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=] The Boxing Day Bash 2019 [=


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Welcome to The Bolter and Chainsword's 5th Annual Boxing Day Bash, the premise is simple; Build, Paint, and Base 1 (or more) model/s in 24hrs.

The Rules are as follows;

  • Build, paint, and base one (or more) models.
  • 24hr limit, determined by the time of Participants "Vow" post. Everybody gets 24hrs starting at any time on THEIR local Boxing Day.
  • "Completion" standard set by Participant.
  • Each Vow made for the Participants sub/forum of choice.
  • Each completion earns one point for building the model/s, two points for building AND painting the model/s, and a total of three points for building AND painting, AND basing their model/s within the 24hr time period.
  • A fourth point will be awarded for multiple models completed within the 24hrs time period.
  • Two pictures are required, one picture of the bitz or sprue, and one of the completed model/s.
  • Primed bitz/sprue will be accepted.
  • Individual points can be earned for completing any one of the three criteria.
  • Sub-assemblies will be accepted for larger models.

Please post your vows here, in this thread with the following format,

I, {insert your name}, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base {insert unit/s here} for the honour of the {insert your sub-forum} within the 24hrs time limit.

You can signify your participation by adding one of the following badges to your signature if you so desire,


There will be other badges awarded at the conclusion of the event.

Have fun, lets see some cool models.

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Can I start now even though it´s Still the 25. here ? :smile.:

If not it is no problem in that case I´ll just start tomorow after waking up. :smile.:


Anyway here is my vow:


I, Chaoself, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base 2 Rogue Trader Squats in Exo- Armour  for the honour of the Astra Militarum subforum  within the 24hrs time limit.



It seems like my painting juju is flowing and I've decided to join Arkley in painting a Storm Lord,

Anything you want as long as its Loyal :smile.: and I have the colours which SHOULD not be the problem :smile.:

The Dice Gods desire a White Scars Successor from you, I've chosen the Storm Lords :thumbsup:


Storm Lord it is then.


I, Trokair, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base at least one (and potentially more) Missionary/Preacher/Priest/Confessor for the honour of the Adepta Sororitas within the 24hrs time limit.

Since my post at the weekend in the announcement thread I have also acquired the Blackstone Fortress Priest, so my starting point is one or more of the below:


I will probably do very very basic basing as I have not yet decided what scheme I will do for my Sisters of Battle army so the basing here will need to be easily updatable in time. I will also use this to do a vague colour test of the scheme I think I want to go with (though as the proportion of armour to cloth is rather skewed on these compared to Sisters it might not be all that useful as a test).

Chaoself, good luck and looking forward to seeing the Squats.

Grotsmasha, wow, that was quick, also congrats on getting the special model.

Is the Gretchin head open?

Mission accomplished.





I took the Chance to make a picture of the whole Unit.




I´m happy with the result. I literaly wanted to have the Unit for an eternity and it feels good to tick them of my List. Now I have to make sure they see the field of battle in 2020. :)

Chaoself, they look so cute in an armoured eggs kind of way, and they have squad mates. Are the different colour schemes supposed to stand for something?

Chaeron, nice, is that read contrast over leadbealcher?

Grotsmasha, you are on a role, also nice work on the yellow helmet, I always struggle with yellow.

A little progress, between visiting relatives and pauses in the Rain I have managed to glue and undercoat the lot. The three below are what I am going to aim for; the others are for after if I get that far.

As the Blackstone Fortress Priest is on a 32mm base I thought it might be a good idea to but all the Missionaries on 32mm and leave the preachers on 25mm. Hence why the missionary is on a 32mm base, however when I went to put the Cenobite Servitor (to be used as a more mech themed Missionary) on a 32 mm base I discovered that his censer on his arm actually reaches lower than his feet and the slot fit base. So I had to put him on a 25mm base and shifted to one side so that it would sit over the edge of the base.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I took off and smoothed over the attachment point of the gun servo skull on the Blackstone Fortress Priest. While the Servo skull in nice and fitting, especially in a more mech themed army I thought it looked like it would snap off to easily, so I’ll probably end up using it elsewhere.

I, MajorNese, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base 3 Inceptors for the honour of the Raven Guard within the 24hrs time limit.




We'll see - the models aren't that detailed, getting another squad done would definitely help.

@Trokair, thank you. :)


There is a reason behind this indeed. Fluffwise every exo- armour is a unique handmade piece forged by the clanlord for his most trusted followers. As the miniatures a very similar I decided to show the uniques with the different colours. :)

Mission accomplished.





I took the Chance to make a picture of the whole Unit.




I´m happy with the result. I literaly wanted to have the Unit for an eternity and it feels good to tick them of my List. Now I have to make sure they see the field of battle in 2020. :smile.:

What'll you be fielding them as?

I, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, accept the Boxing Day Challenge and vow to build and paint (can’t really base b/c tank) One Space Marine Razorback for the Glory of the Dawn Blades, Ferrus Manus, and the Solis-Imperator within the 24 hour time limit.



I have finished one model, if I wake up in time to do more painting in the morning I’ll see if I can finish the second.

I did the orange cloth last with contrast and I do wish that I had taken a picture before I did so as the Missionary may have looked better then than now. His pendant before was entirely Screaming Bell (aside from the half silver skull) but that turned out to be too close to the orange cloth when seen from a distance (or in the picture) so I added some gold to the rim/halo.

The skull pendent is Screaming Bell and silver as I use the same combination for my Mech armies.

Also, the robes/cloth are a lot lighter and more orange than red in real life, I will try to take a picture in the morning in day light as 2 in the morning is not an ideal time for picture taking. While glowing eyes had been the intention they appear much brighter and larger in this picture, I guess they caught the flash quite well.

I had also underestimated how much detail is on this guy, he looked so simple and plain compared to the plastic Priest.


This is how far I got with the second model:



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