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Mm. I needed something like this - using actual military tactics and insight should really help my Raven Guard, as well as my Chaos.


I would like to mention, I've won maybe... five, six games, total, in an entire year of doing this. I'm hoping that being more conscious of deployment and overarching goals will help.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Today, I wanted to do something a little different.  Instead of writing about how you can improve your battlefield prowess, we will look at how easy it can be to make dumb mistakes.


The goal: learn from them!  I hope you end up taking away a little knowledge and, just maybe, you take a fresh look at your games with a new perspective.


I will also be publishing a second article shortly....so stay tuned for that!  I want to ensure that I provide the level of content my readership expects and deserves.


Come check out my "command failures" here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/learning-from-my-mistakes-after-action-analysis/


Lastly, I have received excellent feedback regarding my battle report.  You spoke up and I am listening.  I absolutely agree that there should be more graphics and a better "play-by-play" narrative.  You come for the analysis, so there will be much more of that. Additionally, there will be more visualization of concepts and the battlefield state.


I can do better, and I will.  Here is a sneak peek at the next battle report.  It is going to interesting to say the least!  This will be another new Maelstrom of War mission...


sneak peek

You can expect that battle report this Saturday! I will release it in the morning, rather than late at night, this time.

Today's main article is now available!


This is a great read and very informative.  Chock full of amazing visuals.  Since that is the point of the article!


"Visualizing the Aura of a HQ Character" -->  https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/visualizing-the-aura-of-a-hq-character/





A little over self-disparaging ... but yeah a couple of good learning lessons there. I don’t know Mechanicus, but sounds like Robot would make a good Objective Holder, especially one in LOS to a second Objective?


I love terrain as much as next guy but woo fairly dense terrain there.


I love after action reports. My ex knew that win or lose I needed an hour after a game to decompress and review the game turn by turn. It’s always the mistakes we learn from that I feel really makes us better players.

When I am not writing and creating graphics for content, I am obsessing over making new models look exactly right.  Here is another sneak peek of content you can expect to see soon.  


This is THE reason I got into Warhammer 40K.  My first and everlasting love...


Death Company!


Death Company 5

Death Company 4

Death Company 3

Death Company 2

Death Company 1


I shall soon be fielding these in a battle report, in a full death company themed army.  


This was a dream come true when Games Workshop released the "Blood of Baal" book.


You can expect to see gratuitous amounts of Black Rage and Red Thirst soon!





Edited by Overwhelming Odds


My last army was BA and Custodes.

Death company/jumpers and HammerCaps/JumpChaps with Movie Marine Bikers?


Anything less would be uncivilized!  All Death Company, all the time.


I have Death Company Sanguinary Guard, Bikers, Stormravens, Rhinos, Devastator Squads, and even a Death Company Dante...

Edited by Overwhelming Odds

My list was as follows:


= BA Battalion =

Smash Captain - Artisan of War & Angel’s Wings


3x 5x Scout - bolt pistols & combat blades


= AC Vanguard =

Trajann Valoris

Shield Captain on Dawneagle - Auric Aquilas

4x Aquilon Terminator - Power Gloves & 3x Lastrum Stormbolter + Firepike

Vexilla Praetor - Magnifica Banner & Axe

Vexilla Praetor - Magnifica Banner & Spear

4x Vertis Praetor

Telemon - Storm Cannon & Power Fist


After the official rules were released for the FW models I stopped playing the army due to the nerfs and point increases. Maybe I’ll revisit the army again now that Blood Angels have been revised.

Today's 1st article is now live!  It is a tutorial on using your own terrain in my PowerPoint file!  Quick and easy.  I want to make sure the community is getting the maximum benefit out of my files.


The article also includes additional info on another handy trick with a laser level.  Check it out.


Make that PowerPoint file even more relevant for you --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/importing-your-terrain-in-my-powerpoint-file/


Leave comments if you find this type of article helpful and want to see more content like this!  I really want my readers to know and appreciate what my files can do for the Warhammer community.  





My list was as follows:


= BA Battalion =

Smash Captain - Artisan of War & Angel’s Wings


3x 5x Scout - bolt pistols & combat blades


= AC Vanguard =

Trajann Valoris

Shield Captain on Dawneagle - Auric Aquilas

4x Aquilon Terminator - Power Gloves & 3x Lastrum Stormbolter + Firepike

Vexilla Praetor - Magnifica Banner & Axe

Vexilla Praetor - Magnifica Banner & Spear

4x Vertis Praetor

Telemon - Storm Cannon & Power Fist


After the official rules were released for the FW models I stopped playing the army due to the nerfs and point increases. Maybe I’ll revisit the army again now that Blood Angels have been revised.

That is an amazing list!  It has to wreck havoc on an opponent's target priority.  So much deep strike/reserve versatility as well.  Good Command Point pool and useful troops (Infiltrate and assault, even better now on turn 3 on).  I can really appreciate the "burst damage" it can put out. Good mobility too! Well executed list!  I think I will have to try something similar now...


Thanks for sharing...you have my gears turning now...I hardly ever combine armies.  I am a bit of a "purist" in that regard. I enjoy the "handicap", and don't want to crush my opponent's soul with a min-maxed monstrosity. BUT...hmmm...going to have to rethink that now.  Looks fun!



Today's 2nd article is going to be incredible!  I promised the readers that I would bring military principals and strategies to Warhammer 40K.  This article is going to do exactly that!


I am not going to examine just one military concept, tenet, or principle of war...no sir!


I am going to examine 18 of them!  I will go through the thought process of utilizing these 18 military concepts to create overwhelming odds with a single unit.  Here are the 18 military concepts and the EXACT ORDER they will be presented in!  


Synergy à Leverage à Maneuver/mobility à Operational Reach à Flexibility and Versatility à Decisive Places àTiming/Synchronizing à Controlling Engagements à 1st Turn Strategy/Initial Engagement/Most Desirable à Purpose à Surprise à Sowing Chaos à Psychological Operations à Threat Priority à Sacrificial Units à Tempo à Disruption à Decisive Victories


I am curious to hear your guesses before I release this article later today.  What unit will I use and what will I try to do with it?  Take your best guess!





Happy Tuesday!


This thread has a new home in the forums, here in  + Amicus Aedes +, but still has same daily updates and content!


Today's article is now live!  Come check out how I ended up utilizing 18 military concepts in configuring and using a single unit, step by step.


Great guesses so far, but the unit in question was an Imperial Knight!  


Check it out here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/18-military-concepts-explained-in-sequence/


I have done a lot of graphics lately, and I wanted to get back to my "roots' with a military perspective article focusing on the thought processes behind each decision.  The how and why, if you will.  Don't worry, I still made some graphics.  I can't help myself!


Please let me know what you thought of the content.  I am trying out different approaches, and feedback helps me create content in the format and context you want to read and see.





Edited by Overwhelming Odds

Exciting news!  My YouTube channel is now up and running!  Check out a short, but I think well executed, battle report!  *Finally* starting to branch out to all forms of media.  


Adeptus Mechanicus vs Tyranids


Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/orDK1TF-uos





The write up on CSM melee and objectives was quite interesting. Mabye something similar for CSM that traditionally have a strong mid range shooting and objectives would be a good extension. More xenos content as well for orks and Dark Eldar would be good too if you can manage. 

The write up on CSM melee and objectives was quite interesting. Mabye something similar for CSM that traditionally have a strong mid range shooting and objectives would be a good extension. More xenos content as well for orks and Dark Eldar would be good too if you can manage. 



Thank you for the compliments and the feedback. I was just thinking about making sure I have other armies covered.  So expect an article on "screens" featuring the Orks tomorrow.  I will also be creating graphics and exploring other Xenos armies.  I want to maximize the coverage as much as possible.  Even if you don't play an army, your opponent could.  Thanks again for the suggestions.  Consider it done.





I don’t game much but have been reading your articles and found them impressive :tu: A level of detail and thought I wouldn’t have gone into before a game.


I too am keen to see what you have for Orks.


Another though that popped into my mind: you might not be inclined, and it might take some research but it would be interesting to see you dissect some tournament-winning lists. How they win, and what weaknesses you see in them. Just an idea.

Megavolt87 and Kierdale,


Your article is live!  Everyone else can come "chek wat da humie haz for ya" as well!


Clik ere, ladz! --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/the-art-of-screening-units/


Dat iz sumptin amazin for you'z Greenskins!






P.S.  I will absolutely be taking a look at how I can break down, analyze, and exploit tournament winning lists, for measurable benefit.  I truly enjoy capability analysis and finding faults/weaknesses in processes. 

Edited by Overwhelming Odds

 Happy Wednesday!


There will be a bonus article today, available shortly.  I had an idea for a reoccurring series of articles.


These articles will be once a week and the focus will be on "Analyzing and Exploiting" a single very specific aspect of Warhammer 40K.


Today's article will be titled "Analyze and Exploit - A Single Objective".


I am going to go "full intel" on what you can do with just a single objective placement.  The depth and complexity of this one aspect is UNREAL!  Don't miss this one!


Check this thread for updates on when that article is live!  I would say within 3 hours...give or take...





Thanks for the article on overcoming bad dice.


As it turns out, I was already doing most of the things you laid out in it. :(


Apparently I did something in the past that truly angered the dice gods. Because I approach things from a perspective of reasonable expectations...and my dice still hate me because they don't even reach what the average results should be.


It's so bad it's become a running joke at my local shop. "I really need this morale roll to be a 1." "Have Claws roll it for you, then."

Today's article is now up!  


This is a great article and it is chock full of graphics and really valuable information.  I enjoyed writing it and I think you will enjoy reading it!


Learn about objectives here, bro! --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/analyze-exploit-a-single-objective/


Let me know what you think about it.  Is it new info for you?  Valuable? Game-changing?  Do you want me to dive deeper and do more content on objectives? Help me, help you!  





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