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Declare your loot! :)

Captain Idaho

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Of course we shouldn't discuss holiday season related material, but what random loot did you pluck from the sack of your vanquished foes recently? Or found in a rotten and rusting chest after defeating forces most pefidious and foul, these days gone by?


Tell us what you got for this great hobby of ours and pics are always welcome.


Myself? 2 Reaver Titans for Adeptus Titanicus and some GW vouchers.

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Nothing 40k actually as I’ve got lots to be working on (not that that usually stops any of us), but I did get some Dark Riders and Heartrenders for my AoS Aelves. Some bitz will likely make their way into 40k models, of course! Heads as Eldar heads, and weapons for my CSM’s trophies, for one.

My wife got me a unit of Mor Deythen and a box of Aggressors.


My mom and uncle collectively got me 2 Wraithlords, a Spiritseer, a Shadowseer, 2 Death Jesters, and a box of Skyweavers.


I got my wife 2 units of Dawnbreakers, and my mom/uncle got her MkIII and MkIV armor dudes.


The small human made out like a bandit.


He got from various people: the Tau Battleforce box, a Hammerhead, 2 Doomsday Arks, some Necron Warriors. He also got a really good start to his AoS army.


A friend of ours made us really cool wall plaques for each of our main Legions. Raven Guard for me, Blood Angels for the wife, and Imperial Fists for the kiddo. We have them hanging on the wall.


Mother in law got us some 40k mugs, even though she got my Chapter wrong, and a Chaos wall banner.


And it's not done. The holiday party for our group of hobby friends is Friday night, and more gifts will be given and received.

Good stuff all.


@ Claws and Effect: a mighty haul, no doubt! Possibly the most successful quest reward I've seen in a long time.

Yeah, our family has finally embraced the fact that expensive plastic models make for good gifts for us :)


It took several years because they didn't quite understand it. Except my uncle, he has a massive collection of the old Ral Partha Lord of the Rings miniatures, so he gets it.

I got some AoS Sylvaneth, and $50 gift card to be used on hobby stuff. My wife went away from the warhammer hobby this year and got me a early 70s Walt Disney World pen, for my other hobby of historical Disney stuff. Oh and my buddy got me a bunch of Inquisition and Sisters of Silence. This is my first year without any family, just my wife and a small group of friends. I thought it would be rough, but the thoughtfulness they showed me really made the holiday for me more than anything.

Aquilon Terminators for the growing Shadowkeepers.


Over the last two Birthdays and Christmas' since they released the codex I think my parents have bought me the entire army except my Caladius. Perks of having an army where a single box gets you a patrol detachment.

I got the AdTitan Knight Household box set! More Knights for House Raven!

I ordered myself another Knight, but nothing from anyone else. My friends did say that for my Christmas present, they'll do an entire day of Titanicus and a 40K Knight Night, though.

I expect you both to meet your fellows in the Adeptus Titanicus section shortly ;)


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