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Alright ladies, enbies and gentlemen, I think we have it. The original was too long. The follow up was too chunky. Now, I present to you our converted-walker-bike-mining-machine-thunderwolf-counts-as.


I think it needs a shorter name.






Side note, but I quite enjoyed using Dark Angels model parts for a Space Wolves counts as.


I think the narrower design is a bit less "badger-like" but also more naturally fits the size of a Thunderwolf.


The Thunderwolf's teeth and claws are represented by the drill bit at the front. When I finally get round to painting it up there will be some work to show it is also an extractor.


Speaking of. Tomorrow is my partner's birthday and Sunday I'm off down south for training, so I'm unlikely to update with actual pictures until next week. Keep the conversation lively though, I'd love to hear your thoughts for improvements or new materials to use.

Okay I lied, I managed to get a sneaky bit of painting in before I left the house.


I really like where this is headed now. Much better than anything else I've tried.










However I definitely can't paint now, so it'll be a week before another paint or modelling update.

  • 2 weeks later...

Introducing the Boring and Drilling General Exploration Robot.


Ridden by an Enforcer with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield stolen... I mean borrowed... From a dead Dark Angel.






  • 1 month later...

Back in black!


This Land Speeder should be the last of th prototypes. Then it's just a case of cracking through enough lighter wolves, bikes and speeders to make a fast moving army.





And tonight I managed to knock out another one in just over an hour. It's amazing what you can do once you have a plan and some motivation.




Even added a little bit of structure underneath, just so taken from a side on shot it doesn't look so empty.




You can also see the "thermal lances" I'll be counting as multi-meltas


And side by side with its compatriot from yesterday



If the lighters still work your horse could shoot flames out of his....!


But seriously, awesome creativity and making something out of virtually nothing. I’m an old schooler so totally reminds me of the good old days and a deodorant stock land speeder and Aquarium water pump parts for eldar scenery!

Edited by Yosef Hausakluif

If the lighters still work your horse could shoot flames out of his....!


But seriously, awesome creativity and making something out of virtually nothing. I’m an old schooler so totally reminds me of the good old days and a deodorant stock land speeder and Aquarium water pump parts for eldar scenery!

I don't think I've seen the pump,do you have an image?!

This is the weirdest, and quite possibly most wonderful, scratchbuilding project I've seen. Good work!

Thank you! Weird is what we aim for.


I've finally managed to pull together a force my first ever game with the Fire Badgers... Let's hope they don't get too badly mauled.










  • 8 months later...

So after some tinkering which I just flat out forgot to put on here, I decided it was time to try and make my chapter master, Jhen Shih.


The actual character was fairly easy. Years ago I got a box of chaos Knights for £1.50 in a charity shop, so I used that for the body and halberd. Her head is Statuesque and is basically the most expensive part of this build.


The skimmer was originally going to be 4 lighters, but initial experimentation made it clear that just one in the middle would be better.


After that it was mostly just combining a lot of what I'd done before. The front didn't look mean enough initially so I added some copper busses from a terminal block to make it look like an exposed engine.


The flag of Jhen Shih is just red. I didn't want to detail it with colour but I also didn't want just a flat red field. So I went for an Imperial Guard flag and just painted it one colour.










And for a sneaky view of the WIP. I love painting over these WIPs because all the chaos just disappears and you finally get to see a coherent model.



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