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Necromunda to Commoragh


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Not sure if I should place this here or home grown rules, mod or admin please move to appropriate section if needed.


I am looking at a way to convert Necromunda rule set into Commorragh for Drukhari. I figure Delaque, Escher and Van Saar stat-lines could easily be used or use Venator rules, obviously energy, poison and close combat weapons would be in abundance nothing with unwieldy trait.


The reason behind this idea is Dark Eldar were my first 40k army years back so hold a soft spot for me and I know people who like the models and the fluff of Drukhari but are hesitant of building a full army due to cost.


Any ideas?

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There was a mini game set in Commorragh a few years back: Gangs of Commorragh


In terms of using the Necromunda rules set to represent faction warfare in Commorragh, it's perfectly feasible but would involve an enormous amount of work - and you'll still have to convince others to play the house rules.


If you're interested in Dark Eldar but don't want to collect a full army, Kill Team might be a better bet.



At some point I plan on introducing an Haemonculus raiding party to our games of 'Munda.

I'm looking at using Escher stats or the first stat line from Venators (book of Peril) and using the Outlaw rules for them (Book of Ruin). The majority of their weapons will be from the Xenos arsenal (book of Judgement) using things like Rak'Gol Razor Gun  (Rapid fire toxin), Sling Gun (shuriken catapult), Yu'Vath Puzzle Box, and Neural Flayer.

I'm using them as NPC's so it doesn't matter about their points cost or character progression, but using the books that I've mentioned will allow for them to be used as another gang that can progress throughout a campaign.


As Lord Ranulf said, Kill Team would be simpler, but as much as I want to like it, the rules don't seem particularly intuitive to me and I find 'Munda to be a much more satisfying gaming experience for my needs :biggrin.:


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