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Happy Tuesday!


I have another batch of articles for you and more on the way!


The REAL value of “Compare & Contrast”



Battlefields: Artistic vs. Tactical Considerations (Why not both?)



I also want to thank Brother Casman for the compliments on the Vortex terrain. I wondered if anyone would like, or be inspired by, some of my "way out in left field" terrain ideas. I'm really grateful to see it creating benefit for others! Artistic content allows me to change up the pace a little. Analysis can get mind numbing after a while.


More content will be released shortly. At least one more article in the next hour. The rest will be released tonight.





I really enjoyed the terrain set up article. I used to set up tables for the FLGS monthly tourney. I was always trying to create a little story when I did so, while also making it an interesting battlefield. Then people started rearranging things after I was done to make them "symmetrical and fair," so I stopped.


I also like the phosphor tutorial. Good old Willy Pete.

I am finally getting to the Grey Knights as promised!  It is going to be a multi-part series of articles.  I will do this real justice.  


Plus, I will be starting my own Grey Knight Army.  I will make a list and buy the necessary units.  So I have a real vested interest in my content.  When I hear that something is "not good", I just have to break it wide open and prove people wrong.  I have "heard" there is "another" who excels with them, but they blame his success on his overall skill at the game, not the army...:rolleyes:


I would love to hear what everyone thinks of these articles, as this is a *hotly* contested, debated, and opinionated topic for sure.  I am going to stick to measurable data as much as possible.


Spec-Ops Grey Knights here:







Here is your "Compare & Contrast" as requested.  I think it was what you were looking for.  Plus you will get additional bonus graphical content tomorrow.


Hopefully I exceeded your expectations.


Battle Royale here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/compare-contrast-grey-hunters-vs-crusader-squad-vs-tactical-squad-vs-chaos-space-marines/







The first of four "Top Secret Tactics" articles is up.  I saw you liked Black Templars, so I did them first.  I hope you find this insightful.


Top Secret Tactics: “Crusader Squad”: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/top-secret-tactics-crusader-squad/





Hey Dan,

First of all I must say that I really enjoy reading your articles. Even though I am mostly a painter and I rarely actually play games of 40k.

Most of all I like your enthousiasm and dedication to our hobby! You clearly dedicate a lot of your time to this and it is pleasing to see how you gave a new purpose to your professional experience.

Please carry on with the same enthousiasm and thank you from a fellow enthousiast.



I am finally getting to the Grey Knights as promised! It is going to be a multi-part series of articles. I will do this real justice.


Plus, I will be starting my own Grey Knight Army. I will make a list and buy the necessary units. So I have a real vested interest in my content. When I hear that something is "not good", I just have to break it wide open and prove people wrong. I have "heard" there is "another" who excels with them, but they blame his success on his overall skill at the game, not the army...:rolleyes:


I would love to hear what everyone thinks of these articles, as this is a *hotly* contested, debated, and opinionated topic for sure. I am going to stick to measurable data as much as possible.


Spec-Ops Grey Knights here:





I don't know if you have been following the rumors and previews for Psychic Awakening 4, but the Grey Knights are set to get a significant boost. Speaking as the requester for the GK analysis, if you want to wait until that is officially available I will not take offense.

Hey Dan,

First of all I must say that I really enjoy reading your articles. Even though I am mostly a painter and I rarely actually play games of 40k.

Most of all I like your enthousiasm and dedication to our hobby! You clearly dedicate a lot of your time to this and it is pleasing to see how you gave a new purpose to your professional experience.

Please carry on with the same enthousiasm and thank you from a fellow enthousiast.





Thank you for the kind words!  This is a great way to start the day and motivate me to spam more content.  I am in awe of the overall community reaction to my artistic content articles and my writing "style".  I try to channel my "military side" when writing, blending some military and office humor with older and current pop culture.  I am very enthusiastic about Warhammer 40K, because "I was there" <triggers my non-existent PTSD> when GW was not making the strides and efforts they are today.  The community as a whole stepped up in the past to keep this hobby alive and now, GW is force multiplying and leveraging that community to achieve greater success.  Like it should have done from the start.  I am just fortunate enough to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.  


This hobby will explode in the next few years as people want to get away from all the digital aspects in their lives and have analog experiences.  They want to "unplug", if you will.  Board Games, Collectible Card Games, D&D, and Miniature sales have been soaring.  


Trust me when I say I am overly excited to see what the future holds for Warhammer 40K.  You will see that translated in my content!


Thanks again for taking the time to comment and convey such meaningful words.  It is always humbling and motivational.  





Edited by Overwhelming Odds



I have been tainted by the touch of the Psychic Awakening, but that only makes me need Grey Knights that much more.  I am going to write the current content without addressing the PA 4 material, then later, I will give my impressions once it is available.  The Grey Knights will absolutely get better, but I want them at their *perceived* worst.  Today's article will give context on how I will incorporate them into battles and develop strategies to use them.  I will also address what I am going to buy and why.


Have some content now and later - "greed is good!"





Plus, I will be starting my own Grey Knight Army.  I will make a list and buy the necessary units.  So I have a real vested interest in my content. 

Maybe head over to the Facing the Unknown II thread and join up there? We'd love to have you.

In another "Artistic Content" article, we are looking at how to make cheap and effective cargo containers.


Make an entire shipping container yard for a fraction of the cost of buying these containers in MDF or resin.


Cargo Containers await your pickup here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-8-cargo-containers/







I have been tainted by the touch of the Psychic Awakening, but that only makes me need Grey Knights that much more. I am going to write the current content without addressing the PA 4 material, then later, I will give my impressions once it is available. The Grey Knights will absolutely get better, but I want them at their *perceived* worst. Today's article will give context on how I will incorporate them into battles and develop strategies to use them. I will also address what I am going to buy and why.


Have some content now and later - "greed is good!"





Your dedication to your craft is a credit to the Emperor. :)

Grey Knights incoming...


Welcome back for more Grey Knight goodness!  The next article in this series is:


"Grey Knights: My Next Army & What I Will Be Buying (& Why!)"


This will be followed up by "How to beg and plead with your wife to create overwhelming odds of success in starting your Grey Knights".  haha, just kidding.


Come find out how I'm going to incorporate these psykers into one my favorite lists. It enhances it so much!


Battle buddies here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/grey-knights-my-next-army-what-i-will-be-buying-why/





Edited by Overwhelming Odds

Happy Thursday!


I am building to a very special article today.  It will be my 100th article.  Here are articles 97-99.  


Artistic Content #9: Aquarium Terrain

I have to go to the pet store to get my puppy his food, at least, every month. Every time I go into the pet store, I make a detour. 


Find out why, here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-9-aquarium-terrain/


Artistic Content #10: Random Toys As Terrain

I was wandering through Walmart, waiting on my wife to pick up some things, and I was looking through the bargain bins for potential 40K use. Yes, I go through toy aisles like a bum rummaging through a trash bin. I have zero shame.


Come rummage with me, here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-10-random-toys-as-terrain/


Artistic Content #11: Bringing It All Together

This is my 99th article since launching this site on Dec 19th, 2019. It has been just one month and 4 days and I am going to be publishing my 100th article today! So, I wanted to do something special for the 99th article.


Come see what I make, here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-11-bringing-it-all-together/


Thanks for all the support!  Things are going to get REAL interesting going forward. I am just getting warmed up...





My next photo battle report will available on Saturday! 30K Mechanicum steps into 40K! The Adeptus Custodes are not pleased to see active "Age of Strife" Automatas. This leads to the inevitable. Full out war! Here is a sneak peek:


40K Mechanicum vs. Custodes

This battle report is a time vampire!  2 days of creating and editing. This will be the awesome finale to my week of "Stress tests".  This will be a massive 8 part photo battle report. You wanted more graphics and analysis?  I can do that...everything will be better, but still familiar.


Happy Friday!


I have exciting news!


The Grey Knight army is a go!  I will be starting within the next week or so.  


Additionally, Overwhelming Odds and PUPPETSWAR have formed the first of many partnerships to come!


Check out the details here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/exciting-news-a-new-partnership-sponsorship/


I will be smiting and demon slaying very soon!  I will make sure to contribute, and comment, way more often, in the relevant forums/threads. 


Thanks for the invitation to the Facing the Unknown II thread, Zephaniah Adriyen!  I will take you up on that!






Happy Saturday! 


It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I present my 100th article on Overwhelming Odds. 


It has been a wild ride to get to this point.  I wanted to "celebrate in style" so I went "all out" for this photo battle report.



  • It should take you 2 HOURS to read and comprehend the material in the photo battle report.  I am not joking, it could take longer.
  • It is 7 parts and over 5 Gigabytes.  I stopped counting photos...
  • You will get more analysis than ever and even more graphics.  This battle report does not even start covering the actual Battle Rounds until PART 3!!!


I truly hope you enjoy the experience and you learn a whole lot along the way.


My "magnum opus" is here--> https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/chapter-approved-2019-maelstrom-of-war-battle-report-30k-40k-mechanicum-vs-adeptus-astartes-part-1/


I truly consider this my "magnum opus".  I hope you do as well.  I really pushed the envelope on this one!


Thank you for the continued support.  I am just getting started!


Please leave comments letting me know what you thought.  It is essential and greatly appreciate.  Take a minute and let me know what you truly felt, experienced, and thought. It really matters.




Happy Sunday!


In preparation for the next Battle Report, I am going to ask what the readers what to see!


I have not done a battle report with my Khorne armies (Chaos and Demon).  Therefore they will be one of the armies.  But who should they fight?  Here are your choices:


Blood Angels

Adeptus Mechanicus


Imperial Knights

Adeptus Custodes


Imperial Guard (only an add on/allied in Baneblade (any variant))


Or I could do a battle of Khorne in-fighting between Chaos and Demons.  Don't see that everyday!


Let me know what you think.


Also, don't forget to check out the battle report released last night! See above post for more information.







I really enjoy seeing Adeptus Mechanicus on the table as my local meta is noticeably (and sadly) devoid of any admech players. I also feel that the Gunline-with-some-melee options style of most Admech armies will nicely complement a Khornate bloodiest.

Kain Mor,

That is an excellent idea. It would be a great way to showcase gunline vs. assault, while also showing how to use counter-attack units effectively. Counter-attack units really shine in a gunline army





Happy Sunday Night!


Today's article is an "After-Action Report" from the last battle report.  It is going to be a four part series that allows me to really go into depth on this *new* army.


Get learnt here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/after-action-report-30k-40k-mechanicum-vs-adeptus-custodes/


I hope this opens some eyes into just how in-depth you can go with Warhammer 40K.  It is a superior wargame for applying real-life tactics, doctrines, tenets, and continuous improvement.  I love this game.





Happy Monday!


Today, we are continuing the "After-Action Report" from the last battle report.  


"“After-Action Report”: 30K –>40K Mechanicum vs Adeptus Custodes! Part 2 of 4"


This part focuses on objective placement, the deployment type and zone, and actual deployment.  Come see how you can learn from your battles.


Visualization at its finest, here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/after-action-report-30k-40k-mechanicum-vs-adeptus-custodes-part-2-of-4/


I think you will learn quite a bit.





Edited by Overwhelming Odds

Here is a sneak peek of the battlefield I will be using in the next battle report! 




I made sure it was very "Chaos" themed.  I went for that "daemon-forge" look.  Hopefully this looks like a facility for cranking out daemon-engines of war.  


Expect multiple tactical and artistic articles on this, and a cool surprise addition to the battlefield!  I had an idea I have to try out...





Today's second article is a little something special I created to show the power of thinking outside the box.


Come see how I use multimedia and create terrain enhancements in minutes.


Get artsy, here: https://overwhelmingodds40k.com/artistic-content-15-enhancing-fabric-terrain-the-easy-way/


I love doing these kinds of articles.  Super fun and rewarding!





Today's article is all about YOU!  


You get to do the analysis for yourself and then later on today, I will post a follow-up article and you can compare your decisions to mine.


Give it a try!  See what you come up with:







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