] 6 Scouts, Selections: Boltguns, Missile launcher, 1 x Sniper rifle, Chainsword on Sergeant Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts] 5 Scouts, Selections: Boltguns, Chainsword on Sergeant, Heavy bolter Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts] 5 Scouts, Selections: Boltguns, Chainsword on Sergeant, Heavy bolter Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts] 5 Scouts, Selections: Boltguns, Chainsword on Sergeant Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts] 5 Scouts, Selections: Boltguns, Chainsword on Sergeant Elites Cataphractii Terminator Squad [10 PL, 189pts] Selections: Combi-bolters, Grenade harness, 3 x Power fist, 2 x Chain fist Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 136pts] Selections: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Twin ironhail autocannon Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 136pts] Selections: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Twin ironhail autocannon Fast Attack Inceptor Squad [7 PL, 123pts] Selections: Assault bolters Scout Bike Squad [7 PL, 115pts] 5 x Scout Bikers, Boltgun on Sergeant Suppressor Squad [4 PL, 90pts] Heavy Support Predator [8 PL, 175pts] Selections: Twin lascannon, Two Lascannons Predator [8 PL, 175pts] Selections: Twin lascannon, Two Lascannons Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts] Techmarine Gunner Selections: Seal of Oath 2000 pts exactly Redrandy93, BLACK BLŒ FLY and mel_danes 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redrandy93 Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 Brother, Very nice painting of suppressors. I like your list. Look forward to seeing more pictures. Aspecti 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted January 4, 2020 Author Share Posted January 4, 2020 Bought the Ultramarines Contemptor and Mk IV Praetorian heads as a christmas present for myself, they finally arrived a couple of days ago Too bad I can't use the Contemptor with lascannons in the upcoming tournament. BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted February 13, 2020 Author Share Posted February 13, 2020 Pretty much finished assembling and magnetizing two Invictor war suits that I got for slightly cheaper than normal, hopefully tomorrow I'll get them at least primed and basecoated. Gonna need them on sunday at a small ITC tournament, warm up for next week. Also realized I need a few more scouts for my tournament list, so I scavenged my bits boxes and found more Land Speeder Storm passenger bits and managed to put together three more bolter scouts. Having two Greater Daemons of Tzeentch (also known as cats) jumping on my painting desk doesn't really help with the hobby Some wip pictures: Wraithwing 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 13, 2020 Share Posted February 13, 2020 Let us know how the tourney goes. Good luck ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted February 14, 2020 Author Share Posted February 14, 2020 Started priming the Invictors, Cataphractii and my first five Intercessors. Now I have to wait for the air compressor to cool down, should probably buy a new one soon, this is at least 10 years old BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 15, 2020 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Oh man I like what I’m seeing here. /thumbsup Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted February 18, 2020 Author Share Posted February 18, 2020 (edited) Due to lack of time to paint everything, I had to go with a weaker list than I wanted. It was a three game ITC tournament using the new beta missions, I lost first two and won the last one. Also FW units were banned. Here's my list: HQ1 Captain on Bike(), Storm Shield(), Storm Bolter(), Relic: Vengeance of Ultramar, Stratagem: Chapter Master[-], Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Paragon of War[-] [102]HQ2 Techmarine(), Combi Plasma(11), Chainsword(0), Stratagem: Master of the Forge, Master of the Machine[-], Stratagem: Exemplar of the Chapter, Adept of the Codex[-], Relic: Seal of Oath [-] [56] WARLORDHQ3 Sergeant Telion [65]Troop1 Scout Squad(), 4xSniper Rifle(), Missile Launcher(), 5xCamo cloak() [98]Troop2 Scout Squad(), 5xSniper Rifle(), 5xCamo cloak() [80]Troop3 Scout Squad(), 5xBoltgun(), Chainsword() [55]Troop4 Scout Squad(), 5xBoltgun(), Chainsword() [55]Troop5 Scout Squad(), 4xBoltgun(), Chainsword(), Heavy Bolter() [65]Troop6 Scout Squad(), 3xBoltgun(), 1xSniper Rifle(), Chainsword(, Heavy Bolter() [67]Elite1 Invictor Tactical Warsuit(), Fragstorm Grenade launcher(), Heavy Bolter(), 2xIronhail Heavy Stubber(), Twin Ironhail Autocannon() [136]Elite2 Invictor Tactical Warsuit(), Fragstorm Grenade launcher(), Heavy Bolter(), 2xIronhail Heavy Stubber(), Twin Ironhail Autocannon() [136]Elite3 Cataphractii Terminator Squad(), 2xChain Fist(), 3xPower Fist(), 5xCombi Bolter(), Grenade Harness() [189]Fast1 Inceptor Squad(), 6xAssault Bolter() [123]Fast2 Suppressor Squad(), 3xSuppressor Autocannon(), 3xGrav-chute() [90]Fast3 Scout Bike Squad(), 1xAdditional Scout Biker(), Boltgun() [92]Fast4 Scout Bike Squad(), Boltgun() [69]Heavy1 Thunderfire Cannon() [92]Heavy2 Predator(), Twin Lascannon(), Two Lascannons() [175]Heavy3 Predator(), Twin Lascannon(), Two Lascannons() [175]Heavy4 Whirlwind(), Whirlwind Castellan Launcher() [80] My first opponent was playing Chaos Knights, here is his list: == Superheavy Detachment +6 CP, Chaos Knights, Iconoclast == [69 Power Level]SPRHVY1: Despoiler () 2 Melta cannon (), heavy stubber ) (397) Warlord "Dreadblade" Rune of NakrghokjdlkajdljdaoiudraaahSPRHVY2: Despoiler () 1 Melta cannon (), Chain Weaker (), heavy stubber () (372) PL23SPRHVY3: Despoiler () 2 Melta cannon (), ), heavy stubber (), Ironstorm () (413) Dreadblade PL23== gimped Superheavy Detachment +3 CP, Chaos Knights, Iconoclast == [ Power Level 50] [743] Points]SPRHVY4: Desecrator () Powerfist (), Pewpew(0), heavy stubber () [377] Dreadblade PL 23SPRHVY5: 2 Wardogs (),meltalance(0), mini chainsword(0), heavy stubber (), [294] PL18SPRHVY6: Wardog (), meltalance(0), mini chainsword(0), heavystubber () PL9 Here's a picture taken at the end of turn1: I was the defender so he got to go first. In the first turn he wiped out a scout squad, killed a few scouts from other squads and did a few wounds to a Predator and one of the Invictors. I picked the Desecrator as my Seal of Oath target and it simply vanished as I shot it with both Predators, Suppressors and both Invictors, hitting on 2+ with full re-rolls and re-rolls to wound sure is fun. He won 18-13, but it was a pretty even and interesting game. I managed to kill the Desecrator, two Despoilers and one Wardog. I made some mistakes with the secondary missions which I think cost me the game. Captain on bike did 3-5 mortal wounds every turn, even without being able to re-roll the wound rolls. I also forgot that I had camo cloaks on the sniper scouts and I didn't remember it for the whole tournament My second opponent never showed up, so I got to play against the tournament organizer (backup player) and his beautiful Sisters army. I don't have his list, but it included three Exorcists and tons of storm bolters and nasty melta. Picture from the start of first round: Again I was the defender so he went first, destroying my Whirlwind and killing 3/4 scout bikes from the bigger squad. I made a deployment mistake with the Invictors and two scout squads, so he got an easy first turn charge with his Flagellants, killing one scout squad. In return I destroyed an Exorcist, damaged another one, wiped out two squads of Sisters and my sniper scouts got one of his characters down to 1 wound. I got a pretty good first turn and I was confident that I'd actually win, but a few melta shots changed the course of the battle pretty quickly. Captain on bike was an absolute beast this time, destroying whatever he pointed his relic storm bolter at in one round of shooting. In the end he didn't have many models left, but he played the missions much better and won 22-14. Another fun and tight game though and I was just happy to get to play as my original opponent didn't show up. My third game was against the filthy Tau and I wasn't really looking forward to facing three Riptides and too many drones. Again I lost the roll deciding who is the attacker / defender, but he chose to go second. I deployed both Invictors very aggressively so that I could score two points from Recon on my first turn, having two units on each table quarter thanks to scouts was easy. I decided to concentrate on the secondary missions, Butchers Bill and Recon as I knew I couldn't kill the Riptides as long as the drones remained. So I killed drones for three turns, somehow managing to keep both Predators alive and taking pot shots at one Riptide that was my Seal of Oath target. I sacrificed the Invictors, smaller scout bike squad, three scout squads, Inceptors and Cataphractii to force him to focus on them. On my fourth turn most of his drones were dead and I managed to slip the larger scout bike squad right next to his Ethereal and one Commander. Scout bikes killed the Ethereal and last three drones first, then my Biker captain showed what he can do when the dice are right, doing 8 mortal wounds to an undamaged Riptide and just shredding it in a single salvo. I also killed two Commanders and another Riptide that was already down to a few wounds. At this point my opponent conceded as he had almost nothing left, we counted the points and I won 33-15. Here is my last opponent's list: == T’au Empire Battalion Detachment == [444] 5 CP <T’au>HQ 1: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (), 4x Fusion Blaster (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [166]HQ 2: Cadre Fireblade (), Markerlight (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [62]HQ 3: Cadre Fireblade (), Markerlight (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [62]Troop 1: 4x Breacher (), Breacher Shas’ui (), Markerlight (), 1x MV4 Shield Drone (), 1x MV36 Guardian Drone () [56]Troop 2: 4x Breacher (), Breacher Shas’ui (), 1x MV4 Shield Drone (), 1x MV36 Guardian Drone () [53]Troop 3: 4x Breacher (), Breacher Shas’ui (), 1x MV4 Shield Drone (), [45]== T’au Empire Outrider Detachment == [496] 1 CP <T’au>HQ 4: Ethereal (), Hover Drone (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [70]HQ 5: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit (), 3x Cyclic Ion Blaster (54), Advanced Targeting System (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [156]Fast Attack 1: 9x MV4 Shield Drones [90]Fast Attack 2: 9x MV4 Shield Drones [90]Fast Attack 3: 9x MV4 Shield Drones [90]== T’au Empire Vanguard Detachment== [1058] 1 CP <T’au>HQ 6: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit (), 3x Cyclic Ion Blaster ), Advanced Targeting System (), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (), [156] WARLORD: Through Unity, Devastation, RELIC: Puretide Engram NeurochipHQ 7: Cadre Fireblade (), Markerlight () [42]Elite 1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (), Heavy Burst Cannon (), 2x Smart Missile System (), Advanced Targeting System (), Target Lock (), [280]Elite 2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (), Heavy Burst Cannon (), 2x Smart Missile System (), Advanced Targeting System (), Target Lock (), [280]Elite 3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (), Heavy Burst Cannon (), 2x Smart Missile System (), Advanced Targeting System (), Target Lock (), [280]Elite 4: Dahyak Grekh [] Some pictures from the last game: Edited March 6, 2020 by Seahawk Do NOT post individual point costs. Please reread the rules of the B&C. BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 I love your report. How did those war suits perform ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted March 1, 2020 Author Share Posted March 1, 2020 (edited) Honestly, they performed worse than I was expecting, but I think I played them wrong too. Last weekend I played in another ITC tournament, if you use the BCP app you can search for Talvisota. I knew my list would be one of the weaker ones in the tournament, so my goal was to win one game.I ended up with L/L/D/L/W. Lost against Tau and Salamanders, draw against Necrons, lost against White Scars simply because I forgot they can charge after advancing, and won against Imperial Guard (actually managed to wipe his army on turn 4). My list was: Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [105 PL, -6CP, 2,000pts] HQ [277pts]Captain on Bike [, -, ]Selections: Paragon of War, Storm bolter [], Vengeance of Ultramar, Storm shield [], Stratagem: Chapter Master [-], Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter [-], Twin boltgun Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 130pts]Selections: 1) Telepathic Assault, 2) Scryer's Gaze, 5) Psychic Shackles Techmarine [45pts]Selections: Adept of the Codex, Boltgun, Chainsword, Master of the Machine, Seal of Oath, Servo-arm, Stratagem: Exemplar of the Chapter [-], Strategem: Master of the Forge [-], Warlord Troops []Scout Squad [65pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Chainsword3x Scout w/Boltgun []Scout w/Heavy Weapon []Selections: Heavy bolter [] Scout Squad [ 65pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Bolt pistol, Boltgun3x Scout w/Boltgun []Scout w/Heavy Weapon []Selections: Heavy bolter [] Scout Squad [55pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Chainsword4x Scout w/Boltgun [] Scout Squad [55pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Combat knife4x Scout w/Boltgun [] Scout Squad [65pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Sniper rifle []4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle []Selections: 4x Sniper rifle [] Scout Squad [83pts]Scout Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Sniper rifle []Scout w/Heavy Weapon []Selections: Missile launcher []3x Scout w/Sniper Rifle []Selections: 3x Sniper rifle [] Elites [461pts]Cataphractii Terminator Squad [189pts]Cataphractii Sergeant []Selections: Chainfist [], Combi-bolter [], Grenade harnessCataphractii Terminator []Selections: Chainfist [], Combi-bolter []Cataphractii Terminator []Selections: Combi-bolter [], Power fist []Cataphractii Terminator []Selections: Combi-bolter [], Power fist []Cataphractii Terminator []Selections: Combi-bolter [], Power fist [] Invictor Tactical Warsuit [136pts]Selections: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [], Heavy bolter [], 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber [], Twin ironhail autocannon [] Invictor Tactical Warsuit [136pts]Selections: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [], Heavy bolter [], 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber [], Twin ironhail autocannon [] Fast Attack [328pts]Inceptor Squad [123pts]Selections: Assault bolter x2 [], 2x Inceptor [], Inceptor Sergeant [] Scout Bike Squad [115pts]4x Scout Biker []Selections: 4x Twin boltgun []Scout Biker Sergeant []Selections: Boltgun, Twin boltgun [] Suppressor Squad [90pts]2x Suppressor []Selections: 2x Accelerator autocannon [], 2x Grav-chute []Suppressor Sergeant []Selections: Accelerator autocannon [], Grav-chute [] Heavy Support 546pts]Predator [181pts]Selections: Hunter-killer missile [], Twin lascannon [], Two Lascannons [] Predator 181pts]Selections: Hunter-killer missile [], Twin lascannon [], Two Lascannons [] Thunderfire Cannon [92pts]Techmarine Gunner []Servo-harness []Selections: Flamer [], Plasma cutter [] Thunderfire Cannon [92pts]Techmarine Gunner []Servo-harness []Selections: Flamer [], Plasma cutter [] Edited March 6, 2020 by Seahawk Do NOT post individual points. Please reread the rules of the B&C. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 1, 2020 Share Posted March 1, 2020 What changes would you make to your list in order to make it more competitive? What was your all star unit ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 The most important question is; did you have fun? Obviously there are things to do to optimise your list but I really appreciate wanting to take what you enjoy to n event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted March 5, 2020 Author Share Posted March 5, 2020 Yeah I had fun, I don't mind losing and all the games I lost were really close. My problem usually comes from not getting to play often enough. I rarely if ever have time to play outside tournaments and so I'm fairly unfamiliar with many armies (like White was a nasty surprise). The Captain on bike and Tigurius were my all stars I think. The Captain reliably deals 5-6 mortal wounds every time he shoots at a non-vehicle unit, plus the normal damage from his storm bolter. He did 9 wounds to a Riptide in one shooting phase :D Tigurius actually managed to deal 12 mortal wounds to another Riptide in a single psychic phase, with super Smite and Telepathic Assault as I rolled 12. It was a pretty surreal moment, but sadly not enough to turn the game. I'm not sure if the Invictors are worth their points unless I get to go first and the opponent deployed poorly. They are unable to lock anything in combat and will be shot to pieces after first turn. Also my luck didn't really favor them. I managed to setup a perfect charge against five remaining Tomb Blades, benefiting from +1 to hit from Master of the Forge (so hitting on 2+) and denying overwatch with Suppressors killing one of them. The result of that charge: librisrouge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 Dice happen...sadly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 In Invictor Warsuits seem like they work best alongside a bunch of transports or Vanguard Veterans or Drop Pod units. Target saturation is important pressure helps with this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 6, 2020 Share Posted March 6, 2020 The warsuits can always be deployed back defensively as major deterents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted March 6, 2020 Share Posted March 6, 2020 I see that as wasting their points really. An ordinary Redemptor would have better firepower and be able to act as deterrents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 6, 2020 Share Posted March 6, 2020 If you don’t go first it’s better than sticking up there in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted March 7, 2020 Share Posted March 7, 2020 Ah I gotcha. Sorry I was talking from a list building perspective. Otherwise yes that is the best way to handle that. Thinking those Warsuits could use a Tactica thread all of their own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aspecti Posted August 20, 2020 Author Share Posted August 20, 2020 I've kind of had a break from the hobby since ~march, just started painting again. So resurrecting this thread with some fresh content. These Suppressors are getting more attention, just need to highlight them, add some shading and fix a couple of mistakes and they're done. I paint all gun casings red, according to the 2nd edition Codex. Dark Imperium Inceptors, also need shading and highlights to be done. I think I'll try to re-base them to fit better with the Suppressors bases. Tigurius is also getting there, and also missing highlights Need to fix his banner, paint his face and add some sand to the base too. I'm pretty happy with his cloak and tabard, they look a lot better in natural light. Next in line are the 5 Cataphractii I almost finished in february and then probably Eradicators and 3 more Inceptors. BLACK BLŒ FLY, mel_danes and Captain Idaho 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 Noice ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 Gorgeous Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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