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2020 wishes

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I've really been pondering what type of custodes units we need (if we are really going to be regulated to not having access to sisters).



My thoughts in no particular order:



Jetbikes Flying banners - no reason we can't have this. Though the mobility of a -1 to hit banner would be terrifying. A +1 attack banner would be hardly beneficial since unless you are taking a huge squad of bikes, you losing out a model to take a banner is worse than just having one more spear carrying jetbike.


Ranged infantry with weapons other than what sagittarum come packing. Or just sagittarum with alternative load outs. You know what I would love? Troops or infantry with guns with longer than 38" threat range and a str higher than 5.


If they would build troop Spears with the gun like the achilus dread carries that would be great.

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Might be skirting the intent of the thread but I’d like:

Generic Rogue Traders

Rogue Trader Ship Enforcers

Inquisition Agents (like acolytes but a bit more generic and troops)

Gun cutters

An Agents of the Imperium codex that is modeled after the Cities of Sigmar book

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Ultimate wish-list of a bit of a fluff geek:



1) Generic or named Tribune Character 

2) Valerian to unlock a unit of SoS as allies without penalties as a troops choice at normal cost

3) Talion Lifter - a Custodes light flyer names in the "Watchers of the Throne" novel but not described - could be a new Fast Attack light flyer that could transport 5 models?

4) Hetaeron Guard - debatable as should they really ever leave Terra? - would need some fluff explanation ? maybe tied to Valdor's return


5) RETURN OF VALDOR! definite wish-listing here, cannot imagine it occurring this year when they have so many probably slated Primarchs, surely they will save him for when they run out of these/ some major threat approaches Terra.


and (although I do not run them) I would love to see a generic HQ for the SoS + FW unit support to give them a wee bit of love.


Other Agents 


1) Inquisitor Multipart plastic kit for 1-3 that can be built in a variety of different ways (in a similar vein as the Thousand Sons Sorcerer box)

2) Inquisitorial retinue revision - allow more options, rework acolytes to allow the inclusion of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

3) An Inquisition  detachment can have 0-1 Deathwatch, GK Strike Squad/Termies/Purifiers, or Sisters of Battle units included

4) a multipart plastic kit of the Elucidian Starstriders from Rogue Trader box would be epic




1) total wishllist that will never happen - Vanus and Venenum Assassins 

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Start off with +1 wound and attack for everyone, 5+ fnp vs all mortal wounds, can never fail morale, +1 inv and objective secured to extend to vehicles (appreciate a couple of changes would be required here, cap it at 4+ and probably a small increase on caladius with this). Full new suite of strats with some of the obvious ones to transfer like Duty Eternal.
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A competitive Custodes army.


The ability to move a transport and then disembark.


Iron Hand nerfs.

Gods why are transports treated so weird in 40k. Want to keep people from abusing them? Require units to be embarked before the first battle round.


Gaining 3 inches of movement from walking down a ramp is nice and all but yes universal changes for anyone to move then disembark then charge would be great.

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Imperial agents dex, inquisitor retinue boxes- preferably released as Kill Teams.


The Imerial Agents rules MUST allow Inquisitors to better synergize with their respective chambers militant. The WD Inquisition rules weren't bad, but they need to go just a bit further.


I want an Inquisitor explorer for Blackstone Fortress too.


I also have a weird wish- one that I know I will never get. I want a book of ships- floorplans, exteriors, weapon load-outs, etc. I want all the Blackstone ships, plus the Starhawk [though we've got a great floorplan, I want the exterior]. I am hoping to build both the Starhawk and the Clarion in 40k scale for some special games this year, but a book like this would really help.


Always have big plans, and seldom enough time to live up to my own expectations...

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I think I had a terrible shower thought while pondering why why gw are hard gimping many elite armies.


They literally don't sell as much if people can competitively play with three to four box sets of models.



I guess imperial knights sort of contradicts this but they have been toned down significantly since release.



Still. The new plastics will almost always get the new strongest rules in order to drive sales. This essentially resets at every new edition.



Maybe with 9th there will be a refresh of how movement works and alternating turns which I feel would be a huge boost to elite armies. We are on the reactive side of play styles due to needing to play to objectives harder (since we rarely have the fire power to table opponents) and most armies aren't over joyed to walk into cc with us.



Alternating turns would be a huge boost. (So is the apoc style of removing units at end of battle rounds).

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I'm not sure GW are hard gimping elite armies; most folks refer to marines as an elite army, and they are currently the meta based on what I've read on the forums. 


I tend to rant against suggestions of 9th, and often, specifically against switching 40k to an alternate activation [AA] format. 


I think that one of the things that has prevented the game from expanding has been the tendency to start a new edition. A lot of folks want real alien auxilia options for the Tau, or a more fully developed framework for Imperial Agents. Some folks want a dedicated Emperor's Children dex. I think almost everyone wants new units for their faction; in some cases, like DE, what people want are units that they lost or that they had rules for but never models.


The point is that we can have all of these things... if GW just keeps doing what they're doing. If, on the other hand they give us another edition, we wait another 2-3 years while everything gets redone before we once again find ourselves in a place where growth and new development can occur.


Regarding AA vs. IGOUGO; I'd like to say that I understand your point of view, and I find it valid, even though I personally disagree. 40k has been IGOUGO since the Rogue Trader days, way back in '87. I really enjoy that rhythm; it's like American Football- you have your turn at offence, and you have your turn at defense. It is a social rhythm; it gives you space for snacks, planning, casual conversation, washroom breaks. This is garage hammer or beer hammer. It is the game I fell in love with. Besides, it isn't as one sided as people make it out to be; some strategems are used in the enemy turn, there's overwatch; the psychic phase and the combat phase are even more interactive, so IGOUGO isn't really an accurate description of the game as it exists.


I do appreciate the high intensity action of AA. It makes for a very focused and even a more balanced game, and I think you're correct in suggesting that it is well suited to elite armies. By no means do I advocate changing either Kill Team or Apocalypse to IGOUGO formats, because people who prefer this faster paced, more continuously active and engaged style should have access to a GW cannon game that gives them that option.


This, of course, is also the reason that I suggest GW leave 40k with the format it has had for 33 years: those who prefer it should have access to it. If you change it, that rhythm is lost, because no other GW game has it except maybe Blood Bowl. If you prefer the rules to Apocalypse, please just be content to play Apocalypse instead of insisting on wrecking 40k for people who prefer IGOUGO. GW gave us both games to keep everyone happy. Let them do their thing.


Finally, when I've made this argument in the past, people have replied that they can't get a game of Apocalypse, usually because they only have access to games in stores with relative strangers or actual tournaments. Other people have access to a gaming group with whom they could play Apocalypse, but they still crave the public engagement element of in-store or tournament play. I believe these opinions are also valid, but again, I disagree because it feels like the only thing preventing these folks from doing exactly what they want is something else that they want more than the thing they're complaining about. It's like there is a perfect solution to their problem, tailor made for all their needs, but they refuse to use it because for some reason, they seem to prefer to force everyone else to change for their sake.


I hope that doesn't sound personal- as I said, opinions to the contrary are certainly valid. I do understand and appreciate the merits of AA games, both in general and for elite armies and Agents of the Imperium specifically. 


Also sorry this has been a wall of text tangent; I just really like the current state of 40k as is, so suggestions that we throw it all away tends to be a bit of a trigger for me.

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While 9th is likely to come next year, I seriously doubt we'll see fundamental changes. It's much more likely it's going to be a consolidation of everything 8th, an updated core rule set but I'd be very surprised if it meant they'll need to do another cycle of complete codex updates.
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Since the OP didn't put a scope for wishlisting I think I'll take the liberty now.


Let's keep it to items specific to the remit of the Agents of the Imperium subform (ie. Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Custodes, Assassins, Inquisition, etc)


Wholesale rules and edition changes really belong in their own Amicus thread



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Since the OP didn't put a scope for wishlisting I think I'll take the liberty now.


Let's keep it to items specific to the remit of the Agents of the Imperium subform (ie. Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Custodes, Assassins, Inquisition, etc)


Wholesale rules and edition changes really belong in their own Amicus thread



Thank you duz_ assumed since we were in the AOI section it would be kept to that. I will be clearer in future.

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Talking specifically Custodes, the Equinox class interceptor might be nice. They’re described in Book VII Inferno and sound like a Custodes version of a Legion Xiphon Interceptor only faster and better armed.

It would be nice to have a flyer that isn’t a £300 Ares gun ship although I suspect that that is what we’re going to be stuck with.





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Other Agents 


1) Inquisitor Multipart plastic kit for 1-3 that can be built in a variety of different ways (in a similar vein as the Thousand Sons Sorcerer box)

2) Inquisitorial retinue revision - allow more options, rework acolytes to allow the inclusion of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

3) An Inquisition  detachment can have 0-1 Deathwatch, GK Strike Squad/Termies/Purifiers, or Sisters of Battle units included



This pretty much covers my wish-list. I don't event need new models per se but I think that a new mulitpart plastic kid for an Inquisitor and for Acolytes is necessary for the longevity of the rules given GW's recent approach of no currently in-production model = rules get squatted.

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Other Agents 


1) Inquisitor Multipart plastic kit for 1-3 that can be built in a variety of different ways (in a similar vein as the Thousand Sons Sorcerer box)

2) Inquisitorial retinue revision - allow more options, rework acolytes to allow the inclusion of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

3) An Inquisition  detachment can have 0-1 Deathwatch, GK Strike Squad/Termies/Purifiers, or Sisters of Battle units included



This pretty much covers my wish-list. I don't event need new models per se but I think that a new mulitpart plastic kid for an Inquisitor and for Acolytes is necessary for the longevity of the rules given GW's recent approach of no currently in-production model = rules get squatted.



I agree, I think one thing that GW doesn't do well is this:

if a product is not selling well, support it less and give it token rules/input at best. Instead, if they improved the support/rules/model-line I think they would see a drastic uptake in people purchasing these. Inquisition is such a good example of this, I love the rules/fluff/lore but do not own a SINGLE model. I love GK but don't play them. I love the Stormtrooper models but also do not own them.

BUT if they had some love I would probably purchase all three INSTANTLY.

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Being able to include one of the Chamber Militant units in an Inquisition detachment is definitely a step in the right direction, but I think I want even more integration. I want a rule that says if an Inquisitor is your warlord, he grants his <Ordo> Faction keyword to all corresponding Chamber Militant units IN ADDITION to their regular faction Keyword; this ability applies to the entire Army.


This is like the Ynarri thing but better, because Sisters would keep their Order traits and rites- they'd just get quarry and imperial authority. Not sure how OP they'd be doubling up factions, but from the amount of angst over Space Marines, they've got a long way to go.

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I suspect GW wouldn’t want Inquisition to confer army-wide bonuses with effectively no drawbacks to the Chambers Militant as that would handicap players who don’t want to include Inquisition. I’d rather see a system that allows you to exchange benefits: e.g. pure mono-faction Grey Knights gain one army-wide benefit (analogous to the new Space Marine rules), while an Ordo Malleus GK/Inquistion force gains a different one.
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When I was playing my last game (and actually my first game with custodes) I was thinking about that it´s strange that custodes don´t have any kind of medic or mechanical support unit. We are few and I would guess for a leader of the custodes that they want every custodes and veichle to survival as long as possibly. We are not guards which can easy be replaced. So I would like a medic or/and a mechinal unit to help our support. 

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When I was playing my last game (and actually my first game with custodes) I was thinking about that it´s strange that custodes don´t have any kind of medic or mechanical support unit. We are few and I would guess for a leader of the custodes that they want every custodes and veichle to survival as long as possibly. We are not guards which can easy be replaced. So I would like a medic or/and a mechinal unit to help our support. 


Custodes medics and techstodes (?) lore wise would be too much risk to have on the front line. Imagine if one got captured, it would be a disaster considering how much medical/ technological knowledge they would have. Plus, I think non custodes manage custodes logistically/ medically, so mortals. Whole mortal clans exist on Terra for the support of Custodes exclusively. 

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I'd like to see some of their old technology from 30k be made available. The Area Shrike that could prevent deepstrike within 12 inches, a transhuman physiology stratagem and a duty eternal one. The Telemon getting something that let's it charge but not shoot after advancing or falling back to make a 5 attack double c/c weapon unit a real threat. A sister HQ choice with troop options would also be dope. Some form of the 4+ deny a physchic power strat within 24 inches would also be awesome. Good rules for Valerian. I'd also love a warlord trait or relic that puts shield/bike captains on par with a daemon prince offensively, and some sort of move twice or advance and charge stratagem.
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