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Anybody play Green Wing?

Bloody Legionnaire

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I have a bunch of Dark Angels models from 2 Dark Vengeance sets as well as some extra tac squads that I've ordered and two razorbacks. I've pretty much got a small Dark Angels army and I was pretty curious on some fun/casual builds I can make to play around with. Any recommendations? This isn't my first army (I have Space Wolves, Black Legion, Death Guard, and World Eater armies) but I would like different style loyalist army from my Space Wolves. 

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I take as much plasma as possible - two Dark Vengeance tac squads, plasma cannon devastators and maybe some helblasters. They work quite good as firebase with less chance of rolling 1's for plasma, so they don't need a Master to stay nearby, and overcharged plasma with WotDA kinda makes up for the lack of anti-vehile weapons. You'll need some fast-moving units to capture objectives and clearing chaff, that's where Ravenwing bikers (PLASMA!) and Ravenwing knights (MORE PLASMA!!!) become useful.

DV tactical squad is 152 pts IIRC, that's less than 10 intercessors or sniper scouts, they aren't the most cost-effective units, but with CA discount you can take them without handicapping yourself too much. The thing is that with WotDA even tactical squad can really hurt something, so your units stay dangerous until they are wiped out.

If we're getting the same doctrines as vanilla and Blood Angels, the list will be even better, not top-competitive level, but decent enough.

Thanks for the feedback Deadman Wade!

I have a bunch of bits for making Devs, I'm going to assume plasma cannon is the way to go? I may get another razorback for them at some point. I don't really have any mechanized infantry based armies and this is essentially what my dark angels will be. I'm sure I'll include some of the Deathwing and Ravenwing units that I have as well. 

I think that lascannons, heavy bolters and plasma cannons are good options for devs. I prefer plasma cannons 'cause they are cheap, benefit most from DA re-rolling 1's and it's guaranteed 3 damage with a strategem. So I can lose helblasters and still deal a lot of damage with other plasma units.

I take full 10-man squads in rhinos to get more bodies on objectives and leave razorback for HQs and plasma veterans. Mechanized should work relatively well, since DA have Darkshroud and fast hard-hitting bikes to accompany rhinos and razorbacks. Also, good old las-predators are still ok-ish unit.

While it seems that the most competitive list is a standard and boring space marine primaris castle, I enjoy playing mobile armies, so mechanized battle company with ravenwing (50/50 - ish) is the way to go for me.

I have a bunch of Dark Angels models from 2 Dark Vengeance sets as well as some extra tac squads that I've ordered and two razorbacks. I've pretty much got a small Dark Angels army and I was pretty curious on some fun/casual builds I can make to play around with. Any recommendations? This isn't my first army (I have Space Wolves, Black Legion, Death Guard, and World Eater armies) but I would like different style loyalist army from my Space Wolves. 


I recently started DA with the Dark Vengeance set so i play mostly Greenwing with Dreadnoughts.


Master = his bubble is not very useful because you probably won't move a lot to benefit from Grim Resolve

Lieutenant = good value with Heavenfall Blade but the lack of an Invulnerable Save is problematic

Tactical = Minimal size with either Combi Plasma + Plasma Cannon (92pts) that doesn't move or just a Missile Launcher for a more mobile squad (85pts).

Devastator = Unless you run Azrael alongside they will be removed T1 or T2 by a smart opponent, on paper Plasma Cannons is the way to go for Weapons from a Dark Age

Veterans = I recently started to play minimal squads of 2 (Combi Plasma + Plasma Cannon for 55pts) and IMHO they are the safer choice to spam Plasma

Company Champion = auto include if you have the points, it will protect your gunline nicely for 44pts

Dreadnought = always take a venerable over a regular and if you can : go Contemptor Mortis, what you are looking at here is the Twin Lascannon to remove vehicles


What i'm not playing yet but will soon enough :


Aggressors = Greenwing lack saturation and these boys delivers in that regards, also they are going to combine well with my Chaplains (Dread & Jump Pack)

CC Vets = Same as Aggressors

Drop Pod or Razorback with Twin Assault Cannon = So far i haven't decided yet, but given i play 1K games it's probably going to be the cheaper Drop Pod

Full 10-man squad makes devastators very resilient, and most opponents will either ignore them or dedicate heavy firepower to remove them, and it's still under 200 points. Min-squad of 4 heavy weapons with sarge aren't worth taking, except in drop pods, cause they die too fast.

I play a lot of greenwing. So yeah, there are players put there that do.


Also, I play no primaris, so take my comments for what they are, I guess. My model range is very "last edition", in a sense.


Now, you are clearly an experienced player, and others habe already covered the basics, so Ill see if I can provide some advice that goes more into the army itself, rather than each unit specifically.


1) Playing greenwing should not discourage you from bringing in the other wings.


In a mainly greenwing army, you will still make good use of a squad or two of bikers, and a small team of terminators here and there. The army works best as a cohesive whole. It might be disadvantageous to fall into the trap of overspecialization into one wing (even if that wing is the Ravenwing, which is our best part of the codex, currently).


This is specially true if you want to have an army that plays to the flavour of the codex. Any astartes list can fill up with devastators, razorbacks, and the like. But no other army can pair those up with ravenwing black knights, and cover them up with a darkshroud.


2) In the spirit of specialization, if you are going for a mechanized list, consider bringing in air support in the form of the Dark Talons.


These flyers are quite unique and very good. A main source of mortal wounds for the army through their rift cannon and staris bomb runs. They also provide REALLY good chaff clearing.


3) Be careful on how Grim Resolve make the army work, and how the lack of charge boosting abilities affect your tactics.


This is an army that has been pushed into static gunlines from the base upwards, and mechanized units aside from dreadnoughts still don't benefit even from that (although, that should changw with the upcoming Psychic Awakening release for the codex).


A mechanized list will not receive either benefit from Grim Resolve. Be that berter shooting or lower risk of morale losses.


So, you might want to consider having a more aggressive list. Pushing the offensive.


In that sense, keep in mind that our units have bad results on charge rolls, due to a serious lack of abilities to boost them. So, consider deploying your hard hitting melee units in transports, to move them up close, rather than rely too heavily on deepstriking into battle.


Should match up well with the type of army you are looking forward to building.


4) Our best vehicles are still not on the greenwing, but rather on the Ravenwing and the Deathwing.


Venerable Dreadnoughts, Ravenwing Landspeeders, and the Darkshroud. These guys are good options for our codex. So, consider point 1) when going for a vehicles and machine list, because although the bulk will most likely be in razorbacks, predators, and the like, some of our best options are in the other wings.

With some relatively simple blade work you can sub the Dark Vengeance’s Master’s relic blade for a thunder hammer.


...back in 7th when I ran Greenwing I was able to slip a 16x32mm magnet into the top of the Master’s hand to swap between the two weapon options.

Hey everyone, super appreciate the feedback (and for not chiding me for being being a SW main :teehee: )

Elijah, I most likely will be sticking with Space Marines. I'm not all about the Primaris movement, so unless Dark Angels becomes super competitive hotness, my army is probably just going to be for casual/fun games, or maybe the occasional local tournament just to switch it up and use something different. 

I'm really liking the fact that the Dark Angels are codex compliant enough yet still have a lot of uniqueness to them.

Deadman Wade, a full 10-man squad of devs is exactly what I've been playing around with on battlescribe.


Berzul, thanks for the breakdown! I the reason I'm asking about and made this thread about Greenwing is I'm not planning on having 3 different armies as part of my Dark Angels collection. I wholly intended on having small numbers of Deathwing and Ravenwing that I can sprinkle my lists with for a little added edge. The core, I guess is the best way to put it, of my army is going to be Greenwing. 


Random general question about Chapter organization, is there any reason why Space Marine Companies are not broken down further into Platoons before squads? 

Yeah. At least, on the non-primaris organizational structure of th regular battle companies (that is, excluding the 1st and the 2nd, which are the Deathwing and the Ravenwing).


So, it goes


1 master

1 chaplain (regular)

2 lieutenants

3 command squad units (champion, ancient, apothecary)

1 squad of 5 veteran

6 squads of 10 tacticals

2 squads of 10 assault

2 squads of 10 devastators

2 dreadnoughts (regular)

Support vehicles



You can then split that into 2 organizations of:


1 command character (master or chaplain)

1 lieutenant

30 tacticals

10 assault

10 devastators

1 dreadnought




And the veterans and command go where needed.

I play a very different greenwing from the common man as I am blessed with some of the finer things such as blessed deredeo and excelsior but I will say this.


Your going to want a rolling gunline, keep your army moving forward, anti infantry will be a problem against horde armies I recommend dark talon as mentioned above and Scout bikes (these are greenwing) are actually really good at it as well. The Scout Sgt can shoot a storm bolter, shotgun, and twin boltguns each shooting phase. That's a lot of dakka by himself and you can take potentially 3 of him by breaking a formation of 9 into groups of 3 if you got the force org slots


Intercessors and hellblasters are really effective units though ours are more ghetto right now because we arent up to date on the latest stuff in codex marines until psychic awakening.


Ezekiel is a really under rated HQ in the secondary slot. Primary slot if probably make an interrogator with jump pack, mace of redemption and CP in shroud of heroes for a ghetto smash chaplain. Warlord trait for charge bonus would be my pick. Of you don't want Ezekiel the rhino primaris and gravis captain are my second stringers. The rhino primaris can be easily hold built with a rhino and parts from this kit and that, get creative. He is an excellent support unit for multi wound units like interceptors or aggressors. And vehicles too like repulsor executioners and dreadnaughts. The gravis captain is good supporting the backline as a source of counter deepstrike threat and reroll bonuses to stuff hanging back on objectives like devestators. Or supporting the advance while moving like predators and whirlwinds.


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