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Declare your loot! :)

Captain Idaho

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I got the AdTitan Knight Household box set! More Knights for House Raven!

I ordered myself another Knight, but nothing from anyone else. My friends did say that for my Christmas present, they'll do an entire day of Titanicus and a 40K Knight Night, though.

I expect you both to meet your fellows in the Adeptus Titanicus section shortly :wink:


Hear, hear! 






My wife got me the rare Adeptus Titanicus battlegroup and the in-laws added a 50€ GW gift card. :smile.:


You too!



I got myself two more Telemon dreds for my Custodes.


I got the AdTitan Knight Household box set! More Knights for House Raven!

I ordered myself another Knight, but nothing from anyone else. My friends did say that for my Christmas present, they'll do an entire day of Titanicus and a 40K Knight Night, though.

I expect you both to meet your fellows in the Adeptus Titanicus section shortly ;)

You can see my previous work here! ;)


I got the AdTitan Knight Household box set! More Knights for House Raven!

I ordered myself another Knight, but nothing from anyone else. My friends did say that for my Christmas present, they'll do an entire day of Titanicus and a 40K Knight Night, though.

I expect you both to meet your fellows in the Adeptus Titanicus section shortly ;)

Oh, I've been there for quite some time ;)




It's just nearly impossible to get a game in. My friends are lazy, lol

A new Rhino chassis for my collection for me. (Ok, technically it’s a Razorback, but you and I both know I’m going to squeeze every configuration I can out of it.)

I’ve also been treating myself to more and more paint these past couple of holiday weeks. I know have run out of space in my paint box to carry it all! Might have to start to leave the basing materials at home unless I have a need for them!



I got the AdTitan Knight Household box set! More Knights for House Raven!

I ordered myself another Knight, but nothing from anyone else. My friends did say that for my Christmas present, they'll do an entire day of Titanicus and a 40K Knight Night, though.

I expect you both to meet your fellows in the Adeptus Titanicus section shortly :wink:


Hear, hear! 






My wife got me the rare Adeptus Titanicus battlegroup and the in-laws added a 50€ GW gift card. :smile.:


You too!



I got myself two more Telemon dreds for my Custodes.


yeah, yeah, i'll be back. :)

I didn't get any Warhams for Sanguinala itself (though I did get a proper cutting mat, yay!) but just yesterday I went to a FLGS (The Games Table in Norwich, a really nice place FWIW) with a 20% discount on everything and nabbed myself some more Contrasts, and Tor Garadon, who will be being converted into a Slaaneshi Iron Warriors lord, Talo'gaz Earthbleeder.

Ha you got the clean sweep?


Pretty much! I despise buying HQ's as there is always fancy units to buy first I think. But yeah, apart from the Avatar (which I'll begetting the FW version on next trip WHW) & the Phoenix Lords, I now have plenty of adaptability for my Alai-Toc. To be honest I had never read into the new lore for Autarchs but I am utterly sold on them and the mini is tremendous!



Having the 'joy' of a birthday close to Christmas, I scored big from my perspective with the Sisters box from the missus for the birthday and the Dante LE book for Christmas. The kids chipped in for the Sabbat Worlds background book and map. Happy doesn't cover it!


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