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Which Chapters are fighting in the Dark Imperium?

Son of Sacrifice

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Not sure about definitive. But you have the Spears of the Emperor, the Celestial Lions and some Black Templars duking it out in Allara's Veil. (Not sure about that spelling, I have only listened to the Audio Book)


Also, it appears that most of the Blood Angel Successors are on the dark side.

Chapters with their homeworlds (most likely) in Imperium Nihilus, or who were likely to have been stationed there in bulk, would be:


Angels of Vigilance?
Aurora Chapter
Blood Angels
Blood Drinkers
Blood Swords
Celestial Lions
Crimson Paladins
Dark Sons
Death Spectres
Doom Legion
Hawk Lords
Honoured Sons
Iron Hands
Iron Knights
Iron Snakes
Knights of the Raven?
Legion of Night
Marines Errant
Night Watch
Rainbow Warriors
Silver Skulls
Sons of Orar?
Star Dragons
Storm Hawks
Storm Wardens
Twilight Swords


Not an exact science, and some might be inaccurate, but that's what I've come up with after a quick trawl of the wiki. Although just because their homeworld was there, it doesn't necessarily mean that the entire chapter would be there too. As good a yardstick as any though.


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