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Iron hands


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This doesn't give anyone much to go on unfortunately which will limit the value of any assistance. What army are you taking? Your allied army is also an important part in a doubles event, are they set in advance or random? Do you know what type of list the IH could be? There's a lot of different lists this could be, it may well be dictated by how competitive the tourney is. For example if it is quite a competitive event then the new Marine codex will be tough to fight regardless of Chapter if they want to place well; IH will just make that easier to put together, if they so wish.


If you want general bits and the like against C:SM, this topic has plenty already which should help so will be a good starting point :thumbsup:

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Best bet is to close quickly and tie em up in hand to hand. 5+ overwatch is no joke but its better than 3+ reroll 1s. Rarely are they as dangerous up close. That said hover tanks scouts and thunderfires will wreck your advance. Well played they are nearly unbeatable.
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If you're worried about the overwatch, remember you can charge around corners to deny overwatch. You can also use Warp Talons which deny overwatch the turn they deepstrike followed by other charging units. Another option that might work is charging the transport into the enemy first so that it can soak the overwatch.


If you can swing the CP, this is one of the moments I think Night Lords would shine. They have a strat and warlord trait that cripple or kill auras and improved charge range from deepstrike (for warp talons). They also have two strats that can give them +1 to hit, meaning if done right you have a 50% chance to trigger Death to the False Emperor with each hit roll (66% if you also throw in prescience).


I would also try out that Nurgle Daemon Weapon power fist. Its basicly a budget thunderhammer that always wounds on 2+. Have him follow Warp Talons, or another unit to sink overwatch, and he will wreck tougher models. With the benefit of the total possible +3 to hit (and trigger DttFE) he's a viable Knight killer so he will make easy work of Dreadnoughts (a staple in local IH armies) even without all the buffs.

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