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Blood Angels 2.5k advise


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Bare in mind this is for a competitive tournament, our player base where I come from all run horrible lists. Any advise is helpful



++ Crusade (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [2,496pts] ++


+ HQ +


Chaplain [115pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Power Axe

. Consul: Chaplain


Knight-Errant [190pts]: Jump Pack, Librarian, Narthecium, Paragon Bolter, Psychic Mastery Level 1


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment [180pts]

. Apothecary, Legion: Jump Pack, Power Armour

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades

. Apothecary, Legion: Jump Pack, Power Armour

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades

. Apothecary, Legion: Jump Pack, Power Armour

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades


Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion [55pts]

. Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion: Laser Destroyer Array


Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion [55pts]

. Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion: Laser Destroyer Array


The Angel's Tears [290pts]: 9x Erelim, 5x Iliastus Pettern Assault Cannon with Suspensor Web, 9x Volkite Serpenta, 4x Volkite Serpenta

. Arch-Elelim: Artificer Armour

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades

. Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades


+ Troops +


Assault Squad, Legion , Compulsory [198pts]: 9x Assault Space Marines, Legion

. Assault Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Power Weapon

. Standard Wargear

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades


Assault Squad, Legion , Compulsory [198pts]: 9x Assault Space Marines, Legion

. Assault Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Power Weapon

. Standard Wargear

. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades


Dawnbreaker Cohort [360pts]: 9x Dawnbreaker Legionary, 9x Fallen-star Pattern Power Spear, Melta Bombs

. Dawnbreaker Champion: Fallen-star Pattern Power Spear

. Standard Wargear: Artificer Armour


Reconnaissance Squad, Legion [110pts]: 4x Bolter, Nuncio-Vox, Recon Armour, 4x Space Marines, Legion

. Sergeant, Legion: Bolter


Reconnaissance Squad, Legion [110pts]: 4x Bolter, Nuncio-Vox, Recon Armour, 4x Space Marines, Legion

. Sergeant, Legion: Bolter


+ Fast Attack +


Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [75pts]

. Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon


Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [75pts]

. Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon


+ Allegiance +


Legion and Allegiance: IX: Blood Angels, Loyalist


Rite of War: The Day of Revelation


+ Lords of War +


Sanguinius [485pts]: The Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade


+ Use Playtest Rules +


Use Playtest Rules: Playtest Rules On


++ Total: [2,496pts] ++


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Greetings, I would advise the following:


- Apothecaries are cool but they are best alongside huge blobs of infantry or elite infantry. But having them join a 10man assault squad seems like a waste. Apothecary's FnP theoritically means 5 saved marines thorughout the game. For the same price (+5pts) you get almost 5 additional Marines - so the squad has same durability (or higher, cause Feel No Pain does not always work) but its damage output is way, way higher.


- Recon squads seem off. They don't really have anything to offer you. If they are only for securing objective or distraction then I guess they are ok, but otherwise I wouldn't count on them.


- Javelins are frail, they rarely see more than one turn where I come from. I'd rather load up on those Hunter Killers and take Cyclone Launcher. Against most targets 4 missile shots are better than 1 las. Sure, they ain't AP2 and you won't hurt a Spartan but if you use Javelins aggresively you can get some nice shots at side and rear armour.


- Some more anti tank firepower would be nice. Rapiers and Javelins are cool, but I think you will struggle with many tanks heavy lists. Maybe consider some heavy support instead of Recon squads?

Greetings, I would advise the following:


- Apothecaries are cool but they are best alongside huge blobs of infantry or elite infantry. But having them join a 10man assault squad seems like a waste. Apothecary's FnP theoritically means 5 saved marines thorughout the game. For the same price (+5pts) you get almost 5 additional Marines - so the squad has same durability (or higher, cause Feel No Pain does not always work) but its damage output is way, way higher.


- Recon squads seem off. They don't really have anything to offer you. If they are only for securing objective or distraction then I guess they are ok, but otherwise I wouldn't count on them.


- Javelins are frail, they rarely see more than one turn where I come from. I'd rather load up on those Hunter Killers and take Cyclone Launcher. Against most targets 4 missile shots are better than 1 las. Sure, they ain't AP2 and you won't hurt a Spartan but if you use Javelins aggresively you can get some nice shots at side and rear armour.


- Some more anti tank firepower would be nice. Rapiers and Javelins are cool, but I think you will struggle with many tanks heavy lists. Maybe consider some heavy support instead of Recon squads?

Totally agree with the apothecary thing, the recons are there for the nox range so you could feasibly have no unit scatter turn one, Knight errant, Sanguinius, and the 2 nox would make it easier, and they provide a cheap scoring unit.


In the heavy support you're talking missile launcher or las canons?


On the Javelins, there a pest because at least when I've played with them they always are getting shot by something over its 75pts cost, like an arcus, so it's worth it as little carnifexs. Melta and Missiles I will probably go for.

Well dropping out the 2 Apothecaries and changing out the las canons for missiles on the Javelins, dropping the meltas on the Dawnbreakers. You can take a Vindicator laser destroyer with machine spirit. Worth it? It would free up the Dawnbreakers to mince infantry and not have to do two jobs in the army


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