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Incursors or eliminators


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Incursors are good for pushing zone and get all up in your opponents grill. Infiltrators are good for denying deepstrike and screening, wicked expensive though. WD article hinted at interactions between DW and RW with the two units.

Edited by Neuralshock
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Forgive me brother but do you mean incursors or infiltrators? Eliminators are a different unit.


Infiltrators look cooler and have great buffs from captains and lieutenants and deep strike denial. Auto wounding on 6s is pretty neat. If you are fighting guys that aren’t stacking negatives to hit or cover saves I’d go with them.


If you are fighting Eldar or another army in the “unhittable” meta then incursors might be your dudes. I hope this helps brother.

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Rule of cool indeed wins out if you’re not looking to play them, but if you are:


Infiltrators are great midline deepstrike denial bubbles. I run them as squads of 5 with no upgrades. Being 3+ and w2 they’re tricker than scout squads to flush out and can hold a flank decently.


Incursors are meant for pushing up the line and haywire mines are a neat little trick.


Eliminator sniper squads, even if you didn’t intend them, can be decent character pingers and are a fine unit to pick up

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I use 2 squads of infiltrators to push the deny landing zone bubble (12" instead of 9") with a Bike force + 1 unit of intercessors and a couple of units of eliminators to zone the board.


Denying DS and movement is getting to be a big thing and your getting presence and speed bumps all over

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I use 2 squads of infiltrators to push the deny landing zone bubble (12" instead of 9") with a Bike force + 1 unit of intercessors and a couple of units of eliminators to zone the board.


Denying DS and movement is getting to be a big thing and your getting presence and speed bumps all over


This is exactly the setup im moving towards having got a box of inflitrators myself. Ive got the bikes and the Eliminators so just need to build and paint the Infiltrators.

Do you run them with the comms array and supporting Phobos Capt/Lt ?

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Sammael and Talon Master Darkshroud and bikes bikes bikes


With this setup the only other variations /  option i sub in/out are Librarian and invicta warsuits, double speeders a bit brutal on some of my mates and I've a Phobos lT


With Sam's Jetbike going down it opens up a number of possibilities and different bike builds but the core above remains static just for shutting down DS space controlling the board.


The eliminators can hide and still shoot


Looking forward to the new model and what his special abilities are

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