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Happy Pre-Friday everyone!


Today's article is on "Mastering Assault". I really went precise with the graphics in this article! 400% zoom and millimeter measurements. My poor eyes...


See why millimeters matter, here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/mastering-assault-the-movement-phase-is-really-the-pre-charge-phase/





I’m sold on everything in that article except the last graphic about the smash captain and the landraider. Pile in moves have to finish closer to the nearest enemy model than they started, which when you make the full 3” pile in straight towards the land raider would violate that rule. Consolidate has the same restriction but I figured we were just operating under the assumption that the land raider ended up being closest after that fight phase.


I will update the graphic to show that the Smash Captain just wraps around the closest model.  Same effect, slightly less distance.  Just give me one sec for the graphic.


The unit that the Smash Captain charges is indeed wiped out.  The Pile-in move *could have* been just wrapping around that model and finishing a hair closer.  Totally legal.  Then, once the unit that was charged is eliminated, the Smash Captain is free to consolidate towards the Land Raider.


Here is the relevant graphic and text.



Once the unit that was charged is eliminated (reference: Smash Captain :whistling: :yes: ), He is free to consolidate into that Land Raider.




Edited by Overwhelming Odds

This is for you ShinyRhino!  If you liked the last article, then check this out!


Today's next article is also on "Mastering Assault".  But this is NEW content that gives away my secrets!  "TOP SECRET Tactics" is going to be a new series, so be on the look out for more real soon!


All the secrets await you, here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/top-secret-tactics-exploiting-consolidation/





Awesome new graphics! I definitely agree that the assault phase is underrated in terms of effect on the game, I just wanted to make sure all the information getting out is accurate if new people read it. Keep up the awesome work, your articles are always fun and informative!

Kain Mor,


Thank you for keeping me honest.  It is only by critical feedback like this that everyone benefits.  I can not state the importance of feedback enough.  I have made a few stupid mistakes and have been very kindly asked to correct it.  That is exactly what needs to happen when there is incorrect information.  I want my site to be a compendium of accurate and relevant knowledge.  Not useless garbage.  Thank you so much for your time and feedback! ** Edit: I also greatly appreciate the kind words about my content!





Edited by Overwhelming Odds

Happy Friday everyone!


First article for the day is now live.  This is the conclusion of "Mastering Assault".  This was just a primer for much greater depth, analysis, and demonstrations.  Once I look at each phase independently, I will be able to demonstrate each and every concept in greater detail.  This was just an overview.


Read it, but watch out for Ghosts! <you'll understand when you see "it"> --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/mastering-assault-the-movement-phase-is-really-the-pre-charge-phase-part-2/





Wow, now I cant wait fielding my Slaanesh Daemons again to try some of these things combine with the unholy speed this army has anyway.


And one more question:

Do you always try to bring all your CC reserves at once (if possible) or are there scenarios where waves are the better solution?





To both.


In all seriousness, I prefer to mass assault on turn 2 with everything I have.  I go for the killing blow.  I don't have to table my opponent.  I don't have to eliminate half the models.  All I have to do is GUT the critical components of their list.  If I have a lot of infantry, I GUT their anti-infantry capability.  If I have tanks, dreadnoughts, etc..then I GUT their anti-tank.  It is all about denying your opponent the ability to have any advantageous match-ups.  By eliminating the counter-role units to your best units, your best units do that much more work.  They produce cumulative results all battle long.  I want to create mismatches and imbalances between our two forces.  I target and single out the core of my opponent's army.  I take away synergistic elements (auras, buffing units, force multipliers (Tau pathfinders for example), and then slowly win a war balanced in my favor.  I have a lot of opponents concede early (that isn't a great thing, but it tends to happen).  It is a "form" of alpha strike for sure, but on turn 2 and it is very surgical.  I take out just what I need to.  Don't go all "murderlust" and overextend.  Just concentrate on the aspects of your opponent's list that create a bad match-up for your units.  Then just ride the "imbalance" to victory.


The major factors in determining to bring in all of my close combat reserves on turn two or turn 3 are my mobility, the concentration of my opponent's forces, and the objective of the mission.


Maelstrom of War requires "waves of assault" and a little more "restraint".  You only end up hurting yourself on points, over the long run, by coming in full bore from reserves.  But...


...on a majority of the other missions, I am trying to concentrate simultaneous assaults and tie my opponent up in assault for the rest of the game.  This is why I love when my opponent "castle's up".  Yes, you will receive maximum damage coming into assault.  Yes, you are giving the opponent an essential free shooting phase via overwatch.


BUT, I am willing to take all of that overwatch because it will be the last time those units shoot.  Unless, they have fly.  That is annoying. You are trading a turn of receiving "burst" damage to then maximize YOUR damage for the rest of the game, hopping from assault to assault.  I want to trap the opponent's forces in ever decreasing and concentric rings.  Collapse and squeeze, turn after turn.  This has an AMAZING effect.  That effect is this: as you are collapsing the rings, smaller and smaller, you are losing models.  Either to overwatch, shooting, and/or assault.  BUT, you are gaining DENSITY of models per square inch.  So, you keep a consistent (for the most part) weight of assault the rest of the game.  You are losing models and killing at *about* the same rate, hopefully losing less of yours.  But, you are also consolidating while forcing the opponent to do the same.  That only benefits you in the long run.  I hope that helps explain.  I talk about it and have photos in my latest article <Death Company vs Tau>.


It really fires me up to hear that my content is opening up your perspective, generating excitement, and should provide results (hopefully).  This is what keeps me going!  


Thanks for commenting and giving me more motivation!




Happy Friday!!!


I hope everyone is ready for another artistic article. It is titled "Artistic Content #2:  Terrain Enhancement for $10 (or $18)"


I won't spoil the fun or the topic of this article!  But I can tell you it will put your brain into overdrive as you think of your own ideas for terrain! I guaranteed it!


The "Techno Dance Rave Party" starts here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-2-terrain-enhancement-for-10-or-18/





Today's next article is titled "Artistic Content #3: Nail Water Slide Decals - Thank you, ladies!"


You haven't seen it all until you have seen this.


Beauty products for Warhammer 40K models here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-3-nail-water-slide-decals-thank-you-ladies-slightly-mature-content-inside-but-safe-for-work/


<Have stranger words ever been uttered?>


P.S. Now you CAN really buy the significant other something, say it is for her, use it for Warhammer 40K, and still be completely honest.





Still doing compare and contrast; this might be a tall feet (I have done it once earlier this edition and need to redo it now).


But compare and contrast the four main “tactical” squads variants;

Tactical Squad

Chaos Space Marine Squad

Grey Hunter Pack

Crusader Squad


(Intercessors, Cult Troops, DW Veteran and GK Strike Squads could be worth a mention. When I did my comparison way earlier in the edition after Intercessors I honestly kinda gave up).

Still doing compare and contrast; this might be a tall feet (I have done it once earlier this edition and need to redo it now).


But compare and contrast the four main “tactical” squads variants;

Tactical Squad

Chaos Space Marine Squad

Grey Hunter Pack

Crusader Squad


(Intercessors, Cult Troops, DW Veteran and GK Strike Squads could be worth a mention. When I did my comparison way earlier in the edition after Intercessors I honestly kinda gave up).



I am intrigued.  I have not done a "4 way" type comparison and it would be a great way to try it out.  I should have this done for you on Monday.  I will do it on the minimum sized squads, since it is easier to build upon, rather than take away, from my types of comparisons.  Let's see how this turns out!





Would just like to mention with how MSU work interacts;


Grey Hunters & Crusader Squads both suffer sense each of those squads need “larger” squad size to highlight their unique offering (Crusader Squads become far worse given Inits one point more expensive tacticals w/o equal Neo-Init Ratio. And Grey Hunters need 6 Man before you can special-special).


Chaos Marines are main difference of either doing dbl heavy or dbl special don’t become apparent/utilized until 10 man squad. Just wanted to give heads up.


Also thanks man for taking up the idea! Looking forward/hyped to see what you find!

Aaaaah, I'm sorry, had another couple ideas.

Inceptors vs. Aggressors.

Chosen vs. Fallen (context is important with these two since Fallen are eligible to be buffed by Cypher and rock the Fallen specialist detachment).

Wraithguard vs. Wraithblades.

Immortals vs. Warriors.

Hellforged Contemptor vs. Hellforged Leviathan.

R&H Renegade Guardsmen vs. R&H Cultists.

Renegade Magaera/Styrix vs. Knight Despoiler.

Stompa vs. Forge World Kustom Stompa.

I'm sorry. I keep coming up with these things.

Happy Saturday! 


I just finished the 4th battle report from Overwhelming Odds!!! 


I honestly believe and feel that I improved greatly from my last battle report and have created yet another evolved and NEW "Best Photo Battle Report Ever Created!"


Read it.  Then, if you have an opinion, share it.  Don't hold back!


Check out Part 1 of "The Best Photo Battle Report ever Created" here --> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/chapter-approved-2019-maelstrom-of-war-battle-report-tyranids-vs-imperial-knights-the-grudge-rematch-part-1/


I am getting much quicker at writing, editing, proof-reading, uploading, and publishing! Less time taken is more time for additional content!


Thank you for your support and all the AMAZING comments, and for providing a wealth of motivation. 


Lastly, thank you for spending your precious time reading my content. I hope to exceed each and every one of your expectations.


It's my hope that these photo battle reports can EXCEED video battle reports in content and the information learned from within!


Let me know what you think of the content so far!  Even bigger things are on the horizon...





Happy Sunday!


Today's first article is another "after-action" report.


My Harridan list goes through evolution and improvement.  I take a hard look at what worked and what didn't.


This is a great article that demonstrates how "looking back" helps you prepare for the next battle.


Join the list evolution revolution here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/after-action-report-tyranids-vs-imperial-knights-spoilers-do-not-read-until-after-you-have-read-the-previous-battle-report/


Lastly, I will be releasing another article shortly demonstrating this Tyranid list's capabilities.  "Seeing it" through visualization is very impressive, to say the least.  It makes it so easy to develop strategies.  Expect that within the next 2 hours.





Today's second article is "After-Action Analysis – Visualization Exercises"


This is definitely one of my "more military-like" articles to date.  You will get a glimpse of how my mind works and what I do to prepare for a battle.  It is also a great after-action follow up, since you can do the analysis before or after in the same manner.


Explore my mind here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/after-action-analysis-visualization-exercises/


I truly hope this article resonates with a majority of you and shows you what is truly possible and why it is so important!





Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


Last night's first stress test went remarkably well.  I have already identified and addressed several issues.  Good stuff.  


This is the list of content that was published last night (wave 1):


Artistic Content #4: Smoke Fields This is an excellent way to create line-of-sight blocking terrain that really makes sense on a battlefield. It can be the main terrain or scatter terrain. Simple and effective. Come see how easy & cheap it is to make!




Improve Your Lighting: A Cheap (relatively speaking) Enhancement! Come see a great way to enhance your Warhammer 40K battles. I can't recommend this enough. It really makes a difference "you can see".




Lastly, there was a massive photo gallery update!  They will be available under the photo gallery drop down menu shortly.  Each has it's own article for now.


Article & Update



Photos from previous battles

Gallery Update: ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VS TYRANIDS: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-adeptus-mechanicus-vs-tyranids/

Gallery Update: ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VS TYRANIDS 2: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-adeptus-mechanicus-vs-tyranids-2/

Gallery Update: ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VS TYRANIDS 3: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-adeptus-mechanicus-vs-tyranids-3/

Gallery Update: BLOOD ANGELS VS TAU: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-blood-angels-vs-tau/

Gallery Update: BLOOD ANGELS VS TAU 2: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-blood-angels-vs-tau-2/

Gallery Update: BLOOD ANGELS VS TAU 3: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-blood-angels-vs-tau-3/

Gallery Update: CHAOS (KHORNE) & DEMONS (KHORNE) VS ADEPTUS CUSTODES: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-chaos-khorne-demons-khorne-vs-adeptus-custodes/

Gallery Update: TAU VS IMPERIAL KNIGHTS: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-tau-vs-imperial-knights/

Gallery Update: TYRANIDS VS CHAOS (KHORNE) AND DEMONS (KHORNE): https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-tyranids-vs-chaos-khorne-and-demons-khorne/

Gallery Update: TYRANIDS VS TAU: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/gallery-update-tyranids-vs-tau/




Additionally, I will be releasing more articles later on today/tonight!  I have many more things to test out.  


Also, I am still taking requests and Ideas for content.  I fully expect to clear the current queue within 3 days.  


Lastly, check back for a sneak peek on the upcoming battle report.  It will be a massive and UNIQUE battle report with content you CAN NOT find anywhere else...


Check back later for the photos!





Another day, more successful testing and options explored!  Here is the next "wave" of content.  More is inbound.  Always more.


Artistic Content #5: Vortex Terrain (aka impact points from grenades/missiles): https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-5-vortex-terrain-aka-impact-points-from-grenades-missiles/


Artistic Content #6: Phosphorous After-effect Bases: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-6-phosphorous-after-effect-bases/


Artistic Content #7: Mechanicum – The 30K Arlatax-Class Battle Automata: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-7-mechanicum-the-30k-arlatax-class-battle-automata/


I am going to be tracking these "artistic content" articles closely to see what kind of traffic and views they generate and if there is a reason to continue them.  I don't want to "muddy the waters" too much, as I know my place and "niche".  But it never hurts to try and see if that is something I should branch into and continue.  Time will tell.


Lastly, I hope to generate some excitement with this next battle report.  Give the audience something they definitely don't see every day.


Sneak Peek: Upcoming Photo Battle Report #5: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/sneak-peek-upcoming-photo-battle-report-5/


Back to the grind for me, I've got a queue to clear.





Happy Tuesday!


I have another batch of articles for you and more on the way!  


The REAL value of “Compare & Contrast”



Battlefields: Artistic vs. Tactical Considerations (Why not both?)



I also want to thank Brother Casman for the compliments on the Vortex terrain.  I wondered if anyone would like, or be inspired by, some of my "way out in left field" terrain ideas.  I'm really grateful to see it creating benefit for others!  Artistic content allows me to change up the pace a little.  Analysis can get mind numbing after a while.


More content will be released shortly.  At least one more article in the next hour.  The rest will be released tonight.





Love that phosphor basing tutorial. Maybe that could be used as the aftermath of other extreme-heat weapons' impact. Maybe it could be used to represent the ground of a dead planet which got Exterminatus'd, but is now a point of contention for one reason or another. Just some thoughts.

Love that phosphor basing tutorial. Maybe that could be used as the aftermath of other extreme-heat weapons' impact. Maybe it could be used to represent the ground of a dead planet which got Exterminatus'd, but is now a point of contention for one reason or another. Just some thoughts.

It is funny you should mention that!  I originally used these as markers for the "Crawling Fire" rule in 30K.  Phosphex weapons allowed you to move *something* up to 2" more if it covered more models.  Plus there was the "Lingering Death" rule too.  So it stayed on the battlefield the whole game.  Pretty knarly.  I loved the thematic nature of that.  But, you are absolutely correct about using it as ground basing.  I would not dump this stuff on your game mat though.  It will not clean up easily.  Make flat terrain areas with fiber board or something firm and thin, and glue it down..*Sprinkle sprinkle* into the glue.  Done.  I will be making some wicked terrain in this *same vein* very soon.  I had a *vision* and it must be made real.




Third article of the day, and this is a really good one.  Should be a lot of shocked faces out there when you read it!  I can't help that this is how my mind works now.  Blame the military.


Come get analytical with me: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/battlefields-full-analytical-breakdown/


There is a lot of demonstration and graphical depictions of thought processes.  Don't miss this one!




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