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How do you base your undivided Daemons?

Bloody Legionnaire

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I am planning on having lots of undivided lesser Daemons to summon for my Word Bearers. I'm not quite sure how I want to base them though, so I'm looking for some ideas.


Towards the end of 7th I started playing KDK and I have a number of Khorne Daemon units from that army. The two ideas I have right now is basing all of the Daemon units with similar styled bases so that there is some consistency and similarity across all of them. I've also considered basing them individually by their allegiance (i.e. Khorne has a particular style of base, Nurgle has a particular style, and so on). I also plan on playing Khorne with my World Eaters and Nurgle with my Death Guard.. but as I stated the main army I'll be using these with will most likely be my Word Bearers. I don't really think I want the daemons to be based just like my Word Bearers because it would look odd with the other armies. One nice thing about them all being painted similarly is if I ever get around to playing undivided chaos I'd have a pretty nice looking chaos army. Any thoughts or recommendations? 

Base for consistancy with the army they are being used for. Patchwork basing looks sloppy in my opinion and you spent all this time and energy to summon them to this plane of reality to fight. Seems odd to base them like they are still at home baking deamon cookies

I think it's best to stick to an army scheme - they're all the same army and will fight together to it makes more sense and will look better on the table top. All my Chaos armies share the same basing scheme so they fit nicely when fighting together :)

Thanks for the feedback guys! I think I'm going to go for a desert and look overall and then find ways to make them individually unique. More skulls for Khorne bases, Tzeentchy things for Tzeentch bases.. you get the idea. 


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